News on the topic: criminal prosecution

Vitsebsk activists lose their case and fail to get to trial over Haidukou

13.06.2013 Vitsebsk activists lose their case and fail to get to trial over Haidukou

A member of the Conservative Christian Party BPF Yan Dzyarzhautsau and the head of the Vitebsk branch of the BPF Leanid Avtukhou came to the Vitsebsk Regional Court where their appeals against verdicts of lower courts. They weren't allowed to the second floor where the second hearing on the criminal case against civic activist Andrei Haidukou was about to begin. The cassation appeals were considered for just 15 minutes. Judge Iryna Smaliakova stated that the appeals were to be dismissed.

13.06.2013 Vitsebsk: second day of trial of "spy" Haidukou

According to the information from the Vitsebsk Regional Court, where the hearings on the criminal case against Andrei Haidukou are taking place, the defendant is kept in a cage. "It can be a gross violation of his right to defense, as keeping him in a cage can hinder him to contact with his counsel during the trial", stated the Vitsebsk human rights defender Pavel Levinau.

Review of criminal case against member of "Fair World" starts at Zhlobin District Court

13.06.2013 Review of criminal case against member of "Fair World" starts at Zhlobin District Court

On 7 December 2012 Judge of the Zhlobin District Court Ina Sharshniova found a member of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Yauhen Sharshniou to three years of imprisonment with a two-year determent, and his colleague Valiantsina Kastsiukevich – to four years of persona; restraint without sending to an open penitentiary. The defendants appealed the verdict at the Homel Regional Court, after which the case was returned for review. Basareuski and Kastsiukevich are charged under Article 424 of the Criminal Code ("abuse of power or office position").

Closed hearings on "espionage case" against Haidukou being at Vitsebsk Regional Court

12.06.2013 Closed hearings on "espionage case" against Haidukou being at Vitsebsk Regional Court

At 10 a.m. the hearings on the case of Andrei Haidukou, 23-year-old Navapolatsk resident, who is accused of "high treason", started at the Vitsebsk Regional Court.

Trial in Andrei Haidukou’s case scheduled for June 12

31.05.2013 Trial in Andrei Haidukou’s case scheduled for June 12

According to Andrei Haidukou’s relatives, the case will be heard at 10 a.m. on June 12 in Vitsebsk Regional Court with presiding Judge Halina Urbanovich.

Andrei Haidukou’s mother: Trial should be open

30.05.2013 Andrei Haidukou’s mother: Trial should be open

Reports say that it is Vitsebsk Regional Court who is expected to hear the case of Andrei Haidukou, a 23-year-old employee of the Navapolatsk-based “Naftan” refinery, who is accused of “high treason”. Volha Haidukova, his mother, hopes that the trial will open for all to learn the details of the case. After all, the espionage charges brought against the Navapolatsk guy seem absurd to many.

Joint statement of BHC and Viasna on Andrei Haidukou’s case

30.05.2013 Joint statement of BHC and Viasna on Andrei Haidukou’s case

Human rights defenders call upon the authorities to provide for an open trial, during which all persons concerned could assess the validity of the charges and the legality of the prosecution and the trial.

28.05.2013 Andrej Hajdukou transferred to Viciebsk

Accused of a state treason Andrej Hajdukou will be put on trial in Viciebsk regional court. His mother Volha Hajdukova informed the web-site about that.

30.04.2013 Andrei Haidukou’s case may reach court soon

The suspect in the “spying” case Andrei Haidukou has been studying the case file, his mother Volha told to the website

Aleh Hulak: So far we have no reason to consider Andrei Haidukou a political prisoner

26.04.2013 Aleh Hulak: So far we have no reason to consider Andrei Haidukou a political prisoner

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” are concerned about the procedural irregularities in the investigation into the charges brought against Andrei Haidukou.

Mikalai Autukhovich says he may sue investigator Alikhver

15.04.2013 Mikalai Autukhovich says he may sue investigator Alikhver

The political prisoner confirmed that the person whose photos were published in the press and social networks was the investigator who had brought the first criminal case against him.

Andrei Haidukou to stay in KGB prison for another month

08.04.2013 Andrei Haidukou to stay in KGB prison for another month

The investigative group of Vitsebs Regional KGB Department continues the investigation into the “espionage case”, within the framework of which the 23-year-old worker of the state enterprise “Naftan” Andrei Haidukou is charged with “high treason”. No details of the investigation have been given publicity so far – the case remains a complete secret.

Only one accused left in "espionage case"

03.04.2013 Only one accused left in "espionage case"

Navapolatsk member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Illia Bahdanau said he was again transferred to the status of a witness in the criminal case on "high treason". His ally, 23-year-old operator of the "Naftan" enterprise Andrei Haidukou, remains the only suspect in unlawful contacts with foreign security services.

Trial of Fair World member resumed in Zhlobin

27.03.2013 Trial of Fair World member resumed in Zhlobin

Zhlobin District Court resumed today the trial of a member of the “Fair World” United Leftist Party Yauhen Basareuski. The trial was expected to start yesterday, March 26, but was resumed only today, after a number of witnesses failed to appear in court. The case was heard by Judge Alena Yarmolchyk.

23.03.2013 Criminal Prosecution Regarding Magazine ARCHE Denied

There will be no criminal case against the magazine “ARCHE. Beginning”, told the accountant of the editorial office Alena Kazlova.

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