News on the topic: political parties & movements

17.02.2009 Young Front activists lodge complaint against police violence

A number of Young Front members have lodged a claim with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Prosecutor’s office against the excessive use of violence by the riot police during the 14 February action. The claim features several testimonies by participants of the action.

17.02.2009 Local BPF office leader detained in Vitsebsk

On 16 February Vitsebsk police detained Kanstantsin Smolikau, head of BPF’s Vitsebsk Regional office, for distributing leaflets covering the events of 8 February when three Belarusian independent trade union members were arrested in the town of Vaukavysk. A few hours later the BPF leader was released. According to Mr.Smolikau, he is going to appeal the actions of the police.

16.02.2009 Political prisoner Artsyom Dubski transferred to pre-trial detention center

Youth activist Artyom Dubski, arrested participant of the Process of 14, will be transferred to a pre-trial detention center in Babruisk.

Activist of the “Young Front”, arrested on February 13, is still in detention facility in Asipovichy. A lawyer is to visit him today.

The Charter’97 press center learnt it from press secretary of the “Young Front” Tatsyana Shaputska.

16.02.2009 BCD allowed facilities to hold congress

Minsk city executive committee has issued permit to the Belarusian Christian Democracy movement for holding a constituent congress at the conference hall of Minsk Tractor Plant. BCD had previously attempted to find premises for the assembly in a number of Minsk enterprises. However, all of their applications were turned down by the city’s authorities. The congress was authorized after the BCD members declared they were going to hold the assembly in Katrsychnitskaya square in downtown Minsk. The congress is likely to be attended by a number of representatives of the European Parliament and famous public figures of Belarus.

13.02.2009 Zmitser Dashkevich and Mikola Dzemidzenka get arrested for action of protest

On 12 February activists of the Young Front held a protest picket against arrests of leaders of entrepreneurs Uladzimir Asipenka, Mikalai Autukhovich and Yury Liavonau near the pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street in Minsk. They were standing near the jail chanting ‘Freedom to Political Prisoners’. The picket lasted for 20 minutes.

St.Valentine’s day action still not sanctioned by Minsk authorities

11.02.2009 St.Valentine’s day action still not sanctioned by Minsk authorities

Minsk city executive committee still hasn’t given any answer to the application of the Young Front activists for sanctioning a festive carnival procession on 14 February. Bear in mind that the application was signed by three members of the organization and submitted to the committee a month before the action, following all legal requirements.

KGB continues recruiting informers among students

11.02.2009 KGB continues recruiting informers among students

Recently the State Security Committee has proposed ‘cooperation’ to Dzmitry Fiaskou, second-year student of Homel State Agrarian-economical College.

11.02.2009 Belarusian authorities continue hindrance to Belarusian Christian Democracy

Minsk authorities still haven’t given premises for a congress of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party. Bear in mind that the leadership of the European parliament has been officially invited to the event.

11.02.2009 Army medics found that Zmitser Khvedaruk is unfit for military service

Youth activist Zmitser Khvedaruk, forcefully drafted into army, will be operated on veins.

Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘Political parties have no access to the state mass media’

10.02.2009 Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘Political parties have no access to the state mass media’

The state press refuses to publish any articles by oppositional parties despite the fact that the law guarantees to them the access to mass media.

09.02.2009 KGB wants to recruit Young Front activist

Activist of the Homel branch of the Young Front Dzianis Siaskou was visited by a KGB officer in college on Thursday.

06.02.2009 Office of Prosecutor General closes criminal cases against Anatol Liabedzka

The Office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus dropped the two criminal cases against the head of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka. He has been informed about it today.

06.02.2009 Military officers confirm there was an order for drafting of Zmitser Khvedaruk

Zmitser Khvedaruk’s parents are gathering documents proving their son was unlawfully drafted for military service. They don’t have the results of the medical examination of Zmitser. They and staff of the college, where the activist studies, are gathering documents that may prove Zmitser was drafted into army unlawfully.

05.02.2009 'Young Front' sues to court against Lukashenka’s agreements with Russia

On 5 February the Young Front has sent a petition to the Constitutional Court with a call to recognize agreements with Russia signed on 3 and 4 February as inconsistent with the Belarusian legislation.

05.02.2009 Belarusian Christian Democracy Party cannot hold its constituent assembly

The owners of 10 Minsk halls refused to provide premises for the constituent assembly of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party refused to lend them for the constituent assembly of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party.

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