News on the topic: criminal prosecution

17.02.2015 Founder of homeless shelter threatened with criminal case

Believer Aliaksei Shchadrou, the founder of shelter for homeless, is threatened with criminal case. The press service of the BCD told about it.

Pavel Sapelka: I’ve always been alarmed by outstanding achievements of justice statistics

16.02.2015 Pavel Sapelka: I’ve always been alarmed by outstanding achievements of justice statistics

Summing up the results of 2014, Chairman of the Supreme Court Valiantsin Sukala and Deputy Chairman Valery Kalinkovich said during a meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Court on 11 February that the legal and judicial reforms currently enforced in the country yielded positive results, and the chosen strategy and model of the national justice were correct.

Mikhail Hladki challenges verdict of Minsk District Court

05.02.2015 Mikhail Hladki challenges verdict of Minsk District Court

February 3, Mikhail Hladki, who had been illegally convicted of killing his brother, appealed to the Minsk Regional Court asking to cancel averdict of the Minsk District Court and to recognize his right to obtain compensation for the damage inflicted to him by the illegal conviction under Part 1 of Art 139 of the Criminal Code.

Pavel Sapelka about the "anti-drug" decree: “Such measures were to have been taken some 15 years - 20 ago”

15.01.2015 Pavel Sapelka about the "anti-drug" decree: “Such measures were to have been taken some 15 years - 20 ago”

According to the Decree of the President of №6 "On Urgent Measures to Combat Drug Trafficking" which came into effect on January 1 the government should adopt a comprehensive action plan including effective measures to combat drug trafficking, prevent the use of drugs and provide social rehabilitation of drug addicts. According to the Decree of the President of №6 "On Urgent Measures to Combat Drug Trafficking" which came into effect on January 1 the government should adopt a comprehensive action plan including effective measures to combat drug trafficking, prevent the use of drugs and provide social rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Yury Rubtsou leaves Minsk to serve sentence

22.12.2014 Yury Rubtsou leaves Minsk to serve sentence

Opposition activist Yury Rubtsou, who was convicted of insulting the judge, will serve his sentence in open-type correctional facility No. 7 in the village of Kuplin, Pruzhany district. The activist wrote about his in his Facebook account. He is currently being registered with the administration of the penal facility.

Reporters Without Borders is concerned for the safety of Aliaksandr Alesin

08.12.2014 Reporters Without Borders is concerned for the safety of Aliaksandr Alesin

Reporters Without Borders is concerned for the safety of the Belarus journalist, a military affairs specialist, who disappeared last month and is believed under arrest for alleged spying.

Statement of HRC “Viasna” and Belarusian Association of Journalists regarding detention of journalist Aliaksandr Alesin

05.12.2014 Statement of HRC “Viasna” and Belarusian Association of Journalists regarding detention of journalist Aliaksandr Alesin

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" and "Belarusian Association of Journalists" urge Belarusian KGB to inform the public about the cause and place of detention of the journalist of the newspaper "Belarusy i Rynak", a member of the NGO "Belarusian Association of Journalists" Aliaksandr Alesin, as well as the essence of the accusation against him.

Political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok faces one more year in prison

20.11.2014 Political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok faces one more year in prison

On November 20, it was reported that a criminal case was opened against political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok under Part 1, Article 411 of the Criminal Code - willful disobedience of the lawful demands of the administration of the correctional institution. As a result, he may be sentenced to one more year of imprisonment.

On Judge Palulekh’s code of ethics

20.11.2014 On Judge Palulekh’s code of ethics

On the eve of the hearing of an appeal by activist Yury Rubtsou, who was convicted on criminal charges of “insulting the judge”, human rights activists draw attention to the identity of the “victim” in the case – Judge Kiryl Palulekh of the Court of Minsk’s Savetski district.

Court to hear appeal of Yury Rubtsou on 21 November

19.11.2014 Court to hear appeal of Yury Rubtsou on 21 November

An appeal lodged by opposition activist Yury Rubtsou, who was sentenced to 18 months of detention in a correctional labor camp, will be considered by the Minsk City Court on November 21.

“Incident with Andrei Bandarenka is a rude and cruel provocation”

12.11.2014 “Incident with Andrei Bandarenka is a rude and cruel provocation”

Chairman of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" Ales Bialiatski commented on the hunger-strike of the imprisoned human rights activist Andrei Bandarenka.

Azerbaijani human rights activist Intiqam Aliyev may face new charges

15.08.2014 Azerbaijani human rights activist Intiqam Aliyev may face new charges

Anar Qasimli, the lawyer of the arrested the head of the Legal Education Society, fears that his client may face new charges of illegal acquisition, sale or carrying knives.

Azerbaijan: Intiqam Aliyev appeals his arrest

11.08.2014 Azerbaijan: Intiqam Aliyev appeals his arrest

Another authoritative Azerbaijani human rights activist, was arrested in Baku on 8 August. Intiqam Aliyev is the head of the Legal Education Society, whose activity was checked within the framework of a criminal case against local and foreign NGOs.

Send a letter of support to arrested activists in Azerbaijan!

11.08.2014 Send a letter of support to arrested activists in Azerbaijan!

For one week in Azerbaijan was arrested three human rights activist: Leyla Yunus, Rasul Jafarov and Arif Yunus. Each - for three months. At the same time, Azerbaijan is the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

AZERBAIJAN: Increasing repression against civil society severely tarnishes Azerbaijan's Presidency of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers

08.08.2014 AZERBAIJAN: Increasing repression against civil society severely tarnishes Azerbaijan's Presidency of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers

Paris-Geneva, August 6, 2014 - The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, an FIDH-OMCT joint programme, deplores the recent acts of harassment and arrests of prominent human rights defenders Rasul Jafarov, Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunusov, and calls on the authorities to put an end to the ongoing repression against civil society organisations and representatives.

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