News on the topic: political parties & movements

Vitsebsk Regional Court upholds a fine for distribution of leaflets

01.10.2013 Vitsebsk Regional Court upholds a fine for distribution of leaflets

An activist of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” Andrei Andreyeu tried to appeal the verdict of the Kastrychnitski District Court of Vitsebsk. He was fined 2 million rubles for distributing the informational materials of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth!”.

Brest authorities ban the pickets against the introduction of the exit fee

01.10.2013 Brest authorities ban the pickets against the introduction of the exit fee

The local activists of the United Civil Party filed applications for four pickets, by means of which they intended to draw the attention of the society to the new initiative of the authorities which violates the rights of citizens, namely – the intention to take an exit fee of $100 from the Belarusian citizens who intended to buy goods abroad.

Vital Rymasheuski: “By persecuting priest Lazar the authorities want to intimidate the church”

13.09.2013 Vital Rymasheuski: “By persecuting priest Lazar the authorities want to intimidate the church”

Priest Uladzislau Lazar has been arrested by the KGB and is in the KGB remand prison in Minsk. He is accused of complicity in the state treason by alleged passing money and valuables to a person, who is charged with espionage for a foreign country. What attitude should be paid to the criminal prosecution of priest Lazar in Belarus?

National-Bolshevik Dzianis Sakhar sentenced to a fine of 4 million rubles

05.09.2013 National-Bolshevik Dzianis Sakhar sentenced to a fine of 4 million rubles

On 5 September the activist of the National-Bolshevik movement was found guilty of disobeying the lawful demands of the police (Article 23.4 of the Administrative Code) and fined 4 million rubles.

Zmitser Dashkevich: “I will continue my socio-political activities”

29.08.2013 Zmitser Dashkevich: “I will continue my socio-political activities”

Zmitser Dashkevich was arrested together with his colleague Eduard Lobau the day before the peaceful post-election protests, on 18 December, in a court yard in Panamarenka Street in Minsk. They were charged with beating two passers-by. However, nobody could see these people at the trial – they hid in a room and gave their testimonies through closed doors.

Apart from three-month arrest, Uladzimir Yaromenak sentenced to a fine of 1 million rubles

28.08.2013 Apart from three-month arrest, Uladzimir Yaromenak sentenced to a fine of 1 million rubles

Judge of the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk Siarhei Bandarenka sentenced the activist of the “Young Front” Uladzimir Yaromenak to 1 million rubles of fine. On 28 August the court considered an administrative case against the activist under Article 24.12, part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

BCD gathered 4,200 signatures for release of priest Lazar

28.08.2013 BCD gathered 4,200 signatures for release of priest Lazar

The organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy has already collected more than 4,200 signatures under the petition for the release of the arrested priest Uladzislau Lazar.

Homel court denies UCP activists the right to remind the public about the kidnapped ex-Minister of MIA

28.08.2013 Homel court denies UCP activists the right to remind the public about the kidnapped ex-Minister of MIA

Judge of the Tsentralny District Court of Homel Maryna Damnenka dismissed the appeal of activists of the United Civil Party against the ban of the twenty pickets they intended to hold on 7 May 2013 in different parts of Homel in order to remind about the kidnapping of Yury Zakharanka.

Political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich got released from jail

28.08.2013 Political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich got released from jail

The leader of the "Young Front" Zmitser Dashkevich was released from Hrodna prison today, on 28 August. It happened at half past six in the morning. The prisoner of conscience was met by dozens of people – friends, journalists and his wife – Anastasiya Dashkevich.

Mahiliou Regional Court confirms KGB supervision for BCD activist

27.08.2013 Mahiliou Regional Court confirms KGB supervision for BCD activist

Mahiliou Regional Court considered yesterday the appeal lodged by an activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, Aleh Aksionau. The activist tried to appeal against a conversation he was subjected to by the KGB agents, the Committee’s supervision over the activist, as well as the anti-Constitutional character of Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code criminalizing activities on behalf of an unregistered organization.

21.08.2013 Supreme Court upholds registration denial for United Civic Party’s youth wing

The Supreme Court of Belarus on Wednesday upheld the justice ministry's decision to deny state registration to the United Civic Party (UCP)’s youth wing called Maladyya Demakraty (Young Democrats).

15.08.2013 BCD Mahiliou coordinator summoned to Investigative Committee

Mrs. Taisiya Kabanchuk, Mahiliou Regional Coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, is expected to appear at the Office of the Investigative Committee in Babruisk, BCD press service reports.

15.08.2013 UCP leader faces administrative charges

Anatol Liabedzka, leader of the United Civil Party, and his associate from Babruisk Viktar Buzinayeu face charges of illegal distribution of the newsletter "Voice of Reason", Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Belarus service reports.

14.08.2013 Homel Regional Court defies constitutional rights of citizens

Judges of the Homel Regional Court, Eleanora Buyankova, Alena Krauchanka and Aliaksandr Khomich, put an end to the dispute between the chairman of the Homel regional office of the Belarusian Party of the Left "Fair World", Uladzimir Siakerka, and border guards who took him off the train referring to the need for “identifying the citizens put on the lists on behalf of law enforcement agencies”, reports.

Belarusian Christian Democracy applies to the prosecutor's office on priest Lazar's case

13.08.2013 Belarusian Christian Democracy applies to the prosecutor's office on priest Lazar's case

The co-chairman of the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" Vital Rymashevski and its executive secretary Dzianis Sadouski filed to the Office of the Prosecutor General a collective appeal in the case of the Catholic priest of the parish of the Holy Spirit in Barysau, Uladzislau Lazar.

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