News on the topic: human rights defenders

Refusal to register ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a manifestation of systematic and purposeful discrimination of human rights activists

03.03.2009 Refusal to register ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a manifestation of systematic and purposeful discrimination of human rights activists

On 2 March 2009 the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus decided to deny the state registration to the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna, the successor of the liquidated civil association Human Rights Center ‘Viasna’.

Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘It is obvious that non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a political decision’

03.03.2009 Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘It is obvious that non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a political decision’

Today on our own initiative we have received a copy of the decision of the Ministry of Justice concerning the registration denial to us (we could not receive it by mail as quickly as that, because it is dated 2 March). Bear in mind that the answer was taken after the expiry of the legally established term for giving such answers.

Ministry of Justice refuses to register ‘Nasha Viasna’

03.03.2009 Ministry of Justice refuses to register ‘Nasha Viasna’

On 3 March the representative of interests of the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna Uladzimir Labkovich received a copy of the decision of the Ministry of Justice On registration denial to the public association.

02.03.2009 ‘Berastseiskaya Viasna’ – attempt #2

On 2 March the initiative group of human rights activists filed documents for registration of the human rights NGO Berastseiskaya Viasna to the justice department of Brest oblast executive committee.

Vitsebsk: court justifies human rights activist Shchukin

26.02.2009 Vitsebsk: court justifies human rights activist Shchukin

Vitsebsk oblast court abolished because of absence of the corpus delicti the verdict of Pershamaiski district court according to which Valer Shchukin was to be punished for petty hooliganism.

Will Belarus get another political prisoner?

26.02.2009 Will Belarus get another political prisoner?

On 25 February a court sitting on the criminal case against Yana Paliakova took place at Salihorsk district court. She is charged with violation of article 400, part 2, ‘Knowingly false delation’ that envisages up to five years of imprisonment, informs.

23.02.2009 Valyantsin Stefanovich: Any convicted in Process of Fourteen could become next arrested

A well-known Belarusian human rights activist has commented to the Cgarter’97 press-centre the arrest of the underage participant of the Process of Fourteen Maxim Dashuk.

“As it turned out today, another political prisoner Maxim Dashuk was arrested,” Valyantsin Stefanovich said. “It is important to note that since the case of Shydlouski-Labkovich minors haven’t been arrested on political grounds (minors Alyaksei Shydlouski and Vadzim Labkovich were arrested on August 25, 1997 for painting “political” graffiti on the walls of housed in the town of Staubtsy, Minsk region, and for removing the state flag from the building of Staubsty district executive committee. – Charter’97). And Dashuk and Dubski were seized on political motives. They were persecuted for participation in the rally of market vendors on January 10, 2008, for expression of their position, realizing their right for freedom of expression”.

18.02.2009 Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Criminal prosecution of Belarusian youth is caused by the absence of alternative service’

A 26-year-old resident of the village of Kalinauka (Luban district, Minsk region) Mikhail Mikhalenia is currently serving a term for fine evasion, following a sentence by Luban district court awarded in 2007 for draft evasion. Mikhalenia refused to join the army due to his religious beliefs, since the Belarusian legislation does not provide for an alternative service for Muslims. My family adopted Islam in 2003. We stick to the laws of the Sharia and live according to the holy book of the Koran. Both the villagers and the local authorities know we live a different life style,’ says Ivan Mikhalenia, Mikhail’s father. ‘In 2006 my son was drafted to the army.

17.02.2009 Ex-leader of Belarus speaks in support of Nasha Viasna

Mechyslau Hryb, ex-Chair of the Supreme Soviet of the 12th Convocation (1994-1996), has expressed his support to the Nasha Viasna human rights association. ‘As for the registration of Nasha Viasna, I think it is high time the organization was registered. I also think that the more human rights NGOs Belarus has, the easier it would be for Belarusian citizens to protect their rights,’ said Mr.Hryb.

16.02.2009 HR Center Viasna issues statement on brutal dispersal of 14 February peaceful action

On 14 February 2008 the unregistered Young Front organization conducted a peaceful youth demonstration. In spite of the fact that the action was peaceful, the demonstrators were attacked by representatives of the Belarusian riot police, using violence and compliance weapons. As a result, dozens of citizens were beaten up. However, none of the participants of the action was detained, which indicates the deliberate character of the violent actions, aimed at intimidation and display of power by the Belarusian authorities. The violence used was demonstrative and deliberately excessive. It should be observed that the action was preceded by a series of searches at the private apartments of the Young Front members.

16.02.2009 Ministry of Justice vs. Nasha Viasna: Everything fair

The Ministry of Justice is collecting data on the founders of the Nasha Viasna human rights association, growing more and more inventive in finding faults with the organization’s application. In particular, the state officials keep checking the addresses of Nasha Viasna’s members. On 6 February, during a telephone conversation, a representative of the Ministry tried to learn information on the actual place of residence of one of Nasha Viasna’s members Ilya Bohdan.

Leanid Sudalenka supports the movement for registration of 'Nasha Viasna'

10.02.2009 Leanid Sudalenka supports the movement for registration of 'Nasha Viasna'

The human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka joins the initiative in support of his colleagues who have submitted documents for registration of the public association Nasha Viasna.

Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is the indicator of the readiness of the authorities to change their policy towards NGOs’

10.02.2009 Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is the indicator of the readiness of the authorities to change their policy towards NGOs’

Mr. Ales! At present the Belarusian mass media actively discuss the information that the documents for registration of the human rights association Nasha Viasna, among the founders of which there are members of the liquidated by the authorities Human Rights Center Viasna, have been passed to the Ministry of Justice.

The use of tortures against opposition is the reality for Lukashenka’s Belarus

04.02.2009 The use of tortures against opposition is the reality for Lukashenka’s Belarus

Belarusian human rights activists report about facts of torturing of the opposition by representatives of the Belarusian law machinery.

Human rights activists have a meeting with vice-Minister of Justice

04.02.2009 Human rights activists have a meeting with vice-Minister of Justice

The Minister of Justice accepts citizens only once a months, on the first Wednesday. On 4 February the Belarusian human rights activists, founders of the Nasha Viasna NGO Ales Bialiatski and Tatsiana Reviaka came to the Ministry of Justice to meet with the minister. However, the official was away and the audience was held by the vice-minister Alexander Simanau.

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