News for August 2022

Political prisoner gets 18 months in jail for protest slogans and ribbons

17.08.2022 Political prisoner gets 18 months in jail for protest slogans and ribbons

On August 16, 2022, the Maskoŭski District Court of Brest considered the case of political prisoner Iryna Pryhava.

Political prisoner Hanna Pyshnik convicted for video of Russian helicopters

16.08.2022 Political prisoner Hanna Pyshnik convicted for video of Russian helicopters

On August 16, 2022, the Homieĺ Regional Court convicted her of ‘promoting extremist activity’ under Part 2 of Article 361-4 of the Criminal Code.

Political prisoner Aleh Yafremenka sentenced to another year in jail for ‘disobedience’

16.08.2022 Political prisoner Aleh Yafremenka sentenced to another year in jail for ‘disobedience’

On August 15, 2022, the Lieninski District Court of Mahilioŭ convicted the political prisoner.

Six people prosecuted for anti-war actions recognized political prisoners

16.08.2022 Six people prosecuted for anti-war actions recognized political prisoners

Statement by the human rights community of Belarus

#FreeViasna: Weekly news digest on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

15.08.2022 #FreeViasna: Weekly news digest on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

Latest news about imprisoned Viasna members

What happened to political prisoners on August 8–14

15.08.2022 What happened to political prisoners on August 8–14

Political prisoners list updated with 17 names, at least 5 political prisoners convicted, and other news

Seventeen people charged with insulting officials and state symbols recognized political prisoners

12.08.2022 Seventeen people charged with insulting officials and state symbols recognized political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: July 2022

12.08.2022 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: July 2022

July marked a year since Viasna Chairman Ales Bialiatski, Deputy chairman Valiantsin Stefanovich, and lawyer Uladzimir Labkovich were taken in custody on trumped-up charges.

Babrujsk ‘terrorists’ sentenced to long terms in jail

10.08.2022 Babrujsk ‘terrorists’ sentenced to long terms in jail

On August 10, the Babrujsk District and Municipal Court convicted a group of local ‘terrorists’.

Two years after the election fraud in numbers

09.08.2022 Two years after the election fraud in numbers

August 9, 2020, is a point of no return in the history of modern Belarus

Viasna informed UN Special Rapporteurs on prosecution for anti-war statements in Belarus

08.08.2022 Viasna informed UN Special Rapporteurs on prosecution for anti-war statements in Belarus

Over a thousand detained for anti-war protests and about 32 criminal cases brought for anti-war manifestations since February 24, 2022

Eleven more people prosecuted for protest recognized political prisoners

08.08.2022 Eleven more people prosecuted for protest recognized political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

#WeStandBYyou: German MPs adopt political prisoners Yuryi Selvich, Aliaksandr Fiaduta, and Danila Bandaruk

05.08.2022 #WeStandBYyou: German MPs adopt political prisoners Yuryi Selvich, Aliaksandr Fiaduta, and Danila Bandaruk

Libereco’s solidarity campaign #WeStandBYyou continues

“We want to get through to the walls”: Viasna solidarity actions at Belarusian embassy in Vilnius held on August 4

05.08.2022 “We want to get through to the walls”: Viasna solidarity actions at Belarusian embassy in Vilnius held on August 4

The place and date refer to the first such action held in 2013 in front of the Belarusian embassy—to express solidarity with the imprisoned Viasna chairman Ales Bialiatski. 

Former civil servant convicted of disclosing personal data of police officers

04.08.2022 Former civil servant convicted of disclosing personal data of police officers

Political prisoner Siarhei Petrushenka gets a jail sentence

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2022: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2021: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2020: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2019: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2018: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2017: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2016: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2015: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2014: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2013: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2012: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2011: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2010: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2009: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2008: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2007: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2006: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2005: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2004: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2003: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2002: December November October September

