News on the topic: culture

Kanstantsin Zhukouski asks Homel procuracy to check the legality of the dismantling of old houses

04.12.2012 Kanstantsin Zhukouski asks Homel procuracy to check the legality of the dismantling of old houses

The civil activist Kanstantsin Zhukouski applied to the Tsentralny District Prosecutor's Office of Homel with the request to check the legality of the dismantlement of the wooden houses in Valatouskaya Street.

03.12.2012 Financial Investigations Department refuses to unblock “ARCHE” accounts

The Belarusian Association of Journalists’ motion for unfreezing the accounts of the “ARCHE” magazine was not satisfied.

27.11.2012 Vitsebsk: Ales Marachkin's art exhibition banned

The exposition was supposed to open on 30 November in the exhibition hall of the Art and Graphic faculty of the Vitsebsk State University.

08.11.2012 7 November – Communism Victims Commemoration Day

The organizing committee of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy (BChD) calls for 7 November to be recognized as the Day of Commemoration of the Communism victims.

Show solidarity with ARCHE!

02.11.2012 Show solidarity with ARCHE!

“ARCHE” is the only thick monthly magazine in the Belarusian language which has been regularly issued since 1998. However, the events that have been taking place since the arrest of it’s the then chief editor Valer Bulhakau can put a cross on the further existence of the edition.

02.11.2012 Another “Dai Darohu” concert is banned

The band from Brest cannot manage to give second concert in a row. The reason for that is sudden cancellation few days before the performance. It became known on Wednesday that the “Sphere” club in Brest refused to hold the concert. And yesterday the musicians reported that their performance at the festival Rock Wave in Hrodna was also canceled, reports.

01.11.2012 Concert of “Dai Darohu” punk band banned in Brest

A concert of the cult punk band from Brest, which was to be held in Sphere club on 3 November, has been canceled. “The club administration told us they were not able to allow the concert. I think they were scared,” band frontman Yury Stylski comments on the situation, reports. The group plans to play its next concert at Rock-Khvalia festival in Hrodna on 6 November, but musicians say the concert is at risk.

10.07.2012 Book distributor Ales Yaudakha sentenced to year of personal restraint

The sentence against Ales Yaudakha was pronounced in the Kastrychnitski district court of Minsk on Tuesday.

Homel: hotel administration breaks rent agreement with “Talaka”

14.06.2012 Homel: hotel administration breaks rent agreement with “Talaka”

The administration of the “Nadzeya” hotel cancelled the rent agreement with the Homel local core organization “Talaka” on 13 June, several days before the meeting with linguists Piatro Sadouski and Vintsuk Viachorka.

05.06.2012 Hlybokaye district: public protest against closure of library

The district authorities decided to destroy the library and recreation house in the village of Prypernaye. This made the local inhabitants angry.

"Cleaning" at old Jewish cemetery

12.03.2012 "Cleaning" at old Jewish cemetery

These days workers of the the village cooperative "Halynka" are "cleaning" the old Jewish cemetery in the village of Dziarechyn in the Zelva district. They cut down old trees which fall down on monuments and graves, without paying any attention to the harm which is done as a result.

Pinsk authorities ban literary event

09.03.2012 Pinsk authorities ban literary event

Members of the Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical fellowship "Berehynya", officially registered in Belarus, intended to hold a literary event in the village of Misiatsichy in Pinsk district of Homel region, dedicated to the 100-year anniversary of the birthday of the Ukrainian writer Fedor Odrach, born in this region. Ukrainian scientists who study the writer's work, were to come to the event.

14.10.2011 Criminal case instigated against Lyapis Trubetskoy frontman?

Musician Siarhei Mikhalok can be punished for his audacious remarks criticizing the authorities.

14.03.2011 Homel: riot police detains journalists during flash-mob against prohibition of performance of Lyapis Trubetskoy rock band

On Sunday, 13 March, civil activists held a flash-mob in the central market of Homel to protest against the prohibition of the concert of the prominent Belarusian rock band Lyapis Trubetskoy. By the way, the fact of prohibition of the concert witnesses the trustworthiness of the information that Lyapis Trubetskoy and some more bands, and artists were put on an unofficial black list by the Belarusian authorities.

Only about 20 people managed to get to ’Battle of Orsha’ feast

13.09.2010 Only about 20 people managed to get to ’Battle of Orsha’ feast

The traditional festival dedicated to the important historical date - the victory of Orsha in 1514 troops of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, was scheduled for 12 September this year. 8 September, the day of the battle, is celebrated as the Day of the Belarusian military glory by the opposition.

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