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Milinkevich in Brest Region: Six Detentions for Two Days

2008 2008-03-03T20:43:28+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

On the way from Brest to the town of Kobryn the road police detained the car by which the leader of For Freedom movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich was driven to a meeting. The car was guarded to the local police department without any explanations. As a result Milinkevich and Co headed for Kobryn on foot. After the meeting the politician was detained for ‘unauthorized action’. 

Despite a heavy rain the meeting in Kobryn was attended by about 30 people. After the end of the action the police approached Milinkevich and told him to go with them to Kobryn district police department for giving explanations. In an hour the politician was let go. 

‘I think that the authorities are at a loss and don’t know what to do’, points Milinkevich. ‘ We are travelling across the regions to show the people that they needn’t fear, that detentions and arrests are not that terrible and that it is necessary to struggle for a better life.’ 

Aliaksandr Milinkevich believes that the authorities have a chance to correct the situation in the country.

Bear in mind that on 2 March Aliaksandr Milinkevich met with about 200 citizens of Brest. Before the meeting his car was detained for times and after the meeting the police attempted to interrogate him concerning ‘organizing an unauthorized mass action’.

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