News on the topic: freedom of association

Belarusians urged to mark European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism

20.08.2009 Belarusians urged to mark European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism

A number of Belarusian NGOs, including the For Freedom movement, Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, the Union of Poles in Belarus etc., have called upon Belarusian citizens to mark European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism on 23 August. They are planning to organize a trip of remembrance to the Katyn Massacre Memorial in Smolensk region, Russia, where some 15,000 persons of various nationalities were murdered by the Soviet special police in 1940.

For Freedom activist fined

18.08.2009 For Freedom activist fined

According to the BelaPAN news agency quoting human rights activist Raman Kisliak, on 18 August Brest Leninski Court convicted For Freedom member Dzianis Turchaniak of disobedience of police order and fined him BYR 1,400,000. According to Mr.Kisliak, the activist was detained on 17 August in downtown Brest during an opposition flash-mob. Dzianis Turchaniak claims he was not taking part in the rally. However, he, together with a Young Front activist Mikhail Ilyin, was arrested and taken to the local police department to be charged with disobedience of orders and disorderly conduct, respectively. Mikhail Ilyin is still to stand trial on 25 August after he made a request for counsel.

14.08.2009 Anzhalika Borys summonsed to police

Head of the unrecognized Union of Poles Anzhalika Borys was summoned to Leninski district police department of Hrodna.

Ales Bialiatski: The process of registration is of no less importance to us as human rights activists as the fact of registration.

13.08.2009 Ales Bialiatski: The process of registration is of no less importance to us as human rights activists as the fact of registration.

Ales Bialiatski, elected head of the human rights organization Nasha Viasna that was denied the official registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights, sums up the process of registration and shares the plans for the future.

13.08.2009 Picket in support of political prisoners

In the evening on 11 August, an action of solidarity with oppositionists in the Belarusian prisons was held in Minsk.

12.08.2009 Yury Chavusau: ‘Developments in Belarus haven’t reached even the level of 2003, when ‘Viasna’ was liquidated’

Political scientist Yury Chavusau made a comment on the decision of the Supreme Court, by which the appeal against the non-registration of the civil human rights association Nasna Viasna was turned down. He is sure that ‘this verdict witnesses only that the real developments in Belarus haven’t reached the level at which Nasha Viasna could be registered’.

12.08.2009 Supreme Court turned down appeal against non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’

The founders of the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna did not manage to get abolished the decision of the Ministry of Justice on the non-registration.

‘European Belarus’ activists detained for attempt to hang out white-red-white flag

10.08.2009 ‘European Belarus’ activists detained for attempt to hang out white-red-white flag

Activists of European Belarus Aleh Ladutska and Mikalai Tkachenka were detained by police for an attempt to hang out a white-red-white flag at the railway station in Orsha. They were kept at the police station for four hours (though only three-hour detention without charges is allowed by the law). Police officers drew up interrogation protocols.

10.08.2009 Court turns down complaint of ‘European Belarus’ Maksim Viniarski

On 7 August, a complaint of activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Maksim Viniarski was considered in court.

Ales Bialiatski: ‘The attitude to human rights activists hasn’t changed since the liquidation of ‘Viasna’ till registration denial to ‘Nasha Viasna’

06.08.2009 Ales Bialiatski: ‘The attitude to human rights activists hasn’t changed since the liquidation of ‘Viasna’ till registration denial to ‘Nasha Viasna’

Belarusian human rights activist ales Bialiatski, vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights, gives an outline of the situation of human rights defenders in Belarus during the recent years.

05.08.2009 Political prisoner Pavel Vinahradau amnestied

The activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Pavel Vinahradau found out about that on 3 August, when he visited criminal and penal inspection.

Court considers oppositionists’ complaints in their absence

03.08.2009 Court considers oppositionists’ complaints in their absence

On 31 July, Minsk city court considered a complaint of Uladzimir Kumets, an activist of the civil campaign European Belarus, convicted for ‘Freedom to Autukhovich!’ banner.

ENEMO issues statement on parliamentary election in Moldova

30.07.2009 ENEMO issues statement on parliamentary election in Moldova

ENEMO (European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations) has issued a statement on the pre-term parliamentary election in the Republic of Moldova. ‘The ENEMO International Observers’ Mission in the Republic of Moldova officially declares that it withdraws its international monitoring mission of the parliamentary election in the Republic of Moldova. The mission would like to declare that, under the conditions created by the authorities, it is absolutely impossible to perform an adequate monitoring. Besides opposition by the official authorities, the observers received threats from unknown persons of criminal appearance. In this situation, the mission cannot guarantee the security of its observers and will have to stop its activities,’ says the statement.

29.07.2009 Prosecutor’s office issued warning to Union of Poles’ magazine’s editor-in-chief

The prosecutor’s office of Hrodna believes that “Magazyn Polski na uchodzstwie” violates the Belarusian law.

As Radio Racyja was informed by the editor-in-chief Ihar Bantsar, the motive for issuing a warning were his professional activities and the fact that the magazine of the Union of Poles in Belarus which is not recognized by the authorities, headed by Anzelika Borys, does not have an imprint required by the Belarusian law

Editor of magazine of Union of Poles in Belarus summoned to prosecutor’s office

28.07.2009 Editor of magazine of Union of Poles in Belarus summoned to prosecutor’s office

Editor-in-chief of “Magazyn Polski na uchodźstwie” Ihar Bantsar received a summons from the prosecutor’s office of the Hrodna region saying he must give explanations to the deputy prosecutor.

Ihar Bantsar doesn’t exclude the reason for summons was the May issue of “Magazyn Polski na uchodźstwie”, containing a number of critical materials about Alyaksandr Lukashenka and measures taken by the committee of state security (KGB) against independent journalists. Besides, a collage depicting Lukashenka as Russian tsar Alexander III was placed on the cover, the independent journalist told Radio Svaboda.

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