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Homel oblast: members of United Civil Party leave constituency commissions

2008 2008-09-11T20:46:36+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Members of the United Civil Parties stop their membership and work in the constituency electoral commissions in Homel oblast. They directed the appropriate statements to the presidium of Homel oblast soviet of deputies and to Homel oblast executive committee (the state agencies that had formed the commissions).

The reason is that only 12 out of 18 nominees of the United democratic forces were included in the constituency commissions of Homel oblast, and only 7 out of 225 were included in precinct commissions. Only 12 out of 17 UDF candidates for parliament were registered and facts of pressurization of the members of their teams were registered.

However, the head of Homel oblast UCP organization Vasil Paliakou does not rule out that some UDF representatives will remain the commissions, especially if they were nominated by citizens, not by parties.

A member of the United Civil Party Leanid Sudalenka states that cessation of membership in the commission does not mean absence of attention to the elections. ‘We will actively monitor the elections, including the stage of early voting’, he said.

Bear in mind that Paliakou and Sudalenka were registered as candidates for parliament, but refused to run at the elections for the reasons similar to the ones for which the UCP members stop working in the electoral commissions.

Human rights activists for free elections

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