News on the topic: freedom of association

FIDH issues report on Viasna's registration trial

24.09.2009 FIDH issues report on Viasna's registration trial

The International Federation for Human Rights has issued a report based on the organization's observation in the case of Human Rights Association Nasha Viasna versus the Ministry of Justice that was considered by the Supreme Court on 10-12 August 2009.

No progress in relations between civil society and state, says NGO Assembly

24.09.2009 No progress in relations between civil society and state, says NGO Assembly

The Belarusian Assembly of NGOs has issued its preliminary assessment of the regime’s activities in terms of improving the situation in the field of NGOs in the context of expiry of another period of EU sanctions towards Belarus. During a briefing for representatives of international missions and journalists, Siarhei Matskevich, head of the Assembly’s Working Group, stated that there is no progress in respect of the three issues highlighted by the European Union – the repeal of Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code, the obstacles experienced by NGOs applying for state registration and the introduction of reduced rent rates for them.

Amnesty International addresses Lukashenka on Viasna's case

23.09.2009 Amnesty International addresses Lukashenka on Viasna's case

Amnesty International has written to President Alyaksandr Lukashenka of Belarus to express its concern that the human rights organization, Nasha Vyasna (Our Spring), formerly known as Vyasna, has been denied registration by the Belarusian authorities for the third time. On 12 August 2009 the Supreme Court of Belarus upheld a decision taken by the Ministry of Justice on 28 May to refuse registration to Nasha Vyasna.

Labour Party to sue Ministry of Justice

23.09.2009 Labour Party to sue Ministry of Justice

The founders of the Belarusian Labour Party have lodged a complaint with the Supreme Court against the Ministry of Justice, who suspended the party’s registration, says BLP leader Aliaksandr Bukhvostau. By appealing the decision, the party hopes that the Ministry of Justice ‘stops conducting repressive inspections of the party’s registration documents,’ says Mr.Bukhvostau.

Brest Viasna to apply for registration again

22.09.2009 Brest Viasna to apply for registration again

As a result of a founding congress of the Brest Viasna human rights organization on 18 September, the NGO members arrived at a decision to apply for state registration for the fifth time. However, some of the activists say the application is likely to be turned down again.

Maksim Viniarski fined BYR 1 mln.

22.09.2009 Maksim Viniarski fined BYR 1 mln.

Judge Aksana Reliava of Minsk Savetski Court has found European Belarus activist Maskim Viniarski guilty of violating Article 23.34 of the Civil Code (violating the regulations of holding mass actions) and fined him BYR 1,050,000.

22.09.2009 “European Belarus” activists arrested for demanding freedom for political prisoners

Youth leaders Yauhen Afnahel and Maksim Vinyarski were arrested by militia in the evening September 21 for holding a picket of solidarity in Minsk center.

About 10 activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” came to Yakub Kolas Square with portraits of political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka, and Artsyom Dubski in the evening September 21. The young oppositionists were shouting “Freedom to Political Prisoners!” The picket lasted for 20 minutes. When the participants were going to leave the square, a militia patrol detained youth leaders Yauhen Afnahel and Maksim Vinyarski.

For Freedom regional activist to face eighth prosecution within two years

21.09.2009 For Freedom regional activist to face eighth prosecution within two years

Siarhei Panamarou, member of the For Freedom movement and publisher of the Boiki Kletsk independent newsletter from Kletsk, Minsk region, is likely to face another criminal charge under Article 188-2 of the Criminal Code (libel). In 2007, he was charged with libel against local state legal advisor Natallia Semashkevich in a publication in the Boiki Kletsk. The criminal prosecution was five times suspended and five times resumed. Two different expert assessments failed to find any violations of the Criminal Code. This time, the article is going to undergo another examination.

Alexander Atroshchankau: ‘Detention in police department can’t be called anything but torture’

11.09.2009 Alexander Atroshchankau: ‘Detention in police department can’t be called anything but torture’

Alexander Atroshchankau, activist of the civil movement European Belarus, commented on the treatment of detained participants of the action No to Russian Occupation! by police.

Minsk: opposition’s action ‘No to Russian Occupation!’ ends with brutal beating, detentions and trials

10.09.2009 Minsk: opposition’s action ‘No to Russian Occupation!’ ends with brutal beating, detentions and trials

At 7 p.m. on 9 September several dozens of opposition activists came to Kastrychnitskaya Square in the center of Minsk to mark the Belarusian Military Glory Day (8 September) and protest against the joint Russian-Belarusian strategic military exercises Zapad-2009. The Belarusian democrats believe the forthcoming exercises threaten the independence of Belarus. About 6000 out of 12 500 soldiers, involved in the training, are Russians. The political leaders of Russia have stated several times about possible brining Russian troops to Belarus in case of a threat to Lukashenka’s regime.

Supreme Court turned down cassation complaint against non-registration of ‘Brestskaya Viasna’

04.09.2009 Supreme Court turned down cassation complaint against non-registration of ‘Brestskaya Viasna’

On 3 September the Supreme Court of Belarus considered cassation complaint against the non-registration of the civil association Brestskaya Viasna by the Ministry of Justice. As said by a founder of the organization Uladzimir Vialichkin, ‘the trial ended up predictably. Nobody had any illusions about it. That’s why when the pronounced the verdict: ‘The verdict of Brest oblast court is to be left without changes and the complaint is to be turned down’, for is it witnessed only that we have exhausted the means of struggle for our civil rights on the national level and have only the possibility of applying to the UN Human Rights Committee left to us.’

Brest Viasna may be registered

02.09.2009 Brest Viasna may be registered

The Department of Justice of Brest Regional Executive Committee has postponed delivering judgment on the state registration of the Brest Viasna regional public association. The official letter received by the founders of Brest Viasna requests that the NGO provided the original of the letter of guarantee concerning the issue of its legal address and approve the amendments to the NGO’s Charter proposed by Brest Viasna at a general assembly within a month’s time, thus providing certain chance for the organization to obtain state registration.

Party of Freedom and Progress denied registration

26.08.2009 Party of Freedom and Progress denied registration

The Supreme Court of Belarus has turned down a complaint by the founders of the newly-created Party of Freedom and Progress, supporting the decision by the Ministry of Justice and denying registration to the party. Judge Mikalai Babkou claimed the founders had failed to provide correct data in the application. Uladzimir Navasiad, Party of Freedom and Progress leader, says he and his party-mates are going ‘to keep being engaged in politics.’

FIDH expert comments on Viasna’s case (continued)

24.08.2009 FIDH expert comments on Viasna’s case (continued)

Kirill Koroteev, Mission Delegate of the International Federation for Human Rights, has commented on the case of the Human Rights Center Viasna, facing repeated refusals by the state registration bodies, as well as the situation in the field of Belarusian NGOs, in general. Mr.Koroteev attended the consideration of Viasna’s complaint at the Supreme Court on 12-17 August 2009, calling the final verdict a disgrace of Belarusian justice.

FIDH expert comments on Viasna’s case

21.08.2009 FIDH expert comments on Viasna’s case

Kirill Koroteev, Mission Delegate of the International Federation for Human Rights, has commented on the case of the Human Rights Center Viasna, facing repeated refusals by the state registration bodies, as well as the situation in the field of Belarusian NGOs, in general. Mr.Koroteev attended the consideration of Viasna’s complaint at the Supreme Court on 12-17 August 2009, calling the final verdict a disgrace of Belarusian justice.

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