News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

17.02.2009 Young Front activists lodge complaint against police violence

A number of Young Front members have lodged a claim with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Prosecutor’s office against the excessive use of violence by the riot police during the 14 February action. The claim features several testimonies by participants of the action.

16.02.2009 HR Center Viasna issues statement on brutal dispersal of 14 February peaceful action

On 14 February 2008 the unregistered Young Front organization conducted a peaceful youth demonstration. In spite of the fact that the action was peaceful, the demonstrators were attacked by representatives of the Belarusian riot police, using violence and compliance weapons. As a result, dozens of citizens were beaten up. However, none of the participants of the action was detained, which indicates the deliberate character of the violent actions, aimed at intimidation and display of power by the Belarusian authorities. The violence used was demonstrative and deliberately excessive. It should be observed that the action was preceded by a series of searches at the private apartments of the Young Front members.

Anti-nuclear pickets are banned again

13.02.2009 Anti-nuclear pickets are banned again

The authorities still don’t authorize actions of protest against the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Astravets district. The executive committees of Vileika and Maladzechna did not grant the petitions for authorization of anti-nuclear pickets in these towns.

St.Valentine’s day action still not sanctioned by Minsk authorities

11.02.2009 St.Valentine’s day action still not sanctioned by Minsk authorities

Minsk city executive committee still hasn’t given any answer to the application of the Young Front activists for sanctioning a festive carnival procession on 14 February. Bear in mind that the application was signed by three members of the organization and submitted to the committee a month before the action, following all legal requirements.

05.02.2009 Performance against home arrest to opposition activists

On 4 February a performance was held in the centre of Minsk in defense of oppositional activists sentenced to house arrest for participation in the protest rally of market vendors.

03.02.2009 Huge fines for anti-KGB rally

Activists of the Young Front and the Belarusian Christian Democracy have been fined millions of rubles for the rally staged against arbitrary actions of the KGB.

03.02.2009 Brest opposition is discriminated

Brest human rights activist Raman Kisliak came to this conclusion after getting an answer from Brest city executive committee to his inquiry concerning the actions that had been authorized by Brest city executive committee and had taken place at the Locomotive stadium.

03.02.2009 Homel: police detain participants of action against political dismissals

On 3 February in Homel the police detained three activists of Young Front and of the organizing committee the Belarusian Christian Democracy party.

02.02.2009 Pickets in support of "Volnaye Hlybokaye" are banned

Hlybokaye district executive committee refused to authorize the pickets in defense of a non-state newspaper Volnaye Hlybokaye at the town market, where the newspaper is distributed.

02.02.2009 Youth protest against politically motivated drafts into the army

More than a dozen of activists of the unregistered organization Young Front held participated in the action of protest opposite the building of the Ministry of Defense. They stood there with the banner ‘No to political army drafting!’ and chanted ‘Freedom to Shyla! Freedom to Franak! Freedom to Khvedaruk!’

30.01.2009 Anti-conscription action to be held in New-York

The Belarusian Youth Movement of America calls upon the Belarusians of the USA, Canada and other countries to support the youth activists Ivan Shyla, Franak Viachorka and Zmitser Khvedaruk in their struggle against the politically motivated conscriptions to the Belarusian army and hold a number of actions in front of Belarusian embassies in various countries of the world. The campaign will include a picket in front of the UN headquarters in New-York on 7 February.

29.01.2009 Vitsebsk activists to protest construction of houses in place of Fascist death camp

A number of Vitsebsk public activists are going to support the campaign against the construction of a housing area on the location of a WWII concentration camp, which claimed 120,000 lives. The campaign was initiated by surviving ex-victims of the 5th Regiment death camp, located on the outskirts of the town.

29.01.2009 Ukrainian youth NGO hold picket against illegal drafting of Belarusian activists

The Ukrainian youth union Nasha Ukraina held a picket in front of the Belarusian embassy to Kiev urging the Belarusian authorities to stop political persecution of Belarusian civil activists, the illegal conscription to the army of Franak Viachoka in particular.

28.01.2009 Fingerprints for attempt to file petition to Lukashenka

More than 70 women who disagree with decisions of courts in their civil cases and criminal cases of their family members, ask the authorities to stop psychological pressure on them by the regime.

In the address to Alyaksandr Lukashenka of January 27, it is said in particular that according to the Constitution women addressed him many times, and via mass media too, to find protection from lawlessness performed by officers of the court and prosecutors.

28.01.2009 Brest activists strive for right to hold actions

15 public and political activists from Brest region have been trying to appeal the decision of Brest town authorities of 25 October 2006, which determined the location for holding mass actions. The activists think the remote stadium allocated for mass actions in Brest is a violation of their civil rights, as well the rights to freedom of speech and association. Guided by Articles 19 and 21 of the International Convent on Civil and Political Rights, the activists urge to abolish the lawless decision. It is their 9th attempt to protect their rights and freedoms. In case the claim is turned down again, the activists are going to address the UN Human Rights Committee.

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