Belarus crackdown: more than 200 arrested or detained in two weeks

17.03.2017 Belarus crackdown: more than 200 arrested or detained in two weeks

The new repression of peaceful protesters currently ongoing in Belarus confirms the absence of political change, declared FIDH and Human Rights Center (HRC) Viasna today.

Stop persecution of citizens for exercising their right to peaceful protest and expression

11.03.2017 Stop persecution of citizens for exercising their right to peaceful protest and expression

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" notes the deterioration of the overall human rights situation in the country.

Belarusian human rights community insists on abolition of the death penalty

02.12.2016 Belarusian human rights community insists on abolition of the death penalty

Belarusian human rights community condemns recent executions and reiterates calls to abolish the death penalty.

Belarus: third consecutive execution concealed for nearly a month from the public and relatives

02.12.2016 Belarus: third consecutive execution concealed for nearly a month from the public and relatives

Execution of Henadz Yakavitski on 5 November 2016 is the fourth execution in 2016, making it the highest number of executions per year since 2008.

Stop persecution of Andrei Bandarenka. Joint statement by Belarusian human rights organizations

29.11.2016 Stop persecution of Andrei Bandarenka. Joint statement by Belarusian human rights organizations

Joint statement by representatives of the Belarusian human rights community on new criminal charges against Andrei Bandarenka

Viasna demands to release Aliaksandr Lapitski from psychiatric hospital and to decriminalize defamation offenses

15.11.2016 Viasna demands to release Aliaksandr Lapitski from psychiatric hospital and to decriminalize defamation offenses

On November 14, it became known that Aliaksandr Lapitski, 80, was forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital, after a court decision in the criminal case against him had entered into force.

Joint position of human rights defenders on adoption of plan to implement UN recommendations

04.11.2016 Joint position of human rights defenders on adoption of plan to implement UN recommendations

Joint Position of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations on Adoption of Interagency Plan of Implementation of Recommendations for Belarus from UN mechanisms

Eduard Palchys is a political prisoner. Joint statement by human rights organizations

05.10.2016 Eduard Palchys is a political prisoner. Joint statement by human rights organizations

We believe that the publications authored by blogger Eduard Palchys, which were posted in the nine articles on the website, are a permissible form of expression and, accordingly, may not be prosecuted under the law.

Human rights defenders recognize Uladzimir Kondrus political prisoner

10.08.2016 Human rights defenders recognize Uladzimir Kondrus political prisoner

We reaffirm our position, which is that the actions of Uladzimir Kondrus cannot be categorized under Art. 293 of the Criminal Code, while the statute of limitations of other articles of the Criminal Code, under which they could have been qualified, has already expired.

Belarus: new UN resolution highlights the country’s appalling human rights situation

01.07.2016 Belarus: new UN resolution highlights the country’s appalling human rights situation

The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council reminded the international community of the appalling situation in Belarus today by adopting a resolution that raises a wide range of human rights violations committed in the country.

Viasna demands respect for procedural rights of Eduard Palchys

14.06.2016 Viasna demands respect for procedural rights of Eduard Palchys

Viasna demands respect for all the procedural safeguards and rights in relation to Eduard Palchys, who is currently held in custody in the detention center in Žodzina. In particular, he should be allowed to see his lawyer and be provided with appropriate conditions of detention and treatment.

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections launch observation of parliamentary elections

07.06.2016 Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections launch observation of parliamentary elections

Bearing in mind the importance of independent assessment, we, representatives of Belarusian human rights organizations – the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center Viasna – start monitoring of the elections of deputies to the Chamber of Representatives.

Viasna demands to stop political persecution of activist Pavel Vinahradau

03.06.2016 Viasna demands to stop political persecution of activist Pavel Vinahradau

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" urges the authorities to immediately stop the proceedings aimed at establishing preventive supervision against Pavel Vinahradau.

Common position of Belarusian human rights defenders ahead of the next round of the EU-Belarus human rights dialogue

24.05.2016 Common position of Belarusian human rights defenders ahead of the next round of the EU-Belarus human rights dialogue

The country's leading human rights groups say there is no significant progress or systemic changes in the field of human rights and freedoms in Belarus, urging the government to develop a National Human Rights Plan.

Statement on detention of Dzmitry Paliyenka

06.05.2016 Statement on detention of Dzmitry Paliyenka

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" believes that the detention of civil society activist Dzmitry Paliyenka is a disproportionate measure applied as part of his prosecution over involvement in the events of April 29.

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