News on the topic: detention

Detained Ukrainians made a video report about their trip to Belarus

02.04.2013 Detained Ukrainians made a video report about their trip to Belarus

The members of the Ukrainian organization "National Alliance", detained after the Freedom Day action in Minsk, uploaded to the Internet a video report about their journey to Belarus and return home after the detention.

01.04.2013 Why are detainees kept in jail at weekends?

Brest human rights defender Raman Kisliak filed appeals to the Minister of Interior of Belarus, Ihar Shunevich, and the head of the Supreme Court, Valiantsin Sukala, asking to provide "prompt delivery of administrative detainees to courts for trials".

Family of UCP Babruisk leader detained at border

29.03.2013 Family of UCP Babruisk leader detained at border

Viktar Buzinayeu, the leader of the Babruisk office of the United Civil Party, was detained, together with his daughter and wife, this morning while crossing the Belarusian border on his way from Kiev to Babruisk. Ukrainian border guards have been no problems, and Belarusian interested in brochures, which lay at the side door of the car.

26.03.2013 Trial against Syarhei Kavalenka postponed until Friday

The trial against Vitebsk opposition activist Syarhei Kavalenka was postponed until Friday.

Freedom Day in Vitsebsk: detentions, trials, arrests, fines

26.03.2013 Freedom Day in Vitsebsk: detentions, trials, arrests, fines

BPF activist Kanstantsin Smolikau and Leanid Autukhou stood trial that lasted for 9 hours. Judge Ina Hrabouskaya pronounced her verdict at about 9 p.m. yesterday: she ruled to punish the two activists with 5 days of arrest each for alleged violation of the legislation on mass rallies. In addition, four activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy and head of the BPF’s city office Aliaksandr Kuzniatsou were detained on their way to the court. The latter was eventually sentenced to a fine for an alleged traffic violation.

26.03.2013 Syarhey Kavalenka Arrested Again

VITSEBSK, Belarus -- Prominent Belarusian opposition activist Syarhey Kavalenka was arrested in the eastern city of Vitsebsk on March 25.

26.03.2013 Nina Bahinskaja detained in Minsk

A civic activist Nina Bahinskaja was detained in Minsk, when she went out to Niezalezhnasci square with a white-red-whote flag.

25.03.2013 Young Front activist Uladzimir Yaromenak shortly detained ahead of Freedom Day rally

Police preventively detained former political prisoner Uladzimir Yaromenak ahead of yesterday’s Freedom Day demonstration. This was reported by the activist himself to the website.

Report on monitoring the public event on Freedom Day in Minsk (March 24, 2013)

24.03.2013 Report on monitoring the public event on Freedom Day in Minsk (March 24, 2013)

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” notes that the Freedom Day event of March 24, 2013 was mostly peaceful. However, the police used unjustified arrests against the protesters. This is unacceptable and indicative of the fact that during the rally the authorities unduly restricted the right of citizens to peaceful assembly, while a number of demonstrators were subjected to administrative responsibility.

Activists detained ahead and after Freedom Day demonstration in Minsk

24.03.2013 Activists detained ahead and after Freedom Day demonstration in Minsk

Some 2,000 Belarusian pro-democratic activists and ordinary citizens took part in today’s demonstration in central Minsk to mark the 95th anniversary of the Belarusian People’s Republic, Freedom Day. The manifestation was authorized by the city executive officials, who however banned the use of flags and banners.

Nash Dom campaign activist detained in Talachyn

23.03.2013 Nash Dom campaign activist detained in Talachyn

Raman Zabela, activist of the Nash Dom campaign, was detained this morning in the town of Talachyn. The activist was detained at a bus stop on the way to work and taken to the police station. The official reason for the detention is traditional – Raman Zabela reportedly looked like a person suspected of a crime.

Detentions in Vitsebsk

22.03.2013 Detentions in Vitsebsk

Vitsebsk police detained today activists of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Leanid Autukhou and Kastus Smolikau while distributing leaflets with an invitation to come to the rally on March 25.

19.03.2013 Detentions for swearing reduced in 2013

Those who are "the most cynical" usually get objected to administrative responsibility.

“Wave of Solidarity” covers Brest

19.03.2013 “Wave of Solidarity” covers Brest

Members of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Ulad Barouski, Yahen Khaziakhmetau and Andrus Sharenda held yesterday a street action in Brest within the “Wave of Solidarity” campaign. The young people were handing out leaflets about Belarusian political prisoners. They were also expected to put up white-red-white flags in central Brest, but were detained by plainclothes policemen.

18.03.2013 Belarusian Christian Democracy activists detained in Brest

Three activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party were detained this afternoon at an action of solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners in Brest, the BCD’s press-service reports.

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