News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Arrests of oppositionists at fest in Budslau

02.07.2009 Arrests of oppositionists at fest in Budslau

Paval Sevyarynets, co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD), and other opposition activists are among the detained.

On July 2, a fest of worship of icon of Our Lady of Budslau, patroness of Belarus, takes place in Budslau (the Myadzel district, the Minsk region). A reason for the detention of Paval Sevyarynets and three BCD activists was the fact that the young people had some dozens of BCD bulletin “Krynitsa” on them.

Activists of ‘European Belarus’ arrested for action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

01.07.2009 Activists of ‘European Belarus’ arrested for action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

Maxim Viniarski and Uladzimir Kumets spent the night at Tsentralny district police department of Minsk.

Anton Yasinovich gets no compensation of moral harm

30.06.2009 Anton Yasinovich gets no compensation of moral harm

On 23 June 2009 Vitsebsk oblast court considered the lawsuit of Navapolatsk activist Anton Yasinovich.

18.06.2009 Baranavichy authorities mitigate rally procedures

Baranavichy Town Executive Committee has resolved to reform the procedures for holding mass actions in the town by freeing local civil activists of their duty to pay public security, medicine and fire brigade expenses in advance. According to the lawyer Siarhei Housha, the activists have achieved a little victory. ‘We insisted that the regional board of judges initiate changes to the legislation on mass actions. We must not sign contracts with the police, fire brigades etc. It is the task of the authorities, since the work of the officials is paid with the help of the taxes contributed by every working citizen,’ said Mr.Housha.

Criminal case instigated on kidnapping of Dzianis Karnou and Nasta Palazhanka

12.06.2009 Criminal case instigated on kidnapping of Dzianis Karnou and Nasta Palazhanka

A criminal case has been instigated on the kidnapping of the Young Front activists Dzianis Karnou and Nasta Palazhanka on the eve of the 25 March rally.

Brest: detentions at action against eviction of Zhana Abramava

11.06.2009 Brest: detentions at action against eviction of Zhana Abramava

At 10.30 a.m. in Brest the police detained some participants of the picket against the politically grounded eviction of the civil activist Zhana Abramava from her apartment. Other people came to the place to replace them. The police again detained Mikhas Iliin and Andrei Sharenda.

‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

08.06.2009 ‘Death’ was walking on Niamiha in the company of policemen in mufti

On 5 June several volunteers of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee tried held a theatric performance for abolishment of the death penalty in Belarus.

Vaukavysk: fines to participants of action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

08.06.2009 Vaukavysk: fines to participants of action in support of Mikalai Autukhovich

On 8 June the judge of Vaukavysk district court Sviatlana Lantsevich fined participants of the action in support of the political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich that was held on 16 May. The head of Hrodna oblast UCP organization Yury Istomin was fined 700 000 rubles (about $252) under Article 23.34, part 3 of the Administrative Code. The members of the UCP Zmitser Bandarchuk, Andrei Ihnatsiuk, Aleh Kalinkou, Mikhas Ladushka and Alexandra Vasilevich and the head of Civil Forum Pavel Drachou were fined 70 000 rubles ($25) under Article 23.34, part 1. The trial of Vital Huliak was postponed because of his absence.

Minsk: detentions instead of pro-life actions

01.06.2009 Minsk: detentions instead of pro-life actions

As it follows from the answer of Minsk city executive committee, received by the co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Aliaksei Shein, on 2 June the territory of the Druzhby Narodau Park will be cleansed. The BHD secretary Dzianis Sadouski was informed that the action near the maternity hospitals will hinder the public order.

27.05.2009 Another convict for General Zakharanka memorial rally

On 26 May Homel Tsentralny Court convicted another participant of the 7 May General Zakharanka memorial picket in downtown Homel. The human rights and pro-democratic activist Anatol Paplauny was summonsed to the court after he had refused to let a policeman in his private house.

25.05.2009 Participants of anti-nuclear rally stand trial in Lida

Today, on 25 May Lida Town Court fined a Young Front activist Hanna Bunko BYR 70,000 for participating in the 25 April anti-nuclear action, issuing a warning to another participant of the rally and a European Belarus member Yauhen Rudy. Another activist Yauhen Skrabets had been sentenced to 1 day of imprisonment a few days earlier. According to Ms.Bunko, two policemen testified against the teenagers. ‘He said I was too young so they will just warn me this time,’ said Yahen Rudy. The activists were arrested on 25 April in the town of Lida, as they were holding a banner ‘No to the New Chernobyl!’ and distributing leaflets with information on the danger of the construction of the new nuclear power plant in Belarus.

25.05.2009 Policemen confess they beaten up participants of peaceful opposition rally

On May 21 a court trial over young activists detained during the peaceful rally dedicated to the anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear power station accident started in Vitsebsk.

Judge Valyantsina Kismeroshkina started the trial according to police records drawn up on April 26 against an activist of “European Belarus” campaign Kanstantsin Ivanou and an activist of “For Freedom” movement Alyaksei Pilevich. The young people are charged with alleged insubordination to police. Ivanou and Pilevich face a fine from 20 to 50 basic units (from 700 to 1 mln 750,000 Br), informs.

18.05.2009 Riot militia against participants of solidarity rally in Minsk: new arrests of oppositionists

Activists of “Young Front” and “European Belarus” were detained for they went to October square with portraits of political prisoners on May 16.

20 youth activists gathered in Minsk center at 6.00 p.m. to hold a traditional rally of solidarity. The participants of the action were holding portraits of political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka and raised a national white-red-white flag.

Riot militiamen in uniform and in mufti stood on the square and hindered holding the rally for 15 minutes. When demonstrators went away in small groups, Pavel Kuryanovich, Yullia Mikhailava, Viktoria Ladis and Bahuslau Revyakou were detained in a pedestrian subway. The oppositionists were guarded to a militia station on “Kastrychnitskaya” metro station.

Police disbanded rally ‘For Independence!’

15.05.2009 Police disbanded rally ‘For Independence!’

On 14 May a rally of the opposition timed to the anniversary of referendum on changing state symbols and introduction of two state languages was disbanded in Minsk. Dozens of riot policemen with truncheons clashed with people under white-red-white flags.

14.05.2009 Minsk: picket of solidarity with political prisoners

An action of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Liavonau and Uladzimir Asipenka was held near the pre-trial detention center #1 of the police department of Minsk city executive committee.

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