Human rights defenders call to drop criminal charges against BelaPAN director

18.07.2018 Human rights defenders call to drop criminal charges against BelaPAN director

Statement on the criminal prosecution of Ales Lipai, director of the BelaPAN news agency, and pressure on journalists in Belarus

Repeal of Article 193.1 is half measure, say HRDs

19.05.2018 Repeal of Article 193.1 is half measure, say HRDs

The Council of Ministers submitted to the Parliament a draft law “On amendments to certain Codes of the Republic of Belarus”. Among other things, the bill provides for the removal of Article 193.1 (“Illegal organization of activities of a public association, religious organization or foundation or participation in their activities”) from the Criminal Code.

Stop harassment of human rights defenders for their legitimate human rights activities

03.05.2018 Stop harassment of human rights defenders for their legitimate human rights activities

Human rights defenders urge the authorities to drop the administrative charges against Tatsiana Mastykina and other observers who were arrested on March 25.

Human rights defenders condemn mass detentions ahead and during peaceful assemblies on March 25, 2018

26.03.2018 Human rights defenders condemn mass detentions ahead and during peaceful assemblies on March 25, 2018

We, representatives of Belarusian human rights organizations, strongly condemn the preemptive detentions of activists throughout the country on the eve of mass events in honor of the centenary of the proclamation of the Belarusian People’s Republic, as well as during and after these peaceful assemblies.

Joint Statement of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations on Blocked Access to and

12.02.2018 Joint Statement of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations on Blocked Access to and

Over the past two months, Belarus has resumed the practice of arbitrary restrictions on access to independent Internet media. Thus, the Government has blocked the popular information resources Belarusian Partisan ( and Charter 97 (, the media regularly covering the most topical social and political issues.

Human rights activists call for open trial of columnists charged with inciting ethnic hatred

01.11.2017 Human rights activists call for open trial of columnists charged with inciting ethnic hatred

The Belarusian Association of Journalists, the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" have issued a joint statement to demand an open hearing of the criminal charges brought against Yury Paulavets, Dzmitry Alimkin, and Siarhei Shyptsenka.

Participants of Human Rights Forum call to release detained activists

21.10.2017 Participants of Human Rights Forum call to release detained activists

We, participants of the 4th Belarusian Human Rights Forum, strongly protest against the pre-emptive detention of activists ahead of the protest “March of Angry Belarusians", which was held today, October 21, in Kastryčnickaja Square in Minsk.

Resolution of the 4th Belarusian Human Rights Forum

21.10.2017 Resolution of the 4th Belarusian Human Rights Forum

Participants in the 4th Belarusian Human Rights Forum have unanimously voted in favor of the resolution "On Situation of Human Rights in Belarus".

Stop government interference in activities of the Bar

13.09.2017 Stop government interference in activities of the Bar

Joint statement of Belarusian human rights organizations

Stop prosecution of Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik

04.08.2017 Stop prosecution of Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik

Joint Statement of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations

Position of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations as Regards Overall Human Rights Situation in Belarus

29.06.2017 Position of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations as Regards Overall Human Rights Situation in Belarus

We, representatives of the Belarusian human rights community, hereby express our joint position as regards the human rights situation in Belarus before the session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the next round of the EU-Belarus Dialogue on Human Rights.

HRDs call for immediate release of all persons arrested in ‘rioting and armed group case’ after reports of torture in KGB prison

07.06.2017 HRDs call for immediate release of all persons arrested in ‘rioting and armed group case’ after reports of torture in KGB prison

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights organizations

Immediately release political prisoner Viachaslau Kasinerau

06.04.2017 Immediately release political prisoner Viachaslau Kasinerau

We believe that Viachaslau Kasinerau is a political prisoner and urge the Belarusian authorities to drop the criminal charges against him and to immediately release the activist.

Stop whipping up hysteria and atmosphere of fear in the Belarusian society and ensure respect for human rights

24.03.2017 Stop whipping up hysteria and atmosphere of fear in the Belarusian society and ensure respect for human rights

A joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community. 24 March 2017, Minsk

Belarus: First death sentence in 2017

22.03.2017 Belarus: First death sentence in 2017

Paris-Minsk. FIDH and its member organisation in Belarus Human Rights Centre "Viasna" denounce the first death sentence in 2017 and regret the Belarusian authorities continue to ignore calls to render Europe a death penalty-free zone.

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