News on the topic: freedom of association

For Freedom: Third Attempt to Obtain Legal Status

10.03.2008 For Freedom: Third Attempt to Obtain Legal Status

Today, on 10 March, representatives of the For Freedom movement, headed by Aliaksandr Milinkevich, again passed to the Ministry of Justice a packet of documents for state registration of the NGO.

03.03.2008 Milinkevich in Brest Region: Six Detentions for Two Days

On the way from Brest to the town of Kobryn the road police detained the car by which the leader of For Freedom movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich was driven to a meeting. The car was guarded to the local police department without any explanations. As a result Milinkevich and Co headed for Kobryn on foot. After the meeting the politician was detained for ‘unauthorized action’.

Provocation against Anzhalika Borys, Chairperson for Union of Poles

22.02.2008 Provocation against Anzhalika Borys, Chairperson for Union of Poles

In Hrodna unknown persons made a provocation against Anzhalika Borys, the chairperson for the Union of Poles in Belarus (there are two unions nowadays, and the one that is chaired by Anzhalika Borys is not recognized by the Belarusian authorities).

21.02.2008 Hrodna KGB Warns For Freedom! Activist

On 21 February Eduard Dmukhouski was summonsed to Hrodna oblast KGB office and was warned about ‘the inadmissibility of actions that grossly violate the public order.’

19.02.2008 Hrodna: KGB Pressurizes Eduard Dmukhouski

On 18 February an agent of Hrodna oblast KGB office has phoned to an activist of For Freedom! movement Eduard Dmukhouski and invited him for a meeting. When the activist refused from the proposal, the KGB activist started threatening him with administrative punishment and other problems.

18.02.2008 Constituent Assembly of Donors’ Organization in Mahiliou

On 16 February the constituent assembly of the donor’s organization Kroplia Zhyttsia (Drop of Life) took place in Belarus. The ten founders of the organization adopted the association’s charter and decided to pass to Minsk city executive committee documents for its registration

18.02.2008 Aliaksandr Milinkevich Detained and Interrogated

On 18 February the leader of the For Freedom! movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich was detained in Minsk. As the Charter’97 press-center was told by his wife, Ina Kulei, who was near him at the moment of detention, everything happened rather quickly and unexpectedly.

18.02.2008 Minsk:: Entrepreneurs' Action Disperced by Police

Entrepreneurs’ protest action, which was to be held in Minsk on 18 February, was cracked down by riot police. The people were forced out of square several times, as people come to the action. They were pushed out in the direction of Internatsyianalnaya and Bahdanovich streets. Total about 1 000 people participated in the action. Political prisoner Aliaksandr Kazulin’s daughter Volha, the leader of the movement For Freedom! Aliaksandr Milinkevich, a leader of the entrepreneur movement Aliaksandr Makayeu and a democratic activist Viachaslau Siuchyk were detained.

13.02.2008 Tatsiana Sadouskaya Rehabilitated at Work

Chashniki district court rehabilitated at work an activist of the For Freedom movement Tatsiana Sadouskaya. She educated the population in the field of housing economy at the seminars of For Freedom movement, which could irritate her boss.

13.02.2008 Homel: 2 Activists Fined for Leaflets, Uladzimir Katsora Imprisoned for 7 Days

The police detained Andrei Aliashkevich and Uladzimir Shumilin in the center of Homel, while the activists were handing out leaflets to inform the citizens about a public meeting with the leader of the For Freedom! movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich, which was not authorized by the local authorities. Aliashkevich and Shumilin were guarded to the police station, where about 1 000 leaflets were confiscated from them and administrative reports under article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of the order of organizing and holding mass actions) were drawn on them.

11.02.2008 Vitsebsk Authorities Strictly Ban Meeting with Milinkevich

Vitsebsk authorities have prohibited a meeting of with the leader of the For Freedom! movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich. The local activists Alena Famina, Aliaksei Haurutsikau and Khrystafor Zhaliapau have received a refusal from the chairman of Vitsebsk city executive committee Pavel Losich.

09.02.2008 Press Conference of Belarusian Prisoners’ Relatives

Recently a group of relatives of the prisoners who received unfair sentences has held a press conference.

09.02.2008 Public Committee to Protect Siarhei Parsiukevich Is Created

The establishment of the public committee for protection of the activist of For Freedom! movement Siarhei Parsiukevich was announced to independent journalists by the local activist Khrystafor Zhaliapau.

05.02.2008 Babruisk Has No Premises for Meeting with Milinkevich

Babruisk activists of For Freedom movement have received answers from Babruisk executive committee to their request to lend a hall for meeting with the leader of the movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich. The event was appointed on 9 February.

01.02.2008 Hrodna Oblast Court Turns down Activist’s Complaint

The resident of Masty Ales Zarembiuk received an answer from Hrodna oblast court. The activist appealed to the court against a huge fine, which was imposed on him for alleged organizing a street meeting of Masty citizens with the head of the For Freedom movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich. Zarembiuk was fined 525 000 rubles (about 244 US dollars).

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