News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

15.10.2009 Baranavichy: human rights defenders apply to prosecutor’s office

The human rights defenders of Baranavichy seek to stop the disgraceful practice of banning mass actions by the local authorities. Siarhei Housha, Karnei Piatrovich and Viktar Syrytsa prepared an address to the prosecutor’s office of Baranavichy district concerning the ban of a picket to them.

Uladzimir Katsora demands to punish police perjurers

15.10.2009 Uladzimir Katsora demands to punish police perjurers

On 14 October the head of Homel branch of the For Freedom movement Uladzimir Katsora addressed Homel oblast prosecutor’s office with the demand to instigate a criminal case against the police officers who had drawn up on him deceitful reports following his detention on 16 September. Later Katsora and some other democratic activists of Homel were fined by court on the basis of these documents.

14.10.2009 Baranavichy: civil activists get fined for collecting signatures

The court of Baranavichy and Baranavichy district found two activists of the ‘4th sector’ campaign guilty of violating Article 17.1 (petty hooliganism) and were fined 70 000 rubles (about $25) each.

Fined for rally that didn't take place

14.10.2009 Fined for rally that didn't take place

On 13 October the Chyhunachny district court of Homel tried 7 pro-democratic activists. As BelaPAN informs, on 16 September 16 oppositionists planned to hold a rally of solidarity with the families of the abducted, but were detained by police on their way to the place where the event was held. As a result, the rally hadn’t taken place.

Human rights defenders remind about problem of death penalty in Belarus (photos)

12.10.2009 Human rights defenders remind about problem of death penalty in Belarus (photos)

On 10 October, the World Day against the Death Penalty, representatives of human rights organizations reminded the public about the problem of the death penalty in Belarus. As it was discovered as a result of talks with passers-by, some of them even did not know such kind of penalty existed in Belarus while the death verdicts continued to be issued in the country.

Navapolatsk: police detain participants of action against death penalty

12.10.2009 Navapolatsk: police detain participants of action against death penalty

Navapolatsk police detained the human rights defender Zmitser Salauyou and the youth activsits Alina Kucharenka and Yury Palonski during an informational action dated to the Universal Day against the Death Penalty within the framework of the campaign Human Rights Defenders against Death Penalty in Belarus.

‘Young Front’ activist tried in absentia for ‘Communism = Fascism’ picket

12.10.2009 ‘Young Front’ activist tried in absentia for ‘Communism = Fascism’ picket

Hanna Bunko was fined 175 000 rubles for a picket dedicated to the 70th anniversary of signing Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.

08.10.2009 Baranavichy: authorities ban picket against death penalty

The deputy head of Baranavichy city executive committee Dzmitry Kastsiukevich answered the application of Siarhei Housha for holding of a picket against the death penalty on 10 October, the World day against the death penalty.

08.10.2009 Statkevich summonsed to own security department of MIA

On 6 October the coordinator of the European coalition Mikalai Statkevich was summonsed to the security bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The politician believes he was not the only person to be summonsed there, as the case of the beating of the participants of the 16 September action in Minsk is being investigated. However, he is convinced the police hold the investigation not to restore the justice. ‘It is done for Europe, with the hope that the sanctions will be lifted, after which they would be able to do such things with complete impunity’, commented Statkevich.

Rally of trade union activists in Minsk

08.10.2009 Rally of trade union activists in Minsk

Activists of the Democratic Trade Unions Congress held a rally dedicated to the World Day of Struggle for Decent Labor in the 50-hoddzia Kastrychika Park.

05.10.2009 Prosecutor’s office sees no law violations in beating of opposition activists

Maskouski district prosecutor’s office of Minsk answered the complaint of the activists of the civil campaign European Belarus concerning the unlawful actions of the police on 16 July 2009.

Activist of ‘European Belarus’ detained for handing out leaflets about trade-union rally

05.10.2009 Activist of ‘European Belarus’ detained for handing out leaflets about trade-union rally

Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry and Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions applied to Minsk city executive committee for authorization of a rally on 7 October.

02.10.2009 Fines in Vialeika

On 2 October the trial of Uladzimir Maliarchuk, Ales Narkevich and Aliaksei Siudak came to an end. They were charged with holding an unauthorized rally on 1 September near the village of Krasny Berazhok, where some memorial crosses were installed. These crosses were dismantled by the district authorities in several days and an administrative case was brought against participants of the commemorative action.

01.10.2009 Minsk: journalists are detained while performing their professional duties

The leader of the Communist Party of Belarus Siarhei Kaliakin was detained while handing out Tovarishch newspaper near the entrance of Minsk Tractor Plant.

28.09.2009 Authorities afraid of people’s protests

Brest activists of the democratic forces were banned to hold 52 pickets against decline in material standing of people.

It was planned to hold pickets in Brest on September 30. The objective was attracting attention of public and governmental bodies to the decline in material standing caused by consumer goods price increase, decrease in purchasing power and actual wages, and consolidating the efforts of people in their struggle for social and economic rights.

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