News on the topic: human rights defenders

03.02.2009 Brest opposition is discriminated

Brest human rights activist Raman Kisliak came to this conclusion after getting an answer from Brest city executive committee to his inquiry concerning the actions that had been authorized by Brest city executive committee and had taken place at the Locomotive stadium.

Will Justice Ministry register ‘Nasha Viasna’?

02.02.2009 Will Justice Ministry register ‘Nasha Viasna’?

The Ministry of Justice is sending letters to the founders of Nasha Viasna (Our Spring) NGO. Judging by the its preceding practice in registration of NGOs, such actions seem to be aimed at finding some inaccuracies concerning the constituent assembly that was held by the initiators of the establishment of the NGO.

Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of Nasha Viasna will show the readiness of the authorities for changes pertaining to NGOs’

28.01.2009 Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of Nasha Viasna will show the readiness of the authorities for changes pertaining to NGOs’

Mr.Bialiatski’s interview concerning the registration of the Nasha Viasna human rights organization. Q: Mr.Bialiatski, Belarusian mass media have repeatedly mentioned that the Nasha Viasna human rights organization, founded by members of the liquidated Human Rights Center Viasna, has applied for registration to the Ministry of Justice.

28.01.2009 Famous lawyer Pahaniayla speaks in support of Nasha Viasna

Hary Pahaniayla, human rights lawyer and head of the legal commission of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, has commented on the registration of the Nasha Viasna human rights organization. ‘I am for Nasha Viasna being finally registered. I am looking forward to it. I would like to remind that in our unlawful state it would be better for its citizens to have as many human rights organizations as possible. I would also like to wish the Ministry of Justice reasonableness when taking a decision concerning the registration of Nasha Viasna. I wish they could abide by the law, and not act on a whim.

Human rights activists against death penalty campaign launched in Belarus

26.01.2009 Human rights activists against death penalty campaign launched in Belarus

A number of Belarusian human rights experts have launched a public campaign aimed at the abolition of capital punishment in Belarus. A special petition drawn up by representatives of the Belarusian human rights community will be sent to the Parliament, the Government and the President of Belarus.

26.01.2009 Human rights council to be created by Lukashenka

According to Radio Racyja, a public human rights council is about to be founded by the president’s administration. As yet, the Belarusian Helsinki Committee is the only organization to have been offered cooperation. The council is likely to hold two sessions a month.

26.01.2009 Statement on Nasha Viasna registration

On 26 January 2009 the Nasha Viasna human rights organization applied for registration to the Ministry of Justice of Belarus. The decision by the Supreme Court of Belarus of 28 January 2003 to liquidate the human rights center Viasna was an outrage against the freedom of association, guaranteed by the Belarusian Constitution and international human rights agreements. On 24 June 2007 the UN Human Rights Committee adopted a resolution, stating that by closing down Viasna the Belarusian authorities violated Article 22-1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In its resolution the UNHCC confirmed Viasna’s right to adequate means of legal protection, including re-registration and compensation. It also obliged the Belarusian government to take precautions against similar violations in future.

22.01.2009 Human rights expert comments on statement by Prosecutor General Vasilevich

On 21 January at a press-conference, dedicated to the recent facts of corruption among Belarusian officials, the General Prosecutor Ryhor Vasilevich said Belarus might abolish death penalty in case the country is admitted to the Council of Europe. Otherwise, Belarus will continue using the sentence as a preventive measure.

21.01.2009 Brestskaya viasna applies for registration

As a result of a constituent assembly of the newly founded human rights public association Brestskaya viasna held in Brest on 15 January, Uladzimir Vialichkin was elected its head. Uladzimir Malei was elected vice-head of the organization. The founders are now applying for registration to Brest city authorities. The aim of the organization is providing legal assistance, protecting the rights of Belarusian citizens in court and maintaining HR education projects.

13.01.2009 The practice of using drafts into the army as a means of struggle against opponents is getting widespread in Belarus

The practice of using the army for isolation and pressurization of civil and political activist is revived in Belarus. First of all, such pressurization is used towards youth activist, the majority of who were expelled from the Belarusian high schools because of their civil and political activities and therefore lost the right to determent from army service.

08.01.2009 Hrodna: detention and search of Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Viktar Sazonau

Human rights activist Viktar Sazonau and journalist Uladzimir Khilmanovich were detained at the railway station in Hrodna.

15.12.2008 Vitsebsk: unlawful placement to psychiatric hospital

On 11 December 15-year-old schoolboy Maxim Andreyeu was placed to the closed department of Vitsebsk oblast psychiatric hospital athwart his will and without parents’ agreement. On 12 December he was proposed sign in the anamnesis (allegedly that he is already 15 years old). As it was found later, he signed under ‘agreement to placement in the psychiatric hospital).

15.12.2008 Slovakia condemns Belarus for harassment of human rights defenders

The Foreign Ministry of Slovakia condemns arrests of civil activists in Minsk on 10 December.

12.12.2008 Another complaint to UN

Vitsebsk human rights defenders Alexander Mikulin and Leanid Svetsik filed to the UN Human Rights Committee a complaint concerning the registered violations during the election to the Chamber of Representatives of the fourth Convocation.

11.12.2008 Actions of Zhodzina human rights defenders evoked only positive emotions among citizens

On 10 December a number of festive actions dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were held in Zhodzina. Human rights defenders and civil society activists distributed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the streets, at the procuracy, at the executive committee, at the youth center, at a number of secondary schools, at the check-point of the Belarusian Automobile Plant. In some cases other informational materials were distributed as well. Color posters with description of all articles of the Declaration were presented to officers of the abovementioned state institutions.

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