News on the topic: criminal prosecution

04.01.2013 "Spy case": counsel not allowed to visit Andrei Haidukou

Andrei Haidukou, who is accused of spying, wasn't allowed to see his lawyer in the KGB jail on 3 January.

Anton Surapin’s Dream

29.12.2012 Anton Surapin’s Dream

The new film in the series "The Chronicle of Judgment Time" is about the repressed reporter-photographer Anton Surapin.

27.12.2012 New suspect in “spy” case

A witness in the spy case, Illya Bahdanau, has received the suspect status.

Andrei Haidukou transferred to Minsk again

27.12.2012 Andrei Haidukou transferred to Minsk again

Andrei Haidukou, Navapolatsk activist accused of treason, left the pre-trial prison in Vitsebsk on 22 December. Neither the fact of the transfer nor the reasons for it was reported to the media: the lawyer learned about it when she went to meet her client.

Fair World member appeals 3-year suspended sentence

17.12.2012 Fair World member appeals 3-year suspended sentence

Yauhen Basareuski, member of the Fair World United Party of the Left, who was sentenced to a three-year suspended prison term on December 7, is appealing the verdict at Homel Regional Court.

Front Line Defenders: Tax inspection service is being used by the authorities to put additional pressure on members of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”

06.12.2012 Front Line Defenders: Tax inspection service is being used by the authorities to put additional pressure on members of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Taciana has previously submitted a tax declaration covering the period from 2004 to 2010 in which no irregularities were found. Ms Taciana Reviaka is the president of the Belarusian Human Rights House and a council member of the Human Rights Centre Viasna, of which Mr Ales Bialiatski is the chairman.

Restraint for Andrei Haidukou left unchanged

04.12.2012 Restraint for Andrei Haidukou left unchanged

The youth activist Andrei Haidukou, one of the founders of the “Union of Young Intellectuals”, has been kept in the pre-trial prison of the KGB in Minsk for more than three weeks. In the beginning of December he was transferred to the Vitsebsk pre-trial prison #2.

03.12.2012 Financial Investigations Department refuses to unblock “ARCHE” accounts

The Belarusian Association of Journalists’ motion for unfreezing the accounts of the “ARCHE” magazine was not satisfied.

30.11.2012 Police terrorize beaten watchman

Vasil Sarochyk, who recently said about beating in the Leninski District Police Department, has faced pressure from police.

29.11.2012 Another linguistic expertise appointed over Andrei Pachobut's writings

The journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza” was called out to an investigator. Andrei Pachobut told the about that himself. He is now under an investigation on the case about the insult of Lukashenka

“Young Front” activist Pavel Siarhei threatened with criminal prosecution

27.11.2012 “Young Front” activist Pavel Siarhei threatened with criminal prosecution

One of the latest political draftees, “Young Front” activist Pavel Siarhei, who refuses to take the military oath because of his religious convictions, faces criminal prosecution.

Andrei Haidukou can’t receive medicines and letters in prison

23.11.2012 Andrei Haidukou can’t receive medicines and letters in prison

Andrei Haidukou, resident of Navapolatsk, has been in the KGB detention center since November 8, facing criminal charges "for treason to the state through intelligence activities." Andrei’s parents and friends cannot believe that he could be involved in spying, his detention in Vitsebsk being a total surprise to them.

21.11.2012 Poczobut's Case Extended Till December 21

It was announced by the official representative of the Investigative Committee in Hrodna region Siarhei Sharashanevich.

19.11.2012 KGB threatens to start criminal proceedings against BCD activist

Alyaksei Tyulkou receives threats that he may be brought to responsibility over article 193.1 of the Criminal Code.

Who was arrested over explosion near Vitsebsk KGB?

16.11.2012 Who was arrested over explosion near Vitsebsk KGB?

The Investigative Committee said on November 15 that all the detainees were released and there were no more suspects in the case initiated after an explosion outside the KGB Vitsebsk office. But the question is till open, says local human rights defender Pavel Levinau.

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