News on the topic: freedom of association

03.08.2007 Minsk: Young Front Sues Justice Department of Executive Committee

Activists of Young Front have sued to Minsk city court against the justice department of Minsk city executive committee to make the latter execute the law on public associations and register the organization.

31.07.2007 Human Rights Activists of Viasna Again Try to Obtain State Registration

On 23 July an initiative group of human rights activists applied to the Ministry of Justice for registration of the human rights public association Viasna. In the time when the authorities liquidate many NGOs and refuse to register new ones (as it recently happened to the human rights movement For Freedom!), a group of Belarusian human rights activists decided to unite their forces and try getting a state registration. A well-known human rights activist Ales Bialiatski, vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) told us about the reasons which influenced this decision and the situation of the civil right to association in Belarus:

24.07.2007 Ministry of Justice Refuses to Register "For Freedom!" Movement

The Ministry of Justice refused to register the national human rights public association For Freedom! movement. On 21 July the co-founders of the NGO received an official answer from the ministry.

17.07.2007 Criminal Charges Brought against Nasta Azarka

The first interrogation of Nasta Azarka is to take place on Friday.

12.07.2007 Another Refusal to Register 'Young Front'

The justice department of Minsk city executive committee again refused to register Minsk city public association Young Front. It is already the second refusal to register the organization. Earlier the CEC justice department refused to register it for mismatches in the charter.

12.07.2007 Criminal Case against Union of Poles in Belarus Terminated

The Belarusian authorities have stopped criminal proceedings against 4 members of the Union of Poles in Belarus. Veslau Keuliak, Andzhei Pachobut, Yozef Pazhetski, and Andzhei Pisalnik can now address Hrodna police and get a stamp in passports which allow leaving Belarus for all countries of the world.

12.07.2007 Hrodna: Unknown Person Damages Polish Diplomat’s Car

Today night unknown daubed black the car of consul Marcin Krasinski, a worker of the General Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Hrodna. Number plates and wind-screen were damaged by the word ‘butcher’ and indecent pictures.

12.07.2007 Hrodna: Unknown Person Damages Polish Diplomat’s Car

Today night unknown daubed black the car of consul Marcin Krasinski, a worker of the General Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Hrodna. Number plates and wind-screen were damaged by the word ‘butcher’ and indecent pictures.

11.07.2007 ‘Supolnasts’ to Be Liquidated?

Center Supolnasts, registered by the Ministry of Justice as Minsk city public association, faces liquidation. The liquidation trial is appointed on Friday, 13 July.

06.07.2007 Zmitser Dashkevich and Nasta Azarka Face New Criminal Charges

Criminal cases might be instigated against Zmitser Dashkevich and Nasta Azarka

05.07.2007 Criminal Case against Activists of Union of Poles Reopened

Police reopened the criminal case against four activists of the Union of Poles, which is not recognized by the authorities.

04.07.2007 “Liquidator” NGO Denied Registration

The Ministry of Justice denied registration to “Liquidator” non-governmental organization. The founding conference of the participants of liquidation of consequences of Chernobyl disaster took place on May 19th , in Minsk.

04.07.2007 Young Front Activist Summoned to Prosecutor’s Office

The summons is for Friday, July 6th.

26.06.2007 Deputy Chair of BPF Warned about Criminal Responsibility

On Friday Ales Mikhalevich, deputy chairperson of BPF Party, received an official warning about inadmissibility of violation of the law from Minsk city prosecutor’s office.

25.06.2007 Young Front Indignant at BTV Provocation

he First Channel gave the names of youth activists suspected of preparation of terrorist acts

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