News on the topic: political parties & movements

27.03.2012 Lyabedzka sues Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Justice

Anatol Lyabedzka applied to the Tsentralny district court with a legal action against the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

25.03.2012 Three Young Front activists detained in Hrodna

On 24 March Hrodna police detained three members of the Young Front opposition movement Natallia Tureika, Aliaksandr Sotkin and Beabata Hrabouskaya), as they were pasting leaflets, reports.

24.03.2012 Opposition activist in Minsk region summoned to prosecutor`s office ahead of Freedom Day demonstration

Viktar Dashkevich, an activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) party, has been summoned to show up at the Kopyl district prosecutor’s office on March 25, the day when opposition activists across Belarus are expected to flock to Minsk to take pat in a sanctioned "Dzen Voli" (Freedom Day) demonstration.

23.03.2012 Leu Marholin banned from leaving Belarus

The deputy chair of the United Civil Party (UCP) received an appropriate paper from the police department of Barysau.

Youth activists sentenced to 5-10 days of arrest

23.03.2012 Youth activists sentenced to 5-10 days of arrest

Minsk Maskouski District Court has sentenced Young Front activist Mikola Dzemidzenka to 10 days of administrative arrest on charges of disorderly conduct.

Young Front activists detained outside Minsk detention center

23.03.2012 Young Front activists detained outside Minsk detention center

Two members of the Young Front opposition movement were detained outside Minsk detention center in Akrestsin Street on 22 March.

22.03.2012 BHC statement on execution of Kanavalau and Kavaliou

Belarusian Helsinki Committee deeply regrets the execution of the death penalty against Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavaliou.

22.03.2012 Vintsuk Vyachorka banned from leaving Belarus

A former chair of the BPF Party and public person could not leave for the Czech Republic.

Freedom Day celebrations banned in Mahiliou

22.03.2012 Freedom Day celebrations banned in Mahiliou

Mahiliou opposition activists will not be able to hold an authorized meeting to celebrate Freedom Day on 25 March, after their application was dismissed by local executive authorities.

21.03.2012 BHC leaders appeal foreign travel ban

Aleh Hulak, chair of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, and the BHC’s chief lawyer Harry Pahaniayla have lodged complaints against the foreign travel restrictions imposed on them by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice, the BHC press-service reports.

21.03.2012 Valery Ukhnalyou banned from leaving Belarus

Valery Ukhnalyou, the deputy head of the Belarusian Left Party “Fair World”, was not allowed to cross the state border this morning.

KGB trying to deprive UCP Babruisk leader of custody of his parents

21.03.2012 KGB trying to deprive UCP Babruisk leader of custody of his parents

Viktar Buzinayeu, chair of the United Civil Party’s Babruisk office, may be deprived of right to custody of his disabled parents, say local social service officials.

Orsha authorities ban another picket

20.03.2012 Orsha authorities ban another picket

Orsha town executive authorities have banned another picket applied for by local activists of the United Leftist Party “Fair World”.

Hrodna activist harassed ahead of Freedom Day

20.03.2012 Hrodna activist harassed ahead of Freedom Day

The Hrodna organizers of a meeting on Freedom Day (25 March) have not yet received an official reply from local executive officials.

19.03.2012 UCP denied premised for congress

On March 19 the leadership of the United Civil Party received a letter from the Belarusian Union of Consumers’ Societies.

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