News on the topic: political parties & movements

Jauhen Vaskovich was transferred to a single confinement cell

02.05.2014 Jauhen Vaskovich was transferred to a single confinement cell

Political prisoner Jauhen Vaskovich was transferred to a single confinement cell

Applications for memorial Chernobyl actions filed in Vitsebsk region

17.04.2014 Applications for memorial Chernobyl actions filed in Vitsebsk region

Four representatives of the Conservative Christian Party “Belarusian Popular Front” filed a request to hold a picket on April 26 to the Chyhunachny District Executive Committee of Vitsebsk in the specially designated place, Culture and Recreation Park of Railroad Workers.

16.04.2014 Political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich is pressurized through other prisoners

As it became known to the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" from sources in Mahiliou prison No. 4, the administration started exercising pressure on the activist with the use of other prisoners.

Viktar Adzinochanka: Lukashenka's statement influenced the verdict on Hrunou's case

10.04.2014 Viktar Adzinochanka: Lukashenka's statement influenced the verdict on Hrunou's case

Homel resident Aliaksandr Hrunou was repeatedly sentenced to death. The representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee in Homel, candidate of phylosophical sciences Viktar Adzinochanka commented on the verdict, issued by the Supreme Court of Belarus on April 8.

08.04.2014 Political prisoner Eduard Lobau has problems with mail correspondence

Not all the letters come through from Eduard Lobau, who is serving imprisonment term in the penal colony number 22 in Ivatsevichy.

Justice Ministry Issues Warning to United Civil Party

07.04.2014 Justice Ministry Issues Warning to United Civil Party

The Ministry of Justice of Belarus has issued an official warning to the United Civil Party.

Brest: pressurization of the UCP candidates at the local elections continues

07.04.2014 Brest: pressurization of the UCP candidates at the local elections continues

Iryna Siniapkina, who was nominated as a candidate of the United Civil Party, can be punished for an electoral picket held on February 24 in Brest.

Alena Kavalenka to be tried for unauthorized picket

02.04.2014 Alena Kavalenka to be tried for unauthorized picket

Alena Kavalenka, activist of the Conservative-Christian Party “Belarusian Popular Front”and wife of a former political prisoner Siarhei Kavalenka, took part in an electoral picket together with another CCP BPF activist, Yan Dziarzhautsau, on March 22. They stood there with a poster “Boycott the electoral farce!”

Mahiliou journalist asks the police to find the crackers of the website «Free Format»

02.04.2014 Mahiliou journalist asks the police to find the crackers of the website «Free Format»

Journalist Ales Burakou has filed an appropriate appeal to the Mahiliou police. He asks to identify the persons who hacked passwords and deleted the content of the site and bring them to legal account.

23.03.2014 BCD Executive Secretary in jail pending trial on Monday

Executive secretary of the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" Dzianis Sadouski has been placed in a detention center in Minsk’s Akrestsin Street. He was charged with disorderly conduct and will be judged on Monday, Radio Free Europe’s Belarus services said.

Homel activist Uladzimir Shytsikau detained for anti-war picketing

15.03.2014 Homel activist Uladzimir Shytsikau detained for anti-war picketing

March 15, activists of the United Civil Party held an anti-war picket near the large department store “Reshytski”. Its participants held posters with the slogans “We demand honest elections!” “Return elections!”, “23 March – another non-election”.

Only five candidates established campaign funds in Babruisk

14.03.2014 Only five candidates established campaign funds in Babruisk

Only five out of 88 candidates for the district council and the 26 candidates for the regional council used the opportunity to create their own campaign funds.

 Navapolattsk activists apply for picketing on Freedom Day

13.03.2014 Navapolattsk activists apply for picketing on Freedom Day

In Navapolatsk, representatives of political parties and democratic civil society organizations filed an application for a picket on Freedom Day, March 25.

Brest: court punishes participants of electoral picket with fines

13.03.2014 Brest: court punishes participants of electoral picket with fines

Leader of the Brest regional UCP branch Uladzimir Vuyek was fined 25 basic units, and activists of the party Dyiana Kastsiukovich and Yury Zhydovich – 10 basic units each.

Kalinkavichy: new proceedings started against UCP activist Dzianis Rabianok

13.03.2014 Kalinkavichy: new proceedings started against UCP activist Dzianis Rabianok

March 12, activist of the United Civil Party Dzianis Rabianok learned that new court proceedings had been started against him on a civil lawsuit of his neighbor, who demands that the activist pay him 10 million rubles as compensation for moral damages and lawyer's services. According to the writ handed to Mr. Rabianok, the hearings start on March 21.

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