News on the topic: detention

25.03.2008 Franak Viachorka detained

The plainclothes policemen have just detained Franak Viachorka, activist of BPF Youth, near the BPF office. When Franak went to a nearby café for lunch he was approiached by people in civil clothes. They showed him their police cards, and put Franak into a white minibus 9594 PH. The minibus drove off in unknown direction.

25.03.2008 Detentions in Mahiliou

Today the police detained two under age activists of BPF Youth Fiodar Tsiunin and Ales Anisimau. During the detention the guys were hanging a banner congratulating with the Freedom Day on one of Mahiliou bridges. The human rights center “Viasna” found out that the yoiung guys were released.

25.03.2008 Vitebsk first on detentions: Siarhei Kavalenka in police station

Vitebsk police detained youth activist Siarhei Kavalenka in the center of the city. He was taken to Kastrychnitski police department. The human rights center “Viasna” found out, the police confiscated a white-red-white flag, which kavalenka had with him. The telephone connection to Vitebsk activist is lost. We are trying to find out the details of the detention.

25.03.2008 Detentions in Brest

In the morning of March 25, Brest road police detained activists of the Movement For Freedom Kanstantsin Balahura and Dzianis Turcheniak. They were told, they had false license plates.

25.03.2008 Picket in Vitebsk ended with detentions

Today Vitebsk activists organized a picket in the center of the city. The picket commemorated the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. Several activists held white and red balloons and umbrellas. Women unfolded embroidered towel with the symbols of BDR. In a couple of minutes after the beginning they were approached by policemen who detained Barys Khamaida, Vadzim Barshcheuski, Alena Zaleskaya, and Antanina Pivanos.

24.03.2008 Police detain artist Ales Marachkin

In Minsk police detained well-known artist Ales Marachkin. Marachkin, head of arts group “Pahonia”, was detained in his studio.

21.03.2008 Detention in Homel

Andrei Tsianuta, activist of the Young Front movement, was detained on March 20 in Homel. The police stopped him in front of his house.

17.03.2008 Detentions in Mahiliou and Babruisk

A BPF activist Siarhei Niahatsin was detained on March 14 in Mahiliou for ‘being drunk and using foul language’.

17.03.2008 Zmitser Kaspiarovich detained in Minsk

On March 15, Zmitser Kaspiarovich, member of the Belarusian committee for the protection of prisoners’ rights Over the Barrier, was detained by Minsk police. According to Kaspiarovich’s friend Tsimafei Dranchuk, the activist’s car was stopped by road police.

17.03.2008 Kastus Zhukouski and Maryia Tulzhankova are in prison

Two Homel opposition activists detained during a rock concert on March 14 are in prison. According to BelaPAN, Zhukouski and Tulzhankova are accused of hooliganism and are likely to be kept in prison till the trial, which is due on March 17.

Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida Detained

14.03.2008 Vitsebsk: Barys Khamaida Detained

On 14 March in the center of Vitsebsk the police detained the opposition activist Barys Khamaida, who was selling newspapers at his usual place. However, as the detainee said to human rights activists, the police were looking for white-red-white flags, not for newspapers.

13.03.2008 Democratic Trade Unions Demand to Punish Police for Porgrom at Their Office

The Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions applied to the minister of interior Uladzimir Navumau with the demand to consider the facts of law violations, committed by the police officers on 9 March in the office of the trade union center, give a principal evaluation to them and punish the guilty.

Polatsk: Police Detain Youth with Freedom Day Stickers

12.03.2008 Polatsk: Police Detain Youth with Freedom Day Stickers

In the evening of 11 March in Polatsk the police detained Siarhei Hlinski, activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, and Katsiaryna Salauyova, activist of the Young Front. The detainees were guarded to Polatsk town police department and searched. During the search the stickers dedicated to the Freedom Day, 25 March, were found. The detainees were made to write explanatory notes, which can be used for drawing violation reports against them. In an hour Hlinski and Salauyova were released from the police department.

11.03.2008 Brest: Journalists Detained while Implementing Professional Duties

A group of independent correspondents spent 5 hours in a police department. Besides a colonel, ideological officers of Brest oblast executive committee spoke with them.

06.03.2008 Pensioner to Be Tried for Threats to Lukashenka

Viktar Rakusevich is to appear before the court of the Zavadski District of Minsk on 12 March. He is accused of threats against Aliaksandr Lukashenka.

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