News on the topic: freedom of association

Brest Viasna human rights organization denied registration again

22.10.2009 Brest Viasna human rights organization denied registration again

The Brest Viasna human rights organization has been denied state registration for the fourth time, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports quoting local human rights activist and one of Brest Viasna’s leaders Uladzimer Malei. In its official reply, the General Department of Justice of Brest Regional Executive Committee says that the applicants failed to provide a valid duty payment certificate. Mr.Malei says they are going to appeal the decision at Brest Regional Court.

Belarusian Party of Workers denied registration

21.10.2009 Belarusian Party of Workers denied registration

he refusal of the Ministry of Justice to register the Belarusian Party of Workers will be appealed to the Supreme Court.

The Ministry of Justice concluded that “the real number of the founders is less than the minimal number necessary to create a political party”.

The Ministry asked the BPW Council to give a protocol of the founding congress and other documents concerning the founding congress holding to check the materials presented are authentic. The BPW response was negative. They said the order of proposing delegates for the congress was studied by the credentials commission. In this connection, it was decided to suspend the state registration of the BPW and give additional time to fulfil the demands. The demands, mentioned in the delay of the registration, haven’t been performed.

20.10.2009 More fines awarded to participants of 16 October memorial picket

On 19 October Judge Ilya Svirydau of Homel Chyhunachny Court fined Valery Rybchanka, head of the Belarusian Party of Communists’ Zhlobin district office, BYR 700,000. Mr.Rybchanka is a tenth activists convicted for participating in the 16 October Hanchar and Krasouski memorial action. The total amount of fines is now BYR 10,325,000. Mr.Rybchanka says he is not surprised by the verdict: ‘Our trials are a conveyor. Once the authorities place you on the conveyor, you WILL be punished.

16.10.2009 Young leader Maxim Vinyarski sentenced to 2 days of arrest

An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” handed out leaflets with information abut political prisoners.

The activist was detained on October 15 near “Maladzyovaya” metro station. From the police department of the metro he was taken to the court of Frunzenski district. The oppositionist was found guilty of violation of the Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code – violation of the order of holding mass events, and sentenced to two days of administrative arrest.

Police detained activist of ‘European Belarus’ Maksim Viniarski

15.10.2009 Police detained activist of ‘European Belarus’ Maksim Viniarski

On 14 October the police officers of Minsk metro detained near Maladziozhnaya station the activist of the European Belarus Maksim Viniarski who was handing out informational materials with the demand to release political prisoners.

Pukhavichy authorities create obstacles to ‘Maryinahorskaya Hazeta’

15.10.2009 Pukhavichy authorities create obstacles to ‘Maryinahorskaya Hazeta’

KGB presses on entrepreneurs cooperating with independent mass media. A private entrepreneur from Maryina Horka (the Pukhavichy district) has to cancel the rental contract with Maryinahorskaya Hazeta under pressure of the local authorities. On 2 October the newspaper submitted the document for registration to the Ministry of Information.

How elderly women picked mushrooms violating the law

14.10.2009 How elderly women picked mushrooms violating the law

The Assembly of Pro-democratic NGOs continues its campaign Stop 193.1, pressing for the elimination of the disgraceful Article 193.1 from the Criminal Code of Belarus which envisages criminal punishment for activities on behalf of ‘unregistered organizations’. Recently a number of cartoons making fun of the absurdity of this article have been uploaded to the website of the organization.

12.10.2009 ‘Mahiliouki Chas’ newspaper denied registration

The Ministry of Information refused to register “Mahilouski Chas” newspaper. As website European Belarus reports, documents for registration were filed on 10 September. Editor-in-chief Hanna Illina called to the ministry and was told that the newspaper hadn’t been registered and the notice about this had been sent a week ago.

12.10.2009 Supreme Court turned down claim of Belarusian Party of Workers

The court refused to consider a claim of the founder of the Belarusian Party of Workers (BPW) against the Ministry of Justice which suspended the process of the party registration.

09.10.2009 KGB refuses to return confiscated things to Alexander Atroshchankau

Two years have passed today since the property of European Belarus activist Alexander Atroshchankau was illegally confiscated. The democratic activist tries to return his property, but all in vain, the website European Belarus reports.

Pressurization of Union of Poles in disgrace continues

07.10.2009 Pressurization of Union of Poles in disgrace continues

In Ivianets officers of law enforcement agencies pressurize members of the disgraced Union of Poles in Belarus, headed by Anzhalika Borys.

BCD Party denied premises for founding congress

07.10.2009 BCD Party denied premises for founding congress

The organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party has received the first refusals of premises for holding the founding congress.

05.10.2009 Prosecutor’s office sees no law violations in beating of opposition activists

Maskouski district prosecutor’s office of Minsk answered the complaint of the activists of the civil campaign European Belarus concerning the unlawful actions of the police on 16 July 2009.

Article 193-1 may be repealed, says Ministry of Justice

30.09.2009 Article 193-1 may be repealed, says Ministry of Justice

The Belarusian Ministry of Justice says the infamous Article 193-1 of the Criminal Code (illegal NGO membership) may soon be repealed. The statement was made at the OSCE annual Human Dimension Meeting in Warsaw, Poland. Representatives of Belarusian NGOs have presented their reports on the situation in the field of freedom of association in Belarus, including the application of Article 193-1 as a means of harassing members of unregistered NGOs. Valiantsin Stefanovich, lawyer of the Human Rights Center Viasna, spoke on Nasha Viasna’s registration trial at the Supreme Court on 10-12 August 2009.

NGO Assembly to raise question of Article 193-1 at OSCE conference

28.09.2009 NGO Assembly to raise question of Article 193-1 at OSCE conference

The Assembly of Belarusian NGOs is going to arrange a round table discussion ‘Article 193-1: Criminal Prosecution for Activities by Unregistered Organizations in Belarus’ as part of the annual OSCE’s Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw, Poland on 30 September. The discussion will cover the most burning questions of the freedom of associations in Belarus, including the practical application of the notorious Article 193-1 of the Belarusian Criminal Code and analysis on the measures aimed at improving the situation with Belarusian NGOs taken by the Belarusian authorities in the context of Belarus-EU dialogue. The meeting will be attended by representatives of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, the Human Rights Center Viasna and the NGO Assembly.

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