News on the topic: political parties & movements

Ivan Shyla: ‘I was put in a solitary cell 3 x 3 meters’

30.06.2009 Ivan Shyla: ‘I was put in a solitary cell 3 x 3 meters’

On 19-26 June the youth activist Ivan Shyla, forcedly drafted into the army, served a seven-day disciplinary arrest in the army unit. He was sentenced to it for using a mobile phone.

Anatol Liabedzka summoned to prosecutor’s office

30.06.2009 Anatol Liabedzka summoned to prosecutor’s office

On 27 June the chairman of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka received a writ to the prosecutor’s office of Tsentralny district in Minsk.

Artur Finkevich is fined for spreading leaflets

30.06.2009 Artur Finkevich is fined for spreading leaflets

The leader of Young Belarus Artur Finkevich was detained ahead of a street action and accused of spreading leaflets calling to take part in rallies.

29.06.2009 Informational campaign against political persecution of democratic activists

Representatives of 17 youth organizations launch an informational campaign against the political persecution of democratic activists.

Homel: police burst into hunger-strikers’ apartment

29.06.2009 Homel: police burst into hunger-strikers’ apartment

Policemen and people in mufti burst into a private house of democratic activist in Homel on Friday evening.

Apartment of Young Front member searched by police

16.06.2009 Apartment of Young Front member searched by police

As a result of an unauthorized search of the apartment of Andrei Tsianiuta, Young Front Homel activist, the police seized various printed materials and a personal computer. The activist had earlier been fined for participating in a Mother Language Day rally. However, Andrei Tsianiuta was unable to pay the fine due to financial straits. As a result, the activist’s apartment was visited by court executors. After Mr.Tsianiuta refused to open the door, the executors call the police, who broke into the flat and, seeing independent newspapers and national insignia, called for an investigator.

Criminal case instigated on kidnapping of Dzianis Karnou and Nasta Palazhanka

12.06.2009 Criminal case instigated on kidnapping of Dzianis Karnou and Nasta Palazhanka

A criminal case has been instigated on the kidnapping of the Young Front activists Dzianis Karnou and Nasta Palazhanka on the eve of the 25 March rally.

Participant of ‘process of 14’ Mikhail Pashkevich amnestied

12.06.2009 Participant of ‘process of 14’ Mikhail Pashkevich amnestied

The leader of Young Democrats was familiarized with the order of the prosecutor of Biaroza district saying he was included in the amnesty.

Belarusian Christian Democracy appeals against registration denial

11.06.2009 Belarusian Christian Democracy appeals against registration denial

The Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) party has filed an appeal with the Supreme Court against the denial of state registration by the justice ministry.

Artsiom Dubski is fined for graffiti in support of Autukhovich

10.06.2009 Artsiom Dubski is fined for graffiti in support of Autukhovich

The court of Asipovichy punished the Young Front activist Artsiom Dubski with a fine.

Activist of the BPF Youth Anton Kalinouski is detained on the border

09.06.2009 Activist of the BPF Youth Anton Kalinouski is detained on the border

In the morning of 9 June the border guards detained the activist of the BPF Youth Anton Kalinouski. They took away Anton's laptop for examination and searched his personal belongings. In four hours he was let go.

‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

08.06.2009 ‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

On 5 June several volunteers of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee tried held a theatric performance for abolishment of the death penalty in Belarus.

Vaukavysk: fines to participants of action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

08.06.2009 Vaukavysk: fines to participants of action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

On 8 June the judge of Vaukavysk district court Sviatlana Lantsevich fined participants of the action in support of the political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich that was held on 16 May. The head of Hrodna oblast UCP organization Yury Istomin was fined 700 000 rubles (about $252) under Article 23.34, part 3 of the Administrative Code. The members of the UCP Zmitser Bandarchuk, Andrei Ihnatsiuk, Aleh Kalinkou, Mikhas Ladushka and Alexandra Vasilevich and the head of Civil Forum Pavel Drachou were fined 70 000 rubles ($25) under Article 23.34, part 1. The trial of Vital Huliak was postponed because of his absence.

Yauhen Skrabets appeals against forced medical examination

08.06.2009 Yauhen Skrabets appeals against forced medical examination

The activist of Brest branch of the Young Front Yauhen Skrabets has been released from hospital in the evening on 5 June. Bear in mind that several days ago the police and officers of the military enlistment office detained him near the entrance of his house and forcedly took to Brest oblast hospital for medical examination.

Ivan Shyla is tried in absentia

05.06.2009 Ivan Shyla is tried in absentia

The court of Salihorsk considered Ivan Shyla’s complaint against the military enlistment office. Shyla demands the court to find illegal the actions of military and doctors during his forceful draft into the army.

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