News on the topic: culture

13.07.2010 ‘Speak Truth’ passes to Minsk authorities signatures for naming a Minsk street in honor of Vasil Bykau

Officers of the Minsk city executive committee accepted 105,000 signatures in favor of renaming a Minsk street in honor of the well-known Belarusian writer.

Zelva authorities refuse to rename Savetskaya Street in honor of Larysa Heniyush

05.07.2010 Zelva authorities refuse to rename Savetskaya Street in honor of Larysa Heniyush

Some time ago, a local activist of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, Yauhen Skrabutan, addressed the Ministry of Culture and the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly with the proposal to rename Savetskaya Street in the town of Zelva into Larysa Heniush Street (in Honor of the Soviet dissident and Belarusian poet Larysa Heniyush who had lived in the town for a long time). I think that It would be a good gift for Zelva citizens on Larysa's 100th birthday.

05.03.2010 Playbills of a theatric piece about bilingualism disappeared

Translations, a play staged in Yanka Kupala Theatre by Mikalai Pinihin, has been left without bills at which a girl with a taped mouth was depicted.

04.12.2009 Authorities demolish art studio of Yury Miahki for his protest against cut-down of park trees

Dwellers of the village of Slaveni are collecting signatures under a collective letter which will be sent to the district newspaper Nasha Talachynshchyna. They demand to review the decision of the district culture department on demolition of the building where artist Yury Myahki has a studio and teach village children painting and carving.

Homel authorities disrupt celebration of ‘Dziady’

03.11.2009 Homel authorities disrupt celebration of ‘Dziady’

Activists of Homel branch of Frantsishak Skaryna Belarusian language Society are convinced that local authorities are to blame for thwarting the concert dedicated to Dziady.

Provocations and detentions at ‘Battle of Orsha’2009’ festival

07.09.2009 Provocations and detentions at ‘Battle of Orsha’2009’ festival

Traditional festival Battle of Orsha was to take place near Orsha town at night of 5-6 September. The festival is traditionally held at Krapiuna Field, the historic place of the Battle of Orsha in 1514, where the army of the Great Duchy of Lithuania (predecessor of Belarus) defeated the Russian army. Police officers said a mine had been found on the field and didn’t allow people to come there.

No premises for Congress of Belarusians

12.05.2009 No premises for Congress of Belarusians

On 7 May the Republican Art gallery in Minsk, owned by the Artists’ Union, refused to lend premises to the World Alliance of Belarusians Batskawshchyna the premises for holding the 5th Congress of the organization.

Mahiliou: arrests for white-red-white flags at ‘Lyapis Trubetskoy’ concert

08.05.2009 Mahiliou: arrests for white-red-white flags at ‘Lyapis Trubetskoy’ concert

On 7 May people were detained in Mahilou at a concert played by Lyapis Trubetskoy, while the musicians were singing the song Belarus Freedom.

Belarusians of the world cannot find accommodation for assembly

04.03.2009 Belarusians of the world cannot find accommodation for assembly

The fifth world convention of Belarusians of the world, organized by the World Alliance of Belarusians Batskawshchyna has been scheduled for 18-19 July. Delegates from 29 countries are going to take part in it.

15.12.2008 Minsk: celebration of ‘BelSat’ anniversary and ‘Clip Marathon’ are disrupted

On 14 December a festival Clip marathon of Belarusian video clips was to take place in Aquarium club. However, two days before the event its organizers had to cancel it.

15.10.2008 Krow: ‘Black lists have just changed their color’

Rapper Krow from Chyrvonym pa Bielamu band states that black lists have not disappeared, they… have just changed their color. ‘There are no blacklists any more, there are brown ones instead. Only some chosen persons, who have ‘repented’ have been crossed out from the lists that existed earlier,’ concluded the singer after sending his recordings to one of Belarusian radio stations.

13.10.2008 Teachers are prevented from attending action of Union of Poles in Belarus

About 100 teachers of Polish language haven’t been allowed to come to Hrodna for a concert organized by the Union of Poles in Belarus headed by Anzhalika Borys.

09.10.2008 Authorities blacklist more movies

Thanks to the vigilance of the Belarusian authorities new items are regularly added to the list of ‘extremist’ (prohibited) cinema and video production. At present this list includes the movie Lesson of the Belarusian Language by the Polish film producer Miroslaw Dembinski, the video recording of the concert Solidary with Belarus from Warsaw and even CDs with photos of the protest action during the presidential elections 2006. These materials were confiscated from Mahiliou journalist Alexander Burakou and were declared ‘extremist’ by verdict of a judge of Kastrychnitski district court of Hrodna Alexander Burakou.

08.09.2008 Orsha: police confiscate white-red-white flags at celebration of Military Glory Day

On 8 September Belarus celebrates one of its most important and legendary holidays, the Day of Belarusian Military Glory.

03.09.2008 Ministry of Justice demands that BPF remove white-red-flag from headquarters entrance

The central office of the Belarusian Popular Front was visited by a consultant of the department of non-governmental organization of the Ministry of Justice Alexander Kharyton.

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