News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

28.04.2008 Siarhei Tryfanau gets 10 days of jail

Navabelitski district court of Homel punished the last of the tried participants of the historical tour in Homel with 10 days of jail.

On March 23rd, about 20 people with white and red balloons walked around the places related to the life of Paluta Badunova, minister of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. The police videotaped the tour, and drew up reports against 8 people for violation of the order of organizing mass events.

28.04.2008 Vitebsk activist Siarhei Kavalenka to be tried

On April 26th member of Christian Conservative Party Siarhei Kavalenka came out to the center of the city with white-red-white flag: he wanted to draw attention of the Belarusian society to the consequences of Chernobyl disaster which are still urgent for Belarus.

In literally couple of minutes he was detained by police and taken to Chyhunachny district police department. The police drew up a report under Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (“Violation of the order of organizing and holding mass events”). Kavalenka was placed in the local jail to wait for trial.

Chyhunachny district police also detained well-known activist Barys Khamaida. He was taken to the police department for distribution of independent newspapers. Khamaida was released in three hours after giving written explanations about non-state newspapers “Narodnaya Volia” and “Kuryer iz Vitebska”

28.04.2008 “Candle of Memory” in Biaroza

On April 26th, a group of pro-democratic activists, NGO members and young people organized a traditional “candle of memory” action in Biaroza. The action was dedicated to Chernobyl disaster and the memory of people who died as a result of the disaster.

It was on the city square of Biaroza, where the soviet authorities organized a Labor Day demonstration on May 1st, 1986 – right after the disaster. That’s why the activists traditionally organize the “candle of memory” action on that square – people with lit candles stand in a chain. During the last five years the police were always present, but never interfered in the action.

This year the police detained Siarzhuk Rusetski, human rights defender and BPF member. They decided he was the organizer of the action. The police drew up a report accusing him of organizing a picket. In his turn, Rusetski believes the organized action was not a picket and did not need permission from local authorities. The argument will be solved in the local court.

25.04.2008 Maria Tulzhankova received 7 days of jail

On April 25th navabelitski court of Homel heard the case against Maria Tulzhankova. Judge Aleh Kharoshka sentenced the participant of the historical tour around Homel to 7 days of jail.

Earlier judge Aleh Kharoshka tried other participants ofteh historical tour dedicated to the anniversary of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. He sentenced Sviataslau Shapavalau to 10 days of jail, Aliaksandar Protska – to 7 days of jail, and pensioner Uladzimir Nepomniashchy – to 15 days of jail. Other participants of the tour were fined: Ivan Adamenka – 20 basic units, Zmitser Kutasau and journalist Tatsiana Bublikava – 15 basic units each.

Let us remind the readers, on March 23rd, about 20 people with white and red balloons walked around the places related to the life of Paluta badunova, minister of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. The police videotaped the tour, and drew up reports against 8 people for violation of the order of organizing mass events.

25.04.2008 Mikalai Rasiuk detained in Mahiliou

Today Mahiliou police detained activist of the Social Democratic Party Hramada Mikalai Rasiuk. Rasiuk is a migrant from the territories contaminated after the Chernobyl disaster.

Recently he applied to Mahiliou city executive committee with the request to speak at the official rally dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of Chernobyl disaster. He was promised about 5 minutes to make a short speech. Mikalai Rasiuk wanted to speak against building of the new nuclear power plant. However, the police detained the democratic activist on his way to the rally. The police searched his belongings and found books by Sviatlana Aleksiyevich and a white-red-white scarf in his bag. Besides that, Mikalai Rasiuk was holding a wreath, which ribbons read: “From the United Democratic Opposition of Mahiliou city”.

The police took Rasiuk to a police station and let him go when the rally was over. The policemen did not explain the reason of the detention. Rasiuk believes that they wanted to prevent him from saying his speech.

25.04.2008 Siarhei Tryfanau detained in Homel

The democratic activist was traveling on business, and could not be present in court for the hearing of an administrative case against him. When he returned he was immediately detained by police and taken to police station. The activist will stay behind bars until the trial.

The police drew up reports of administrative offence under Article 23.34 (Violation of the order of organizing mass events) on participants of the historical tour dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. Seven people have already been tried, four of them were sentenced to 7-15 days of jail, and three were fined from 15 to 20 basic units. Siarhei Tryfanau is the last person who is to be tried on these charges.

23.04.2008 Homel journalist tried for red coat and white balloons.

Pro-democratic activists Ivan Adamenka and Dzmitry Kutasau, and journalist Tatsiana Bublikava, were fined for participation in a tour dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. They received fines from 525, 000 to 700, 000 BYR.

Activists Aliaksandar Pratsko and Sviataslau Shapavalau will spend 7 and 10 days in jail, respectively. They were all found guilty of participation in a street demonstration and a picket. The police demonstrated a video as a proof of their participation.

22.04.2008 Police seize leaflets for Chernobyl March

On April 21st Frunzenski district police seized 30,000 leaflets for the Chernobyl March, permitted by the authorities.

Activists of the Movement for Freedom were detained for stickers which invited citizens to join the march. Frunzenski district police drew up report about seizure of the printed materials despite the fact that the action was permitted by the authorities. According to the police, the stickers were seized for checking the publisher of the materials.

22.04.2008 Minsk city executive committee changes the route proposed by Chernobyl March organizers

On April 21st the negotiation between the applicants for permission for Chernobyl March and the authorities took place. The authorities were represented by Minsk city executive committee official Henadz Kurbeka, prosecutor Aliaksei Stuk, and deputy head of public safety department Melnik.

11.04.2008 Rally leader fined

Pukhavichy district court sentenced Siarhei Abrazouski to a fine of 1,400,000 roubles for organizing an unauthorized action of protest against the construction of a chemicals plant. Abrazouski considers himself innocent and is going to appeal the decision.

09.04.2008 Polatsk: Detentions after trial over Katsiaryna Salauyova

8 April in the evening at the town exit of Polatsk the road police stopped the car with the youth activists, members of the Young Front and the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Liudvisia Atakulava, Valery Matskevich, Dzianis Sadouski, Aliaksei Shein and Pavel Sitnik. During the detention the policemen told that the chair of Polatsk town police department had some questions to them.

08.04.2008 Polatsk: Aliaksei Yanusheuski detained at action in support of Katsiaryna Salauyova

The youth activist was detained near the building of Polatsk court during the trial over the member of the underground organization Young Front Katsiaryna Salauyova.

07.04.2008 Participant of 25 March action has broken rib

Doctors of Minsk hospital #3 diagnosed Andrei Babitski, activist of the civil campaign European Belarus, with ‘closed displaced fracture of eighth rib’. The youth activist and dozens of other participants of the demonstration on 25 March were beaten up brutally by riot policemen. Emergency brigade, called to the Savetski district police department, refused to help the oppositionist.

04.04.2008 Amnesty International: Demonstrators beaten during Freedom Day march

Amnesty International condemns the reportedly excessive use of force by Belarusian security forces against demonstrators who had gathered in the capital, Minsk, on 25 March 2008. Up to two thousand people had gathered in a square in the centre of the city to mark the ninetieth anniversary of the short-lived independence of Belarus in 1918, which is now referred to by the political opposition as Freedom Day. The authorities had not sanctioned the demonstration and President Alexander Lukashenka’s government had vowed to prevent any public action to mark the occasion.

04.04.2008 Homel: youth activist Mikita Bahrou expelled from university

28 March the third-year student, activist of youth democratic movement Mikita Bahrou was expelled from the state technical university of Homel.

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