News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Baranavichy: seventh picket ban for Ryhor Hryk

07.11.2011 Baranavichy: seventh picket ban for Ryhor Hryk

Baranavichy-based civil activist Ryhor Hryk intended to hold a picket on 12 November in order to inform the population about the failure of the police and the local authorities to abide by requirements of the Law “On National and Local Assemblies” (the matter is that civil activists Siarhei Auchynnikau, Anzhela Kambalava, Viktar Meziak and Viktar Tsiapin had been fined for holding an assembly, which was considered as a “mass event”).

Baranavichy: Viktar Syrytsa to be tried for People's Assembly

07.11.2011 Baranavichy: Viktar Syrytsa to be tried for People's Assembly

On 4 November Pavel Kulhavik, deputy chairman of the public order and prophylaxis department, drew up a report on Viktar Syrytsa, Chairman of the Baranavichy branch of the movement “For Freedom!”.

07.11.2011 Brest: Zinaida Mikhniuk to be tried before People's Assembly

The court hearing in the case of Zinaida Mikhnyuk, the head of the Brest of People’s Assembly organizing committee, began but was postponed to 11 November.

07.11.2011 Minsk: detentions after “Dziady” rally in Loshytsa suburb

On 6 November a memorial march dedicated to Dzyady (Remembrance of Ancestors Day) was held in Minsk.

07.11.2011 “Young Front” activists detained for attack on Communist rally

A group of young people threw eggs at the monument to Lenin and participants of the rally held by the official Belarusian Communist Party on Nezalezhnasts Square in Minsk. Activists were chanting “Stop Communism” and “Tribunal for Communism”, Nasha Niva newspaper informs. After a small clash with demonstrators, the guys were detained by plainclothes policemen.

04.11.2011 Homel: another rally banned

Members of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” intend to hold a rally on 20 November in order to discuss the socio-economic situation in Homel and the country as a whole. The head of the regional structure of the party Uladzimir Siakerka filed an appropriate application with the Homel City Executive Committee and also decided to conclude service agreements with the police, ambulance and public utilities.

Brest: court sides with police boss

04.11.2011 Brest: court sides with police boss

Zmitser Shurkhai, a coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, was detained on 28 June 2011, on the eve of a silent protest action, and charged with using obscene language in public.

Babruisk: detentions on Ancestors’ Commemoration Day

03.11.2011 Babruisk: detentions on Ancestors’ Commemoration Day

On 2 November Babruisk residents intended to commemorate ancestors by gathering near a Catholic cathedral and an Orthodox church, lighting candles and proceeding to a monument to victims of repressions.

03.11.2011 Homel: Uladzimir Katsora gets warned

On 2 November Uladzimir Katsora, an organizer of the People’s Assembly in Homel has been served a warning by the Savetski District Procuracy of Homel.

Vitsebsk: shall Tatsiana Seviarynets pay one fine twice?

03.11.2011 Vitsebsk: shall Tatsiana Seviarynets pay one fine twice?

Vitsebsk-based activist Tatsiana Seviarynets received a letter from the Pershamaiski District Court of Vitsebsk, signed by court marshal Katsiaryna Tkachonak. According to the letter, the activist shall pay 700,000 rubles fine for the organization of an unauthorized mass event on 3 July (she just proceeded along Lenin Street in a company of friends).

Babruisk: Kanstantsin Loktseu to be tried

02.11.2011 Babruisk: Kanstantsin Loktseu to be tried

Kanstantsin Loktseu, Chairman of the organizing committee of the People’s Assembly which had taken place in Babruisk on 8 October, was interrogated at the Babruisk City Police Department.

Vitsebsk: Tatsiana Seviarynets is warned

02.11.2011 Vitsebsk: Tatsiana Seviarynets is warned

On 12 November civil and political activists of Vitsebsk intend to hold an assembly of the Vitsebsk residents who set forth their demands at the People’s Assembly on 8 October.

Mahiliou: authorities looking for signature sheets in support of People's Assembly

01.11.2011 Mahiliou: authorities looking for signature sheets in support of People's Assembly

On 1 November Uladzimir Shantsau, an organizer of the People's Assembly in Mahiliou, was summonsed to the main justice department of the Mahiliou Region Executive Committee. Kantstantsin Krupenkin, Deputy Chairman of the justice department, demanded that Shantsau presented the lists of signers for the People's Assembly in Mahiliou.

Brest: picket bans are appealed at court

01.11.2011 Brest: picket bans are appealed at court

Viktar Chaikouski, Deputy Chairman of the national public association “Perspective”, applied to the Brest City Executive Committee for the authorization of a series of pickets aimed at turning public attention to the use of articles of the Criminal Code by the authorities with the aim to neutralize civil and public activists. The actions were to be held in different parts of the city under the slogans “Freedom to political prisoners! Stop torture and harassment!”

Baranavichy: entrepreneur is not allowed to hold a bicycle rally and foot-race

01.11.2011 Baranavichy: entrepreneur is not allowed to hold a bicycle rally and foot-race

As it follows from letter #749 of 28 October 2011, signed by A. Filanchuk, Deputy Chairman of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee, the authorities don't let entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus to hold a foot-race in the village of Vialikaya Kaupenitsa.

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