News on the topic: criminal prosecution

New suspect in Autukhovich’s case

08.10.2009 New suspect in Autukhovich’s case

The resident of Hrodna Mikhail Kazlou became the fourth suspect in the criminal case of Mikalai Autukhovich. The human rights activist Aleh Vouchak learned it from the document according to which the investigation is extended to 8 November.

Mikalai Autukhovich doesn’t regain weight after hunger-strike

07.10.2009 Mikalai Autukhovich doesn’t regain weight after hunger-strike

Pavel Sapelka, lawyer of the political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich, states his client hasn’t recovered after the long hungry strike.

Chairman of Supreme Court defends practice of runarounds

06.10.2009 Chairman of Supreme Court defends practice of runarounds

On 5 October Valiantsin Sukala still refuses to discuss the problem of judicial runarounds. As said to the BelaPAN by the resident of Babruisk Valiantsina Kavalenka, 21 women from different parts of Belarus came to get Valiantsin Sukala’s audience on this matter that day.

Number of suspects in Autukhovich’s case gets smaller

06.10.2009 Number of suspects in Autukhovich’s case gets smaller

Criminal proceedings against 4 persons who, together with Vaukavysk businessman Mikalai Autukhovich, were suspects in the case of a terrorist attack preparation have been stopped.

25.09.2009 Criminal case against Yury Lyavonau closed

Three more political prisoners remain behind the bars – Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka, and Artsyom Dubski.

Entrepreneur from Vaukavysk Yury Lyavonau received a notice on closing a criminal case under article 218 part 2 (intentional damage to or destruction of property) instigated allegedly for arson of officials’ houses.

As Yury Lyavonau told in an interview to, the notice also says that a new criminal case against him was instigated under article 406 part 2 for the fact “Lyavonau had an opportunity to prevent a crime, but didn’t inform the appropriate bodies and persons about the imminent grave or especially grave crime.”

For Freedom regional activist to face eighth prosecution within two years

21.09.2009 For Freedom regional activist to face eighth prosecution within two years

Siarhei Panamarou, member of the For Freedom movement and publisher of the Boiki Kletsk independent newsletter from Kletsk, Minsk region, is likely to face another criminal charge under Article 188-2 of the Criminal Code (libel). In 2007, he was charged with libel against local state legal advisor Natallia Semashkevich in a publication in the Boiki Kletsk. The criminal prosecution was five times suspended and five times resumed. Two different expert assessments failed to find any violations of the Criminal Code. This time, the article is going to undergo another examination.

Mikalai Autukhovich is returned to prison ward

09.09.2009 Mikalai Autukhovich is returned to prison ward

The political prisoner was transferred from the medical unit of the detention facility to a common cell. Lawyer Pavel Sapelka visited Mikalai Autukhovich on 8 September.

08.09.2009 Head of Supreme Court refused to discuss judicial come-offs again

As said by the resident of Babruisk Liubou Sankevich, the head of the Supreme Court Valiantsin Sukala refused to discuss the problem of judicial come-offs with a group of women who disagree with the court decisions on their civil cases or the criminal cases against their relatives, for the third time.

Belarusian entrepreneurs call for legal appraisal of businessmen’s cases by Eastern Partnership

21.08.2009 Belarusian entrepreneurs call for legal appraisal of businessmen’s cases by Eastern Partnership

The criminal cases of Vaukavyssk businessmen Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Liavonau, Uladzimir Asipenka, as well as that of Artsiom Dubski, may receive legal appraisal in the framework of the Eastern Partnership cooperation project, the BelaPAN news agency reports quoting human rights activist Ihar Lednik. According to Mr.Lednik, the Belarusian authorities are trying to manipulate the opinions of European politicians pertaining to the criminal cases initiated after a series of protest rallies against the new staff-employment restrictions.

Vaukavusk entrepreneur Yury Liavonau released from jail till trial

10.08.2009 Vaukavusk entrepreneur Yury Liavonau released from jail till trial

As said to BelaPAN by his daughter, Yury Liavonau got home on 8 August at 4.30 p.m. Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka are still kept in pre-trial prison #1 in Minsk.

10.08.2009 Investigation into case of political prisoner Uladzimir Asipenka extended for 2 months

The investigation into the case of one of three entrepreneurs from Vaukavysk Uladzimir Asipenka has been extended to two months. Daughter of the political prisoner Liudmila Asipenka told about it on 10 August.

Supreme Court ignores addresses of convicts' relatives

04.08.2009 Supreme Court ignores addresses of convicts' relatives

The Belarusian women, whose relatives were tried with violations of the law, still complain of receiving just run-arounds instead of substantial answers. The Supreme Court acts even more boldly: the leader of the women's initiative Halina Yubko has received a packet with the complaints and the collective address that had been submitted to this state organ. The court didn't even answer to the convicts' relatives.

Brest: young anti-fascists sentenced to 6 months of personal restraint

15.07.2009 Brest: young anti-fascists sentenced to 6 months of personal restraint

Maskouski district court of Brest sentenced three people to personal restraint for alleged initiation of a fight in a bus. Representatives of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee in Brest state that the case was controlled by the KGB.

13.07.2009 Detention term to Afghan war veteran Ulanau’s extended for 10 days

The wife of the arrested Afghan war veteran has already filed a complaint with the Chief investigation department of the Interior Ministry of Belarus.

Vitsebsk activists protest against criminal persecution of human rights activist Leanid Svetsik

10.07.2009 Vitsebsk activists protest against criminal persecution of human rights activist Leanid Svetsik

Civil and political activists of Vitsebsk distributed the following statement concerning the criminal persecution of Vitsebsk human rights defender Leanid Svetsik. Expressing their protest against criminal and court persecution the activists demand an objective and all-sided trial of Leanid Svetsik’s case by a competent, independent and impartial court.

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