News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

13.07.2010 Minsk authorities fear pillow fight

The Minsk city executive committee denied the registered organization Historyka in holding an action on occasion of the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald.

13.07.2010 ‘Speak Truth’ passes to Minsk authorities signatures for naming a Minsk street in honor of Vasil Bykau

Officers of the Minsk city executive committee accepted 105,000 signatures in favor of renaming a Minsk street in honor of the well-known Belarusian writer.

12.07.2010 Minsk authorities ban anti-corruption picket

According to Yury Karetnikau, the leader of the Right Alliance, the Minsk City Executive Committee dismissed the organization’s application for sanctioning an anti-corruption picket on Banhalor Square on 12 July.

06.07.2010 Will Barysau authorities review their decision concerning determined places for mass events?

Recently, the Barysau District Court fined, Ales Abramovich, a democratic activist from Barysau, 875,000 rubles (about $290) under Article 34.34, part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offences, ‘violation of the rules of holding mass events’. The activist appealed against the verdict at the Minsk Region Court. The activist intends to proceed up to the UN Human Rights Committee if his claims won’t be granted at the national level.

Young Front activists detained in Minsk

25.06.2010 Young Front activists detained in Minsk

Today, on 25 June the Minsk police detained two members of the unregistered ‘Young Front’ youth movement Alena Makarevich and Zmitser Yasevich, as they were distributing red-white-red flags, stickers and leaflets as part of the ‘City is Ours’ civil campaign, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports.

  Fine for “Freedom to Internet!”

25.06.2010 Fine for “Freedom to Internet!”

Participants of the meeting for free Internet spent the night in prison and then stood trial.

Nine national Bolsheviks were detained during brutal disrupting the meeting against decree #60. They were taken to a militia department. Later, four national Bolsheviks were released, the rest had to spent the night in a detention facility.

Anatol Paplauny reports UN Human Rights Committee about unlawful punishment

15.06.2010 Anatol Paplauny reports UN Human Rights Committee about unlawful punishment

Anatol Paplauny, a Homel human rights defender who had received administrative punishment for participation in the Chain of Concerned People, an action dedicated to commemoration of the missing public and political activists and support to their families and political prisoners, passed an individual communication to the UN Human Rights Committee in connection with violation by Belarus of his rights to fair trial and freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

14.06.2010 Human rights defenders cannot find detained Barysau activists

The civil activists Ales Abramovich and Alesia Yasiuk were detained in the Barysau suburb Liadzishcha during a rally gainst the construction of a nuclear power-plant in Belarus.

Constitutional Court answered to Leanid Sudalenka

09.06.2010 Constitutional Court answered to Leanid Sudalenka

The Homel human rights defender received an answer from the Constitutional Court to the application that had been submitted by him and Anatol Paplauny. In this document, the applicants asked the court to adopt a ruling aimed at the direct implementation by courts of the universally accepted principles and norms of international legislations and the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Belarus.

Beaten youth activist demands a criminal case be instigated against policemen

03.06.2010 Beaten youth activist demands a criminal case be instigated against policemen

On 27 May, the police violently dispersed a bicycle rally organized by activists of the BPF Youth. Several participants of the action were detained and beaten. One of them, Zmitser Parmon, was taken to clinical hospital #6 with fracture of a clavicle.

02.06.2010 Lida: spontaneous rally against environmental pollution

More than two thousand signatures have been already collected under a demand to the authorities to revoke the decision to build a Metal Structures Hot Dip Galvanizing plant in the town of Lida. The local dwellers expressed their protest also at a meeting held on 1 June.

01.06.2010 'BPF Youth' activists apply to procuracy concerning their beating by police

Two BPF Youth activists, Franak Viachorka and Zmitser Parmon, addressed the procuracy in order to find out the names of riot policemen who had beaten them during the detention.

01.06.2010 Detention of defenders of children’s facilitations

On 1 June, the International Children’s Day, representatives of the initiative group for returning the children’s facilitations were detained by police in the Gorky Park in the center of Minsk.

Homel authorities ban event marking International Children’s Day

27.05.2010 Homel authorities ban event marking International Children’s Day

Homel human rights activists Leanid Sudalenka and Anatol Paplauny were refused to hold a meeting marking the International Children’s Day on 1 June. The authorities argue that the activists failed to pay the expenses of the police, medical and sanitary services.

16.05.2010 Gay parade dispersed by riot militia in Minsk

More than ten people were forcefully detained by the riot militia.

The Slavic Gay Parade 2010 held in Surhanau Street on May 15 gathered about 230 people. The participant raised a 12-meter rainbow flag shouting “No to Homophobia!”, “Equal Rights, No Compromises!”, “Homophobia is a Disease!” and other slogans.

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