News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

14.08.2009 Vaukavysk district court justifies oppositionists

Vaukavysk district court retried the case of eight members of the United Civil Party and justified them.

13.08.2009 Baranavichy court takes sides with anti-nuclear activists

On 13 August Baranavichy court considered the lawsuit against the three youngsters who had been detained in April for making a number of graffiti on the walls of Baranavichy district executive committee and the Barauchanka knitting factory. In April the activists were tried for it. 18-year-old Aliaksei Zhynherouski was fined 350 000 rubles and two his under-age fellows-in-arms – 70 000 rubles each.

Leanid Autukhou fined 1.4 million rubles for celebrating Independence Day

13.08.2009 Leanid Autukhou fined 1.4 million rubles for celebrating Independence Day

Judge of Haradok the district court found Leanid Autukhou guilty of organizing an unauthorized action and fined him 1.4 million rubles (about $487).

13.08.2009 Picket in support of political prisoners

In the evening on 11 August, an action of solidarity with oppositionists in the Belarusian prisons was held in Minsk.

Violation protocol drawn up on ‘Young Front’ activist Vadzim Barouski

05.08.2009 Violation protocol drawn up on ‘Young Front’ activist Vadzim Barouski

Police officers drew up a protocol for bad keeping of the house and surrounding territory against Vadzim Barouski, Young Front activist from Lida.

Oppositionist detained for action of solidarity with political prisoner Dubski

30.07.2009 Oppositionist detained for action of solidarity with political prisoner Dubski

“Young Front” activists from Lida town pasted information posters “Freedom to Dubski” on Wednesday.

Two people in mufti and militiamen came up to “Young Front” activist Vadzim Barouski in the evening July 29 near the town park, where the activist was spreading information about the political prisoner. The guy was guarded to the district militia department. The youth activist gave explanations there and was freed an hour later,” the website reports.

Dozens of portraits of arrested participant of the Process of 14 Artsyom Dubski appeared in the streets.

Mass arrests on Independence Day in Minsk

28.07.2009 Mass arrests on Independence Day in Minsk

Riot militiamen arrested more than 20 activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” who wanted to celebrate the 19th anniversary of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Belarus in the centre of Minsk.

On July 27 at 7 p.m. in Yanka Kupala park activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” planned to hold a flash mob dedicated to the Independence Day of Belarus. Each one of the young people took out a copy of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Belarus and started to read it.

In Lida Young Front activists detained for leaflets “Freedom to Dubski”in Lida Young Front activists detained for leaflets “Freedom to Dubski”

28.07.2009 In Lida Young Front activists detained for leaflets “Freedom to Dubski”in Lida Young Front activists detained for leaflets “Freedom to Dubski”

On July 27 in Lida near the railway station policemen detained Vadzim Barouski and Kastus Litvinski.

Young activists were pasting informational leaflets about the political prisoner Artsyom Dubski.

Policemen took “Young Front” activists to the regional police department.

“In the regional police department policemen didn’t know what article to pin on us, so they put the Criminal Code on the table and said: you can choose one yourselves,” Vadzim Barouski said in an interview to the website

Arrests for national flags started in regions

27.07.2009 Arrests for national flags started in regions

In the town of Haradok, Vitsebsk region, young oppositionists planned to celebrate the Independence Day on July 27 by a rally under a white-red-white flag.

15 young activists gathered on the central square of the town with national flags and scanned slogans: “Long live Belarus!” As a result, policemen detained activists of “European Belarus” Iryna Pyatrova and Leanid Autukhou, and “Moladz BNF” activists Valery Ramanenka and Taras Surhan.

A report was drawn up against the detained on charges relating article 23.34 of Administrative Code – “Participation in unsanctioned events”. It is known that the court is to take place today.

21.07.2009 Action on Independence Day July 27 banned in Mahilou

The Mahilou city executive committee didn’t allow opposition activists to hold information pickets in the city center dedicated to the 19th anniversary of adoption of the Declaration of the State Sovereignty of the BSSR by the Supreme Council of the BSSR.

The answer, signed by deputy head of the city vertical Fyodar Mikheenka, says there is a special place for such actions in Mahilou – Cheluskintsev Street near house #54-a. this place is far from crowded streets. To get a permit for an action the applicants must sign a contract with the local militia, medical workers, utility services and pay them.

Over 60 activists detained on Solidarity Day

20.07.2009 Over 60 activists detained on Solidarity Day

According to RFERL, over 60 persons were arrested on Solidarity Day across the country. The arrests were neither recorded nor reached the court. Artur Finkevich, leader of the Young Belarus movement, was beaten by the police in Kastrychnitskaya square in Minsk. All the detainees were finally released.

Homel: journalist detained for covering mass action of protest

08.07.2009 Homel: journalist detained for covering mass action of protest

On 8 July in the morning in Homel people in mufti detained a member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, independent journalist Aleh Razhkou.

Mikalai Autukhovich has been hungering for 82 days already

08.07.2009 Mikalai Autukhovich has been hungering for 82 days already

Youth activists continue actions in support of the political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich, who is on hunger strike for the 84th day in pre-trial detention facility #1 of the police department of Minsk city executive committee.

Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

08.07.2009 Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

The detained participants of a peaceful picket in the memory of the missing cameraman Zmitser Zavadski spent some hours at the police department where printed materials were seized.

08.07.2009 Veterans of Afghan war sue ‘Sovetskaya Belorussiya’

The co-chairmen of the organizing committee of the association of Afghan war veterans Defenders of Fatherland Aleh Vouchak and Alexander Kamarouski have filed two suits against the newspaper of the presidential administration of Lukashenka, Sovetskaya Belorussiya to Savetski district court of Minsk.

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