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Slutsk dweller beaten by police

2010 2010-03-10T19:50:58+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

A man nearly died in a detention facility in the town of Slutsk. Policemen claim the detainee fell down the stairs, but the nature of injuries contradicts the claims.

It started as an ordinary family drama. A dweller of a neighboring village phoned to the police department of the Slutsk district on 6 March and woman asked to take measures against her drunk husband, Yezhednevnik reports.

At 12:10 noon the troublemaker was taken to the police department, at 1:15 p.m., he was guarded to the temporary detention facility. It remains unclear what happened to the man between arrival at the police department and placing him in the detention facility. It is recorded that the man didn’t complain at health after arrival at the detention cell.

However, the man felt bad next day. An emergency ambulance was called, medical officers examined the inmates, gave some medicines and left.

The man’s condition deteriorated two hours later. An emergency ambulance was called again, this time the inmate was taken to an intensive care unit. He had a so serious abdominal trauma that it caused intra-abdominal bleeding.

A check-up was started to find out how the man had got such a serious injury. According to preliminary information of the police department, the detainee fell several times in his house that may have caused the injury.

Medical officers say such injuries cannot be received after falling. The man seems to have got strong blows to the stomach that caused bleeding. There’s a question to medical staff as well: they could have diagnosed the man during their first visit, moreover that he complained at severe abdominal pain.

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