News on the topic: Belarus

15.09.2008 Brest: police detain youth activists for boycott leaflets

At night on 15 September the young activists Mikhail Illin and Yauhen Skrabets were detained in Brest.

15.09.2008 ‘Young Front’ activist gets handcuffed for handing out newspapers

When distributing the latest publication of the independent newspaper Svabodny Salihorsk in the central market of the city, a volunteer of the newspaper, an activist of the Young Front Andrus Tychyna was detained by local policeman with use of force. He was handcuffed, and, despite of the indignation of the market customers, was taken to the local police department.

12.09.2008 First application for holding action of protest against rigged elections on 28 September

On 12 September an application for authorization of a protest meeting for 1 000 people on 28 September in Kalinouski Square was submitted to Minsk city executive committee.

12.09.2008 Common people declare boycott of elections

On 11 September after visiting the General Prosecutor’s office about 40 citizens from different districts of the country declared boycott to the parliamentary elections and called on everyone who had suffered from self-will of the officials to join this action. These people also adopted an appropriate address.

11.09.2008 Homel oblast: members of United Civil Party leave constituency commissions

Members of the United Civil Parties stop their membership and work in the constituency electoral commissions in Homel oblast. They directed the appropriate statements to the presidium of Homel oblast soviet of deputies and to Homel oblast executive committee (the state agencies that had formed the commissions).

10.09.2008 ‘Young Front’ activist Rastsislau Pankratau expelled from Mahiliou State University

As we have already informed, the administration of Mahiliou State University planned to expel the student after giving him an unsatisfactory mark at his English exam. The information proved to be true: Rastsislau Pankratau was expelled.

09.09.2008 15 out of 19 candidates from the Belarusian Popular Front Party oppose to election boycott

15 out of 19 registered candidates of the Belarusian Popular Front addressed the Soim (council) of their party with the request to review the decision on withdrawing from the ‘parliamentary elections’ by 23 September.

08.09.2008 Liberalization in Lukashenka’s way

The authorities continue using mean methods of pressing the political opposition. If earlier democratic activists were arrested on false accusations of allegedly ‘using of foul language in public’, the article ‘drinking alcohol in public’ has been used for the first time against a Young Front activist Vadzim Khaniauka.

08.09.2008 Detention of activists of United Civil Party

On 8 September the police detained the activists of the United Civil party Natallia Shchukina and Alexander Protska. They were handing out leaflets with the appeal to citizens not to take part in the parliamentary elections.

08.09.2008 Detained 12 hours for ‘Boycott’ stickers

On 7 September the activists of the European Belarus civil campaign Ivan Amelchanka and Siarhei Makarevich were detained in the Minsk center for spreading stickers calling to boycott the oncoming the parliamentary elections.

05.09.2008 Mahiliou: youth activists are expelled from university

The coordinator of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Tatsiana Shambalava and a leader of Mahiliou organization of the Young Front Rastsislau Pankratau are expelled from Mahiliou State University.

04.09.2008 Valer Putsitski joins boycott of elections

Activist of the Belarusian Popular Front (BPF), MP candidate Valer Putsinski, said he withdrew his candidature fro the election. Putsinski informed Rechytsa district election commission about his decision on 1 September.

01.09.2008 September: more students to be expelled?

An activist of Polatsk branch of the Young Front Mikola Dzemidzenka was informed that he would be expelled from historical faculty of Polatsk State University.

15.08.2008 Candidate Dzmitry Niafiodau withdraws from ‘elections’

An independent candidate for deputy Dzmitry Nyafyodau has stated his intention not to take part in the parliamentary elections because of growing pressure on members of his initiative group. He wanted to take part in the elections in Autazavodski district of Minsk, constituency #92.

01.08.2008 Sviatlana Lapitskaya withdraws her candidacy

Member of the Belarusian Popular Front party Sviatlana Lapitskaya withdrew her candidacy in the office of the Zhodzina district electoral commission and refused to register an initiative group. Lapitskaya called on everyone to express distrust to the Central Electoral Commission, the current regime and not to participate in the voting.

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