News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

27.01.2009 Liabedzka to picket Lukashenka’s administration

The United Civil Party leader Anatol Liabedzka says he is going to hold a picket in front of the President’s administration building in protest against the travel ban introduced on him in late 2007 following a criminal case against the politician. Two months ago Liabedzka addressed the General Prosecutor Vasilevich with a request to accelerate the investigation. As yet, the final decision on the matter is not taken.

27.01.2009 Hanging up national flag equaled with hooliganism

An activist of “European Belarus” Marta Majseenka has been fined for flying the national flag on October Square in Minsk.

On December 30 the girl was detained for hanging up the national flag on the New Year Tree on October Square in Minsk. Riot policemen traditionally accused her of foul speech in a public place. The girl spent a night in a cell in the police department of Tsentralny district. A report was drawn up on charges relating article 17.1 of the Administrative Code (“petty hooliganism”) against the activist. Trial started the next day, but as witnesses, riot policemen who detained Marta, didn’t appear in the court, the trial was rescheduled for January 13, the website of “European Belarus” campaign informs.

21.01.2009 Activists convicted for phantom action

Minsk Regional Court has affirmed the sentence passed by Kletsk Town Court fixing a penalty of BYR 1,500,000 roubles to Siarhei Panamarou for organizing an unsanctioned mass action. The action, as it turned out, never actually took place. The activist says he is going to appeal the decision at the Supreme Court of Belarus.

19.01.2009 Expulsion for picket?

According to, Illya Kavalei, student of Salihorsk economic college, applied for holding a picket against the vulnerability of Belarusian citizens to the economic policy of the state. Two days later he was invited for a conversation by the college administration. During the conversation he was threatened to be expelled from the college or even criminal prosecution.

19.01.2009 Picket banned in Slonim

Slonim town authorities did not allow holding a picket in the town center. The action organized by the BPF’s local office representatives Ivan Biadko and Ivan Sheh was aimed at expressing protest against the aggravation of the economic situation in Belarus. The authorities used precaution measures to prevent the ‘unsanctioned action’ – Ivan Biadko was visited by a police officer, while Ivan Sheh was recommended to leave his job.

19.01.2009 Polish minority protest action in Hrodna

On 17 January some 200 members of the unregistered Union of Poles in Belarus, headed by Andzelika Borys, held an unsanctioned action of protest in front of the building of the Union of Poles in Hrodna. The demonstrators expressed their discontent with the town authorities’ decision to confiscate the building constructed at the expense of the Polish government.

17.01.2009 Solidarity Day: Finkevich and Kastylenka detained

On 16 January, shortly after the end of a solidarity action plainclothes riot police officers detained leader of the Young Belarus movement Artur Finkevich and a YB activist Siarhei Kastylenka. The activists were distributing leaflets containing a list of kidnapped Belarusian journalists and politicians.

16.01.2009 Soviet-Afghan war veterans to refuse state award

On 8 January president Lukashenka decreed to found a new medal commemorating the 20th anniversary of the total withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. At the same time, Kletsk district organization of Soviet-Afghan war veterans declared they intend to return the medals. The initiative was kept up by a number of veterans across Belarus. The wave of protest provoked by the deteriorating situation in the field of social protection of war veterans is likely to be supported by hundreds of veterans.

13.01.2009 Schoolmaster threatens ‘Young Front’ activist with imprisonment

Recently an activist of Homel branch of the Young Front Andrus Kuzmin has been called for a conversation to the headmaster of his school in connection to his detention during New Year celebrations.

12.01.2009 Brest authorities ban pickets

Recently the civil activists Raman Kisliak, Iryna Laurouskaya and Dzianis Turchyniak have received from Brest city executive committee an answer to their application for authorization of a series of pickets.

12.01.2009 Anti-nuclear action in Salihorsk

On 12 January Salihorsk activists of the civil campaign European Belarus held a picket against construction of an atomic power station in Belarus.

12.01.2009 Baranavichy: entrepreneurs protest

On 12 December at 12 a.m. a protest of small entrepreneurs took place in Baranavichy in Lenin Square near the building of town executive committee. The people protested against the increase of taxes and payment for trade places.

12.01.2009 ‘European Belarus’ activists get arrested for handing out porridge

On 11 January activists of the civil campaign European Belarus unfurled a poster Crisis came to country! Handout! and brought a 25-liter pot of buckwheat porridge near Kamarouski Market of Minsk.

08.01.2009 Brest: court supports prohibition of ‘March of Petty Hooligans’

The College Board on civil cases of Brest oblast court upheld the prohibition of the March of Petty Hooligans by Brest city executive committee.

08.01.2009 Authorities prohibit anti-nuclear rally again

Smarhon authorities again banned a picket against construction of a nuclear power station in Astravets district. They explained it by saying that the president still had not signed the appropriate order.

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