News on the topic: criminal prosecution

Human rights defender Leanid Svetsik had his last plea. Verdict to be pronounced on 16 July

09.07.2009 Human rights defender Leanid Svetsik had his last plea. Verdict to be pronounced on 16 July

On 9 July Leanid Svetik, who is accused under Article 130, part 1 of the Criminal Code (fomentation of national and religious enmity), had his last plea at Vitsebsk oblast court. He pleaded innocent and stated that the criminal case was the revenge of the authorities for his human rights activities. Then the judge stated that the verdict will be pronounced on 16 July.

08.07.2009 Minsk: Afghan war veteran Kanstantsin Ulanau arrested in connection with Mikalai Autukhovich’s case

On 8 June the Afghan war veteran Kanstantsin Ulanau was detained by officers of the Chief directorate on organized crime combat of the Interior Ministry of Belarus.

Vitsebsk: prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

08.07.2009 Vitsebsk: prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

On 8 July at the hearings of the criminal case against the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik at Vitsebsk oblast court the prosecutor asked the judge to punish the defendant with two years in jail.

Vitsebsk activists collect signatures in support of Leanid Svetsik

07.07.2009 Vitsebsk activists collect signatures in support of Leanid Svetsik

The civil activists of Vitsebsk are collecting signatures under an official statement in support of the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik. They intend to pass this document to Vitsebsk oblast court where the criminal case against Mr. Svetsik is tried.

07.07.2009 Police arrest director of firm where Mikalai Autukhovih worked

The director of Vaukavysk firm Nika-Taxi 22222 Liudmila Paremskaya was detained by the police and special purpose squad Almaz from Minsk. The office of the firm was searched and documents were seized.

Political prisoner Artsiom Dubski sentenced to one year in jail

07.07.2009 Political prisoner Artsiom Dubski sentenced to one year in jail

Asipovichy district court sentenced Artsiom Dubski to one year of imprisonment. He was taken to prison right after from the court hall.

Emanuel Zeltser has been released from Mahiliou prison

01.07.2009 Emanuel Zeltser has been released from Mahiliou prison

The US citizen Emanuel Zeltser was released from penal colony #15 in Mahiliou in the evening on June 30. The former prisoner flew to the United States at 5:30 a.m. on 1 July.

Haradok region: unemployed activists declare hunger-strike of protest

01.07.2009 Haradok region: unemployed activists declare hunger-strike of protest

Leanid Autukhou and Alexander Zhytkevich went on a hunger-strike of protest when they lost any hope to get employed with the assistance of the local job center.

Belarusian authorities use Article 193.1 against religious organization

30.06.2009 Belarusian authorities use Article 193.1 against religious organization

Minsk city prosecutor’s office brought a criminal case under Article 193.1 of the Republic of Belarus against a representative of a religious organization. 25-year-old citizen of Minsk Yauhen Voukau is accused of activities on behalf of the unregistered Movement of Unity (Mun’s Church).

Vitsebsk: poetess demands 7 million rubles from human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

29.06.2009 Vitsebsk: poetess demands 7 million rubles from human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

Tamara Krasnova-Husachenka has filed a lawsuit with Vitsebsk oblast court where the legal proceedings concerning the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik still continue. She demands from him 7 million rubles in alleged damages to her health.

26.06.2009 Emmanuel Zeltser stops hunger-strike till 30 June

According to information of the lawyer Zmitser Harachka, the American businessman Emmanuel Zetser, currently serving a prison term in Mahiliou prison, has stopped his hunger-strike of protest till 30 June. The layer refused from commenting on this step of his client.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ivan Kruk’s case should reach UN HR Committee’

19.06.2009 Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ivan Kruk’s case should reach UN HR Committee’

The case of Ivan Kruk, member of the civil initiative ‘Astravets Nuclear Power Plant is a Crime’, has finally reached the court. The activist is charged with distributing printed materials with no proper output data. According to Viasna’s representative Valiantsin Stefanovich, Belarusian human rights activists are ready to help Mr.Kruk in protecting his rights. ‘We consider the situation as a violation of Mr.kruk’s rights and an outrage against Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, since the Treaty guarantees the right to freely disseminate and receive any kind of information.

Oppositionists demand to drop charge against human rights activist Svetsik

17.06.2009 Oppositionists demand to drop charge against human rights activist Svetsik

Several members of the Conservative Christian Party BPF Yan Taupyha, Yan Dziarzhautsau, as well as a non-partisan activist Barys Khamaida, have addressed Judge of Vitsebsk Regional Court Halina Urbanovich with a demand to drop charges against the local human rights activist Leanid Svetsik, who is prosecuted for fomenting national hatred by the local KGB department. They claim that the prosecution is groundless and demand to prosecute the actual offenders who threatened them with violence for their political views. The judge has turned down the motion by the oppositionists, who have declared themselves victims in the case, having strong doubt about the guilt of the accused. Still, she has filed the motion to the case materials.

Punishment to two participants of Process of 14 mitigated

16.06.2009 Punishment to two participants of Process of 14 mitigated

The Tsentralny district court of Minsk considered suggestions of militia officers to mitigate punishment to Ales Straltsou and Ales Charnyshou.

As Radio Svaboda reports, they guys must have served the remaining term of restraint of liberty (one year, two months and fifteen days). The court changed restraint of liberty to correctional labour. They young men must pay 15 per cent of their payment to the state during this period.

Straltsou and Charnyshou were sentenced to 1.5 years of restraint of liberty in the Case of 14 last year. They were accused of organizing riots during rallies of entrepreneurs.

Though now liberty Straltsou and Charnyshou is not restricted, they don’t have the right to leave the country.

15.06.2009 Mitigation of sentences to two participants of ‘process of 14’

Tsentralny district court of Minsk has considered the proposals of the police on mitigation of sentences to Ales Charnyshou and Ales Straltsou, both of whom have 2 months and 15 days of personal restraint left to serve.

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