News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Vitsebsk BPF office members protest against rally restrictions

22.09.2009 Vitsebsk BPF office members protest against rally restrictions

Kastus Smolikau, head of the BPF’s Vitsebsk regional office, has lodged a complaint with Vitsebsk Regional Prosecutor’s Office, urging the local authorities to reverse the restrictions on demonstrations procedures. The activist says the decision by Vitsebsk city authorities is unlawful, since it restricts the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, by limiting the number of authorized locations for holding mass actions to three places on the outskirts of the city. Besides, the decision fails to regulate indoor meetings, which, in reality, is a ban on holding such assemblies.

EU condemns crackdown on September 16 rally and violence against opposition in Belarus

18.09.2009 EU condemns crackdown on September 16 rally and violence against opposition in Belarus

Sweden which is the country presiding in the European Union has made a statement slamming crackdown on the peaceful rally of solidarity in Minsk dedicated to the 10th anniversary of opposition leaders’ abduction.

"The Presidency urges the Belarusian authorities to refrain from the use of force in dealing with peaceful demonstrations and to ensure that representatives of independent media are able to perform their tasks without interference," Sweden, holder of the rotating presidency, said in a statement on Thursday, as quoted by the website of “European Belarus” movement.

18.09.2009 Journalists protest against riot policemen’s lawlessness at opposition rallies

The Belarusian Association of Journalists expresses its protest against harsh interference to professional activities during the rallies on September 16 and 9.

As noted in the statement of the organisation, on September 16 in the evening law-enforcers used force interfering Belarusian and foreign journalists to shoot the events during the rally in commemoration of disappearances of politicians Viktar Hanchar and Anatol Krasouski 10 years ago. “People in plainclothes acted rudely, closing the lenses of cameras, with the risk to damage equipment and hurt journalists, pushed them away from the scene of events, though journalists had identity documents of their editorial offices,” the BAJ statement underlines.

Mass arrests on Solidarity Day in Belarus again

17.09.2009 Mass arrests on Solidarity Day in Belarus again

An opposition rally was brutally disbanded on September 16 in Minsk. Riot policemen prevented journalists from videoing violent arrest detention of demonstrators.

Opposition activists have gathered today on October Square in the centre of the city to pay tribute to the memory of Vice Speaker of the Supreme Soviet of the 13th convocation Viktar Hanchar, and businessman and public leader Anatol Krasouski who went missing 10 years ago. By 6 p.m., when the rally was to start, there were many riot policemen in mufti. Public transport was not stopping on the square on purpose. People were searched near the square. White-red-white flags, banners and portraits of Hanchar and Krasouski were searched.

Beaten participants of peaceful actions addressed prosecutor’s office

14.09.2009 Beaten participants of peaceful actions addressed prosecutor’s office

Two youth activists who had been detained during the forced dispersal of the protest action against the arrival of the Russian troops in Belarus within the frames of the strategic training Zapad-2009 and beaten by police, addressed the prosecutor’s office with the demand to hold a check-up and bring the guilty to account.

Authorities ban picket for education in Belarusian language

14.09.2009 Authorities ban picket for education in Belarusian language

Minsk city executive committee banned the picket ‘Give Belarusian children Belarusian school’ because the action would allegedly hinder the traffic in Banhalor Square. The association of right-wing forces Right Alliance intended to hold the action on 16 September in Druzhby Narodau Park in Banhalor Square.

11.09.2009 Statement of Human Rights Center ‘Viasna’: Authorities again showed complete disregard of human rights

On 9 September 2009 in Minsk a peaceful action of the citizens who came to Kastrychnitskaya Square of Minsk to express their opinion concerning the participation of the Russian military forces in the joint Bealrusian-Russian military training, was dispersed with an exceptional violence.

