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FEMEN activists beaten and shaved bald in Belarus

2011 2011-12-20T18:43:37+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Preliminary information appeared about whereabouts of the Ukrainians, who disappeared in Belarus yesterday.

As website has learned, the girls managed to call their friends and say they were in the Yelsk district of the Homel region. They say they were beaten and left there. Their money and documents were seized.

The information was confirmed by the leader of the Ukrainian group, Anna Gutsol, who received a phone call from the girls. According to her, FEMEN activists were beaten and cut their hair. Their IDs were taken away.

Gutsol says the girls don’t know who detained them but suppose it was officers of KGB and police. Gutsol added the activists do not answer the phone number they called from.

Gutsol says friends are driving from Minsk to help the girls. FEMEN representatives reached the Ukrainian MFA to inform them about the accident. The MFA the embassy of Ukraine in Minsk assured the activists would get the necessary help.

Australian journalist Kitti Green, who was covering the performance, was deported from Minsk to Vilnius yesterday evening, Gutsol said.

We remind that FEMEN activists Inna Shevchenko, Oksana Shachko and Aleksandra Nemchinova stripped topless in front of the Belarusian KGB headquarters yesterday. They shouted “Long live elarus!” and raised a poster “Freedom to political prisoners!” and “Long live Belarus!” The performance was timed to an anniversary of the suppression of the opposition demonstration against the official election results on December 19, 2010.

Ukrainian activists managed to run away after the performance, but they stopped answering their phones in the evening. Nothing has been known about them until recently.


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