News on the topic: detention

Hundreds of detainees stand closed-door trials.

20.12.2010 Hundreds of detainees stand closed-door trials.

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” has been processing information on the numerous trials of peaceful protesters detained during a rally in downtown Minsk last evening.

20.12.2010 The United States strongly condemns all election day violence in Belarus

The United States strongly condemns all election day violence in Belarus

Some 400 people detained, reports say

20.12.2010 Some 400 people detained, reports say

According to unofficial information provided by law-enforcement agencies, some 400 people were detained this evening. The majority of them were taken to Minsk Delinquency Isolation Center in Akrestsin Street.

Police storm Anatol Liabedzka’s flat

20.12.2010 Police storm Anatol Liabedzka’s flat

At around 02.15 a.m. Minsk police broke into the private apartment of United Civil Party leader Anatol Liabedzka. The politician has been reportedly detained and taken away in a bus.

BHC chair Aleh Hulak detained

20.12.2010 BHC chair Aleh Hulak detained

Aleh Hulak, chair of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, has been reportedly detained by riot police during the violent break-up of the opposition rally.

16.12.2010 Sannikov’s team activists detained in Maladzechna

Two activists of the Belarusian presidential candidate’s team were detained by the police for spreading agitation posters. A search warrant has been issued.

Offender of Rymasheuski’s electioneering agent comes off clear

13.12.2010 Offender of Rymasheuski’s electioneering agent comes off clear

The bully who tore away the campaign posters that were displayed in the authorized locations and tried to beat Vital Rymasheuski’s electioneering agent Valeryia Charnamortsava, was detained over a week ago, but still hasn’t been brought to a trial. Itself the victim this time not only not invited to the court of the Soviet district of the capital, which must review the case, but also to hide from her name forward.

10.12.2010 Detentions on the way to Kastrychnitskaya Square

About 15 activists of the Citizen campaign were detained for a short period of time in Minsk on 10 December. Others managed to walk along Nezalezhnastski Avenue towards Kastrychnitskaya Square with transparencies saying: ‘We have been forbidden to speak loudly!’, ‘We have been forbidden to gather in groups of more than three people’ and ‘We have been forbidden to drink coffee’, reports BelaPAN.

10.12.2010 Dzmitry Dashkevich detained again

The leader of the Young Front was detained in Minsk for the second time during one day on a ridiculous and accusation.

Vitsebsk: female agitators are detained and insulted

09.12.2010 Vitsebsk: female agitators are detained and insulted

On 8 December the guards of the shopping center Evicom detained the electioneering agent of Vital Rymasheuski, Tatsiana Seviarynets (pictured) for handing out electoral leaflets of the candidate. On 9 December Alena Famina, an electioneering agent of the presidential candidate Dzmitry Us, was removed from the building of Vitsebsk State University with the use of physical force.

09.12.2010 Homel: police detain an activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy

On 8 December officers of the Navabelitski District Police Department of Homel detained a BCD member Dzmitry Adamovich for putting posters in an improper place.

09.12.2010 National-Bolsheviks detained for anti-Lukasneka picket

About ten people took part in the first pre-electoral picket of National-Bolshevists. The leader of the Belarusian National-Bolshevists Yauhen Kontush stated that the action's aim was to protest against the policy of the current authorities.

09.12.2010 Traffic police detained the Young Front leader Dzmitry Dashkevich and seized his car

The young leader was detained in the centre of Minsk and taken to the police department of Pershamaiski district.

Dashkevich, Pushkin… authorities start provocations against opposition activists

09.12.2010 Dashkevich, Pushkin… authorities start provocations against opposition activists

The artist and political activist Ales Pushkin was detained at 3.45 p.m. in his house in the settlement of Bobr of the Pukhavichy district.

Miory: policemen don’t know electoral laws

08.12.2010 Miory: policemen don’t know electoral laws

A police inspector told Zmitser Palcheuski to stop handing out leaflets in support of Uladzimir Niakliayeu alleging that only the candidate or his proxy could distribute any printed materials.

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