News on the topic: criminal prosecution

23.07.2012 Anton Surapin not released, no suit brought

The journalist's 10-day term of detention in KGB prison has ended today, on July 23. However, the investigation has been prolonged.

FIDH demands to immediately and unconditionally release Zmitser Dashkevich

23.07.2012 FIDH demands to immediately and unconditionally release Zmitser Dashkevich

We are writing to express our concern regarding a new investigation launched against the civil activist, head of the political organization “Youth Front” Mr. Zmitser Dashlevich who was sentenced on 24 March, 2011 to 2 years of imprisonment in a high-security colony No.13 in Hlybokaye and who is expected to be released on December 18, 2012.

20.07.2012 16-year-old girl arrested in connection with Swedish teddy bears “bombing”?

Katyaryna Skurat has been detained by the KGB. Her mobile phone is not available at the moment.

Committee to Protect Journalists: KGB puts editor in jail over photos of teddy bears

19.07.2012 Committee to Protect Journalists: KGB puts editor in jail over photos of teddy bears

New York, July 18, 2012--Belarusian security agents should immediately release a website editor who has been jailed for publishing photographs of teddy bears, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

18.07.2012 Reporters Without Borders demands to release Anton Surapin

The international organization demands the immediate release of the journalist.

18.07.2012 Dashkevich's prison term may be extended

The Belarusian television says a new criminal case has been opened against Zmitser Dashkevich.

Amnesty International: Youth leader faces longer prison sentence

18.07.2012 Amnesty International: Youth leader faces longer prison sentence

Zmitser Dashkevich, a prisoner of conscience in Belarus, is facing another year in prison for allegedly violating prison rules. He has spent almost his entire sentence in punishment cells.

17.07.2012 Photographer facing criminal charge over teddy bear stunt

The Committee for State Security (KGB) has extended to 10 days the detention of young photographer Anton Surapin, who is formally suspected of helping foreigners illegally enter Belarus.

11.07.2012 Political prisoner Aliaksandr Malchanau appeals his sentence

A lawyer visited Aliaksandr Malchanau in a detention facility in Zhodzina on 9 July. She said the political prisoner would appeal against the judgement.

10.07.2012 Zmitser Dashkevich throws a challenge to the system

In response to the possible instigation of a new criminal case political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich composed an appeal to the head of the penal colony, which he mockingly called “Acknowledgment of Guilt”.

10.07.2012 Book distributor Ales Yaudakha sentenced to year of personal restraint

The sentence against Ales Yaudakha was pronounced in the Kastrychnitski district court of Minsk on Tuesday.

04.07.2012 Appeal of political prisoner Vasil Parfiankou to be considered 27 July

This May the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk sentenced Mr. Parfiankou to six months of arrest for an alleged violation of the regime of prophylactic supervision.

30.06.2012 Andrzej Pochobut released under his own recognizance

The journalist of Gazeta Wyborcza has been let off form Hrodna prison today, on June 30.

Hrodna journalists support Andrei Pachobut

29.06.2012 Hrodna journalists support Andrei Pachobut

A number of Hrodna journalists have sent an open letter to the Prosecutor General of Belarus, expressing their protests against the criminal charges brought against reporter Andrei Pachobut.

27.06.2012 The office of the unregistered “Union of Poles” is targeted by police

At present the police are searching office No100 in Budziony Street 48A in Hrodna. It is said that that there is some press in the office which contains “anti-state calls”.

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