News on the topic: detention

09.07.2008 Oppositionists are searched and arrested all over Belarus in connection with blast at the official Independence Day

These days Belarus is covered by a wave of searches, arrests and summons to the police. Public activists are interrogated in connection with the blast which had taken place in Minsk on 4 July in the morning, at the concert which was dedicated to the official Independence Day.

07.07.2008 Alesia Yasiuk is tortured by police

Alesia said to RFE/RL that she was in staying in the state of shock and called the police actions torture and mockery.

04.07.2008 Trade union activists against Hrodna police

The administration of the Belarusian trade union or radio electronic industry demands that Leninski district procuracy of Hrodna take the necessary measures in connection with the illegal confiscation of copies of the Haradzenskaya Salidarnasts newspaper from the member of the trade union Uladzimir Tabola.

02.07.2008 More ‘Young Front’ members get arrested

The activist of the Young Front from Baranavichy Zmitser Stankevich was detained in the center of the city, near Lenin Square, while he was handing out leaflets with information about the political prisoner Andrei Kim. A violation report was drawn up on Stankevich. He was accused of petty hooliganism. On 1 June the activist was tried by court and sentenced to 10 days of arrest.

02.07.2008 Zhodzina: police seize leaflets with information about the EU

An activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Raisa Kuprushyna was detained by police in Zhodzina when she collected signatures for Belarus’ joining the European Union.

19.06.2008 Detentions in Brest

Four young activists were detained during a Solidarity Day action in Brest on 16 June. The participants were standing in a line and holding the portraits of political prisoners. Two female activists were finally released without any charges.

13.06.2008 Polatsk: Dzianis Khaberau taken to police station again

On 13 June the Dzianis Khaberau, activist of the Young Front, was taken to the police station again. A report for repeated participation in unauthorized action is drawn on him.

Polatsk: police detain activists of ‘Young Front’

12.06.2008 Polatsk: police detain activists of ‘Young Front’

On 11 June in Polatsk the police detained five activists of the Young Front: Mikalai Dzemidzenka, Siarzhuk Karalionak, Ales Khaberau, Ales Krutkin and Katsiaryna Salauyova for unfurling a banner ‘Stop dictatorship’ opposite Polatsk city executive committee.

06.06.2008 Franak Viachorka is guarded to military enlistment office

Franak Viachorka has informed RFE/RL that he had been detained by the police when he had gone out of his porch. They handed to him a writ to the military enlistment office and videotaped it.

06.06.2008 Orsha: police confiscate leaflets about straight-line with mass media and human rights activists

Near the town bus station of Orsha the police stopped the activist Mikalai Petrushenka, resident of the village of Kokhanava. They accused Petrushenka of illegal distribution of printed editions and confiscated from him 264 leaflets. By these leaflets the activist intended to inform citizens about the air-line with the editor of the Tovarishch newspaper Siarhei Vazniak and the local human rights activists, members of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, so that the people could call up and tell about their problems.

04.06.2008 Viachaslau Siwchyk detained after memorial action in Kurapaty forest

On 3 June in the evening representative of the democratic movement installed a memorial shield on one of the mass graves where the remains of 62 persons, shot by Stalin’s chastisers in the 1930-ies.

04.06.2008 Kurapaty: 20 years after discovery

On 3 June 1988 the Belarusians learnt the truth about Stalin’s repressions in the country through an article Kurapaty –the Road of Death in the Litaratura i Mastatstva newspaper, written by Zianon Pazniak and Yauhen Shmyhaliou. This article also provoked one of the first mass protest action in the USSR – people came to Kurapaty on Dziady (the day of the dead).

02.06.2008 Polatsk: 'Young Front' activist gets detained for EU flag

During the ceremony of opening The Geographic center of Europe memorial sign in Polatsk activists of the Young Front ran up a flag of the EU.

14.05.2008 Homel: tax inspection harasses Kastus Zhukouski

Today Tsentralny district court of Homel has started the trial on the suit of the district tax inspection for forced exaction of 2 115 000 rubles (about 993 US dollars) of taxes from the local activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Kastus Zhukouski.

14.05.2008 Detentions of youth activists in Polatsk

14 May, at 7.30 p.m., an action in support of political prisoners took place in Polatsk. Members of the Young Front and the Belarusian Christian Democracy held a banner Freedom to Political Prisoners. The action lasted for several minutes only. Then its participants were detained and guarded to a police department. Among them there is Mikalai Dzemidzenka Siarhei Hlinski, Siarhei Karalionak, Ales Krutkin, Zmitser Sakalou and Mikhas (surname not known yet).

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