Another complaint to UN
Vitsebsk human rights defenders Alexander Mikulin and Leanid Svetsik filed to the UN Human Rights Committee a complaint concerning the registered violations during the election to the Chamber of Representatives of the fourth Convocation.
The reason for the complaint is the non-registration of a member of the central committee of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party, deputy head of Vitsebsk oblast party organization Alexander Mikulin as a candidate at Vitsebsk village constituency #21.
Mr. Mikulin points that the constituency election commission found invalid his double nomination as a candidate – by his party and by collection of signatures for wire-drawn reasons. The appeals against this decision to all court instances including the Supreme Court gave no result. That’s why the human rights activists decided to address to the UN Human Rights Committee with a complaint. They intend to continue defending the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and demand that the Belarusian authorities respect the Constitutional rights and liberties and implement the international undertakings.
A.Mikulin and L.Svetsik also supported the address of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) concerning the necessity of implementation by Belarus of the 16 optional recommendations of the UN Committee concerning private complaints of citizens about violations of their civil and political rights.