News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

25.03.2009 Freedom Day: chronicle of persecution

10.00 – According to Radio Liberty, three BPF Youth activists from Baranavichy were arrested by Minsk police this night

10.30 – According to Euroradio, at about 6 a.m. Homel police arrested activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Kastus Zhukouski and Siarhei Tryfanau

11.35 – Salihorsk police arrested activist Aliaksandr Tsetsura on his way to Minsk

11.45 – Minsk police detained Russian citizens Oleg Kozlovsky, leader of the Oborona organization, Aleksandr Savelyev and Maksim Tarlykov shortly after their arrival in Minsk.

12.40 – UCPB leader Anatol Liabedzka says ‘some 50 provokers have been trained to organize a provocation.’

13.15 – Homel Court sentenced activists Kanstantsin Zhukouski and Siarhei Tryfanau to 3 days of prison and BYR 1,050.000 respectively.

13.25 – Russian citizens Oleg Kozlovsky, Aleksandr Savelyev and Maksim Tarlykov deported from Belarus

14.20 – The police search the flat of Aleh Ladutska, activist of the ‘Jeans – For Freedom’ movement, and detain Palina Dziakava

14.50 – Three activists Siarhei Kavalenka, Ihar Bazarau and Valery Aliaksandrau detained by Vitzebsk police after organizing a rally in the city center

15.10 – The police search the flats of Young Front activist Dzianis Karnou and Valer Matskevich

15.35 – Yakub Kolas square surrounded by hundreds of policemen and dozens police buses

16.35 – According to lj-users, Minsk TV center is surrounded by the police

24.03.2009 Vitsebsk authorities ban 25 March demonstration

Vitsebsk City Executive Committee has banned the 25 Freedom Day action organized by the Belarusian Popular Front’s local activists. In its reply to the application by the BPF’s Vitsebsk City Office, the local authorities said the requested location was not meant for holding mass actions and thus put a ban on the rally.

19.03.2009 100 Cities Say No to Minsk and Demand EU Foreign Policy

Last night, over 110 cities across Europe and worldwide, from Oslo to Istanbul, from Lisbon to Vilnius as well as in Dubai, Mexico, Pretoria and New York took to the streets against Lukashenko's unjust Belarus dictatorship, demanding a European Foreign Policy.

Activists across the continent gagged statues – symbolically preventing them from speaking freely – much like the current situation for many Belarusian citizens and leaders of democracy and oppositions movements.

05.03.2009 Baranavichy: trial over picketer

Today in Baranavichy there took place the first sitting of the administrative case against Ryhor Hryk. The police accuse hum of organization of an unauthorized picket and distribution of non-state press.

Brest: court upholds picket ban

05.03.2009 Brest: court upholds picket ban

The judge of Leninski district court of Brest Alena Dzenisenka turned down the complaint of the human rights activist Reman Kisliak and three more people against the ruling of Brest city executive committee for banning their picket in the center of the city.

04.03.2009 Fined for action in support of Belarusian language

The court of Tsentralny district of Homel has fined participants of the rally in support of the native language 525 000 rubles ($185).

03.03.2009 'Young Front' activists are fined for action in front of presidential administration

Five activists of the Young Front were detained for an unauthorized picket. They were standing with a streamer ‘No to political terror!’ in front of the administration of Lukashenka.

Supreme Court turns down Siarhei Panamarou’s cassation complaint

02.03.2009 Supreme Court turns down Siarhei Panamarou’s cassation complaint

The deputy head of the Supreme Court Valer Kalinkovich upheld the verdict of Kletsk district court, according to which an activist of For Freedom movement was fined for allegedly preparing an unsanctioned mass action.

26.02.2009 Brest: court turns down complaint of BSDP ‘Hramada’ against picket ban in Brest

On 25 February Leninski district court of Brest turned down the appeal of Brest city organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada against the ban of the picket against the deterioration of the life standards of the region’s dwellers.

Haradok: Leanid Autukhou has lost the trial, but does not give in

26.02.2009 Haradok: Leanid Autukhou has lost the trial, but does not give in

Haradok district court turned down the lawsuit of Leanid Autukhou against the deputy head of Haradok distirct executive committee for violation of the constitutional right of citizens to peaceful assembly.

24.02.2009 Solidarity picket held in Minsk

On 23 February several activists of the Young Front unregistered youth organizations held a picket of solidarity with Artsiom Dubski, one of the persons involved in the notorious ‘case of 14’, in downtown Minsk. Earlier this year the general prosecutor’s office initiated a criminal prosecution of the activist for cell communication fraud. Artsiom Dubski was arrested on 13 February as he was crossing the Ukrainian border and taken to Babruisk detention center. He was accused of evading the verdict. The trial is due on 3 March. The peaceful rally was not stopped by the police. The activist’s party-mates said they were going to hold similar actions daily unless Dubski is released.

24.02.2009 Pickets in support of political prisoners near pre-trial detention center in Valadarski Street

Pickets of solidarity with new political prisoners continue to take place near the pre-trial detention center of city militia department of the Minsk city executive committee.

At 6.00 p.m. February 23, activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” came to the pre-trial detention center in Valadarski Street. They held portraits of Maksim Dashuk, a new Belarusian political prisoner, arrested on Monday. In spite of attempts of riot militia to stop it, the picket lasted for 30 minutes, as it was planned.

23.02.2009 Activists detained for celebrating Mother Language Day

Homel Thsentralny Borough Court sentenced Kastus Zhukouski to 7 days of arrest for participating in a Mother Language Day action in downtown Homel. Vasil Takarenka, Marysia Tulzankova and Ales Viartseika were fined BYR 700,000 each. The teenagers were standing in the center of Homel holding posters with the words ‘Mother Tongue’ and a Russian phrase ‘Banned’ across. Their mouths were covered with green and red ribbons. NB: International Mother Language Day, celebrated annually on February 21, aims to promote the recognition and practice of the world’s mother tongues, particularly minority ones.

19.02.2009 Anti-nuclear power station construction rally banned

Hrodna Regional Court has turned down the claim by an Astravets civil activist Mikola Ulasevich, urging to reverse the decision by the local authorities to ban a series of pickets of protest against the construction of a nuclear power plant in Astravets district. According to the activist, the court’s decision was initiated by the executive power, which keeps harassing civil activists attempting to oppose the construction of the nuclear power plant in Astravets. However, Mr.Ulasevich is going to appeal the verdict at the Supreme Court of Belarus.

19.02.2009 “Hunt” of participants of solidarity action in Barysau

Participants of the action of solidarity, held in Barysau on February 16, are threatened with expulsion from education establishments.

As the Charter’97 press center has learnt from the activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Aleh Haravy, pupils of the 9th form of school #8 Mikita Halakhvastau and Artur Dzivin were called to the school administration on Wednesday. The headmaster had some conversations with Halakhvastau, Dzivin, and their parents. She asked the boys to explain in written form why they had participated in the action of solidarity. Then the headmaster said Halakhvastau and Dzivin would be visited “by people from Minsk” on February 19.

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