News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Another picket banned in Vitsebsk

24.04.2013 Another picket banned in Vitsebsk

Yan Dziarzhautsau, member of the Conservative Christian Party BPF, has been unable to sign a contract with the city’s medical service to hold a mass rally for the third time in a row. The picket on the anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy was banned by the local authorities exactly on the basis that there was no agreement with the health care department and police administration.

Homel court upholds picket ban

18.04.2013 Homel court upholds picket ban

Judge Zhanna Andreichyk of the Court of Homel’s Tsentralny District considered yesterday the complaint of civil activist Kanstantsin Zhukouski about a ban on holding a picket on 1 April imposed by the city executive committee. The activist and his associates were planning to hold a rally under a slogan “Homel City Executive Committee! Hands Off History!” in order to attract public attention to the destruction of unique wooden buildings in the center of Homel.

We Will Not Forget: Yury Zakharanka

17.04.2013 We Will Not Forget: Yury Zakharanka

The Minsk office of the Belarusian Popular Front hosted yesterday an event in memory of Yury Zakharanka, former Minister of Internal Affairs, who disappeared almost 14 years ago. The meeting entitled “We Will Not Forget” was arranged by activists of the Young Christian Democrats.

16.04.2013 Opposition activists in Brest seeking permission for May Day demonstration

The Brest regional chapter of the Hramada Belarusian Social Democratic Party (BSDP) has applied to the regional capital's authorities for permission to stage a May Day demonstration in the city.

15.04.2013 Henik Loika's victory

After the protest action held by architect Henik Loika near Minsk gymnasium #4, the educational establishment was prescribed to return to the Belarusian language of instruction.

15.04.2013 Ritual burial of car details in Mahiliou

On 14 April in Mahiliou car drivers expressed their protest against the unsatisfactory state of the roads by burying the details which had gone out of order on these roads, and laid down flowers on the improvised grave.

Vitsebsk activists applied for authorization of tree pickets dated to anniversary of Chernobyl accident

15.04.2013 Vitsebsk activists applied for authorization of tree pickets dated to anniversary of Chernobyl accident

Yan Dziarzhautsau, a member of the Conservative-Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front, applied to Kastrychnitski District Executive Committee with an application for the authorization of a picket on 26 April. Earlier, two similar applications were filed by the head of Vitsebsk regional branch of the Belarusian Popular Front Leanid Autukhou and the head of the regional branch of the "For Freedom" movement Khrystafor Zhaliapau.

Trial of Piotr Ivanov postponed to 17 April

15.04.2013 Trial of Piotr Ivanov postponed to 17 April

The trial of Vitsebsk citizen Piotr Ivanov, detained at the building of the regional road police on 12 April, started the same day. Mr. Ivanov solicited for the admission of his counsel to the trial. Andrei Preis, Judge of Pershamaiski Distrit Court of Vitsebsk, granted the petition. Piotr Ivanov was given time until 11.00 a.m. on 17 April in order to conclude a service agreement with a counsel, and was set free until then.

Vitsebsk: holding of picket is hindered by... box

12.04.2013 Vitsebsk: holding of picket is hindered by... box

Vitsebsk activists received a letter from the ambulance, which refused to send a car to their picket on 12 April due to alleged business.

Yan Melnikau gets fined for white-red-white flag

10.04.2013 Yan Melnikau gets fined for white-red-white flag

Activist of the "For Freedom" movement Yan Melnikau was punished with a fine for raising a white-red-white flag on 25 March in order to congratulate his compatriots on the Freedom Day.

Hrodna region: new administrative trial for photos

10.04.2013 Hrodna region: new administrative trial for photos

A new administrative trial for the publication of photographs is expected to be held in Hrodna region. On 25 March the civil activists of the city of Biarozauka traditionally commemorated a general of the Belarusian People's Republic, Kiprian Kandratovich, reburied near the Orthodox church in the district capital, Voranava in May 2000.

Nina Bahinskaya gets fined 2,5 million rubles

10.04.2013 Nina Bahinskaya gets fined 2,5 million rubles

On 10 April Maskouski District Court of Minsk considered a civil case against Nima Bahinskaya. Nina Bahinskaya was detained on Freedom Day, 25 March, for a prayer under a white-red-white flag near St. Symon and Alena church in Minsk. This is the traditional prayer, held by the relatives of political prisoners and civil activists near the monument of archangel Michael.

Mikalai Ulasevich intends to hold a picket on anniversary of Chernobyl accident

10.04.2013 Mikalai Ulasevich intends to hold a picket on anniversary of Chernobyl accident

Mikalai Ulasevich, a civil activist from the town of Varniany, filed an appeal to Astravets District Executive Committee for the authorization of the picket he wants to hold on 26 April to mark the 27th anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Homel: police, ambulance and city authorities oppose leftist May Day rally

09.04.2013 Homel: police, ambulance and city authorities oppose leftist May Day rally

Homel police and ambulance refuse to conclude the agreements for serving the May Day rally of the oppositionists, referring to the legal acts according to which such agreements can be concluded after the action is authorized by the city administration.

Homel Regional Court invents a new way of restricting civil rights

09.04.2013 Homel Regional Court invents a new way of restricting civil rights

The head of Homel Regional Court, Siarhei Shautsou, invented a new way to limit the constitutional rights of citizens. He believes that such rights can be restricted due to "objective circumstances".

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