Alexander Atroshchankau: ‘Detention in police department can’t be called anything but torture’

11.09.2009 Alexander Atroshchankau: ‘Detention in police department can’t be called anything but torture’

Alexander Atroshchankau, activist of the civil movement European Belarus, commented on the treatment of detained participants of the action No to Russian Occupation! by police.

Minsk: opposition’s action ‘No to Russian Occupation!’ ends with brutal beating, detentions and trials

10.09.2009 Minsk: opposition’s action ‘No to Russian Occupation!’ ends with brutal beating, detentions and trials

At 7 p.m. on 9 September several dozens of opposition activists came to Kastrychnitskaya Square in the center of Minsk to mark the Belarusian Military Glory Day (8 September) and protest against the joint Russian-Belarusian strategic military exercises Zapad-2009. The Belarusian democrats believe the forthcoming exercises threaten the independence of Belarus. About 6000 out of 12 500 soldiers, involved in the training, are Russians. The political leaders of Russia have stated several times about possible brining Russian troops to Belarus in case of a threat to Lukashenka’s regime.

‘Young Front’ pickets Russian Embassy on Belarusian Military Glory Day

08.09.2009 ‘Young Front’ pickets Russian Embassy on Belarusian Military Glory Day

Riot police detained Young Front activists Mikalai Dzemidzenka and Marharyta Karol. The young oppositionists tried to unfurl a banner near the Russia’s embassy in Minsk, RFE/RL reports.

04.09.2009 Minsk authorities banned picket dated to anniversary of disappearance of Viktar Hanchar and Anatol Krasouski

The United Civil Party office received a written notice about this on 3 September, RFE/RL reports.

Opposition rallies not welcome in downtown Vitsebsk

28.08.2009 Opposition rallies not welcome in downtown Vitsebsk

Vitsebsk city authorities have arrived at a decision to restrict the number of locations for holding pickets and rallies to three places on the outskirts of the city, thus putting a ban on organizing mass actions in downtown Vitsebsk. The same decision also regulates the procedures of holding demonstrations, including permits by local police, medical and utility departments. Local pro-dem activists have repeatedly called upon the city authorities to authorize holding rallies in the city center. However, the officials are still afraid of letting opposition activists hold actions in downtown Vitsebsk.

Brest activist Ilyin fined BYR 140,000

25.08.2009 Brest activist Ilyin fined BYR 140,000

Brest Leninski Court has fined local opposition activist Mikhail Ilyin BYR 140,000 for organizing a picket in downtown Brest on 17 August, convicting him of disorderly conduct. ‘The evidence provided by the policemen who had arrested the picket participants was inaccurate and false. The judge, in his turn, rejected Ilyin’s motion for additional evidence for the defence. Moreover, the judge ignored information concerning the violence used against the picket participants during the arrest,’ says Brest human rights lawyer Raman Kisliak.

Poster “Communism=Fascism” considered insanitariness

24.08.2009 Poster “Communism=Fascism” considered insanitariness

Administrative reports were drawn up against “Young Front” activists Mikalai Dzyamidzenka and Hanna Bunko.

The youth activists held an action on Independence Square in Minsk on August 23 – they fixed a poster “Communism=Fascism” to the monument to Lenin. The young people were detained by militia and guards of the House of Government.

Dzyamidzenka and Bunko were guarded to the Maskouski district militia department of Minsk, where administrative reports on the article “insanitariness” were drawn up against them, Radio Svaboda reports.

Minsk authorities ban anti-crisis picket

18.08.2009 Minsk authorities ban anti-crisis picket

According to Radio Racyja, Minsk city authorities have banned an anti-crisis picket in downtown Minsk on 18 August. The picket was arranged by activists of the oppositional Belarusian Party of Communists, who were going to protest against the violations of the social rights of workers, as well as to demand a wage rise, advance of social benefits and prevention of mass job destruction. According to the party’s press secretary Siarhei Vazniak, the authorities banned the rally because they are afraid of the social campaign launched by the local oppositional Communists and members of the United Civil Party of Belarus.

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