News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Picket against foreign airbases banned in Bykhau

09.09.2013 Picket against foreign airbases banned in Bykhau

Bykhau District Executive Committee banned a picket against the deployment of foreign military bases. The action was to have taken place on 8 September at the local park “50 Hadou Peramohi”. The head of the Bykhau district organization of the Belarusian Popular Front, writer and journalist Siarhei Antonau, received an appropriate answer on 7 September.

What for has Homel City Executive Committee adopted a new ruling on mass events?

06.09.2013 What for has Homel City Executive Committee adopted a new ruling on mass events?

The Homel City Executive Committee adopted a new ruling “On Mass Events” which came into force on 5 September.

Mahiliou: court upholds picket ban

06.09.2013 Mahiliou: court upholds picket ban

The verdict was issued by Andrei Yurchanka, Judge of the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou on 3 August 2013.

Picket of Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry banned in Vitsebsk

06.09.2013 Picket of Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry banned in Vitsebsk

Valery Misnikau, the legal expert of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry in the Vitsebsk region, received a denial to his application for holding a picket, dedicated to social problems of the unemployed. According to Mr. Misnikau, he intended to hold a one-man picket on 8 September to express his protest against the Ruling of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 28 June 2013 No. 569 "On measures for implementation of the Law " On State benefits for families with children".

Bialynichy: picket against foreign airbases banned as well

06.09.2013 Bialynichy: picket against foreign airbases banned as well

Bialynichy District Executive Committee didn't let the local representatives of the Belarusian Popular Front to hold a picket on 8 September against the placement of foreign military bases on the territory of Belarus.

Mahiliou democrats were not allowed to hold a rally and procession against the Russian airbase

03.09.2013 Mahiliou democrats were not allowed to hold a rally and procession against the Russian airbase

On 2 September it became known that the Mahiliou City Executive Committee didn't authorize a protest event which was to have taken place on 8 September, the Belarusian Military Glory Day.

Minsk City Court doesn't grant Uladzimir Labkovich's appeal

02.09.2013 Minsk City Court doesn't grant Uladzimir Labkovich's appeal

Minsk City Court dismissed the cassation appeal of the human rights activist Uladzimir Labkovich against the fine of 3 million rubles, imposed on him by the Savetski District Court of Minsk. his conviction by a court of the Soviet district of Minsk 3,000,000 rubles fine.

Slonim: “Farby Voseni” against pickets

02.09.2013 Slonim: “Farby Voseni” against pickets

Recently, officials of the Slonim District Executive Committee have been trying to interfere with the holding of events held by the Slonim association of democratic forces. They always plan public events at the time when opposition's pickets and rallies are held.

Hrodna human rights defenders appeal verdict of Hrodna City Executive Committee

02.09.2013 Hrodna human rights defenders appeal verdict of Hrodna City Executive Committee

Hrodna public activists Uladzimir Khilmanovich, Viktar Sazonau and Raman Yurhel applied to the Leninski District Court against the ruling of the Hrodna City Executive Committee of 1 August, by which they were prohibited to hold an informational picket in support of Ales Bialiatski.

Court dismisses Viktar Syrytsa's claim to the state-owned newspaper “Nash Krai”

28.08.2013 Court dismisses Viktar Syrytsa's claim to the state-owned newspaper “Nash Krai”

On 27 August the Baranavichy City and District Court turned down the appeal of the social activist Viktar Syrytsa against the newspaper.

Homel police refuse to guard Fair World’s picket

27.08.2013 Homel police refuse to guard Fair World’s picket

The Homel regional office of the United Party of the Left "Fair World" submitted to the city executive committee applications for three pickets (on 24, 25 and 26 September) expected to report on the party's ideas and discuss the socio-economic situation in Belarus.

27.08.2013 10 days in jail for picketing against Russian military base

The Tsentralny District Court of Minsk sentenced yesterday Mikalai Hladyshau, Mahiliou activist of the United Civil Party, to 10 days of arrest for staging a protest against the deployment of Russian military bases in Belarus, Radio Liberty’s Belarus service reports.

Supreme Court considers Homel courts incompetent

22.08.2013 Supreme Court considers Homel courts incompetent

For nearly a year, from August 2012 to the present day, Mazyr human rights defender Uladzimir Tseliapun was seeking justice in the courts of Homel region to appeal a decision of Mazyr District Executive Committee "On Mass Events", arguing that the decision is not consistent with the law and violates the rights of citizens, the implementation of which are guaranteed by the Constitution.

Mahiliou human rights defenders appeal ban on picket in support of Ales Bialiatski

20.08.2013 Mahiliou human rights defenders appeal ban on picket in support of Ales Bialiatski

An appeal was lodged with the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou by Barys Bukhel and Aliaksei Kolchyn. The human rights defenders want the Court to cancel Decision of Mahiliou city executive committee of 19 December, 2007 "On Mass Events in the City of Mahiliou," as well as No. 15-12 of June 16, 2010 "On Amendments to Decision No. 25-19 of 19 December, 2007".

Klimavichy authorities ban picket of solidarity with political prisoners

19.08.2013 Klimavichy authorities ban picket of solidarity with political prisoners

Aliaksandr Balobin, civil society activist from Klimavichy district (Homel region), received a reply from local executive committee to his application for holding a picket of solidarity with the country’s political prisoners.

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