News for July 2021

Three years of restricted freedom for 'squatting on roadway' during protest

13.07.2021 Three years of restricted freedom for 'squatting on roadway' during protest

On 12 July, the Centralny District Court of Minsk considered the criminal case against political prisoners Valery Vishchenya and Anastasiya Rudakova. They were accused of active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order (Article 342 of the Criminal Code).

Eight more defendants in the Brest riot case sentenced

12.07.2021 Eight more defendants in the Brest riot case sentenced

On 12 July 2021, the Leninski District Court of Brest passed a verdict in the criminal case under part 2 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code (participation in mass riots) against 12 people.

Nasha Niva journalists are political prisoners

12.07.2021 Nasha Niva journalists are political prisoners

The organizations that issued this statement believe that these actions against the staff of Nasha Niva newspaper are a continuation of the purposeful policy of the authorities to restrict the distribution of uncensored information in the country and a continuation of the assault on freedom of speech

The case of Siarhei Tsikhanouski: important conclusions before the trial

12.07.2021 The case of Siarhei Tsikhanouski: important conclusions before the trial

On the eve of the trial against the political prisoner, the Human Rights Center "Viasna" recalls the chronology of violations of rights of Siarhei Tsikhanouski who was "got down" by the authorities at takeoff.

Three years in prison for "kicking policeman three times" at protest

09.07.2021 Three years in prison for "kicking policeman three times" at protest

The Centralny District Court of Homiel passed a sentence upon 24-year-old Pavel Larchyk. He was sentenced to three years of imprisonment.

Neighborhood chat admin sentenced to three years of house arrest

09.07.2021 Neighborhood chat admin sentenced to three years of house arrest

On July 7, a moderator of the "Žodzina for Life" group Lidziya Korshun was convicted by the Žodzina Court.

Danila Hancharou sentenced to two years in prison for six peaceful marches

09.07.2021 Danila Hancharou sentenced to two years in prison for six peaceful marches

On July 9, the Centralny District Court of Minsk pronounced the verdict of Danila Hancharou who was accused of participation in group actions that grossly violate public order (part 1 of article 342 of the Criminal Code) and complicity in such crime.

FIDH and Viasna condemn new attacks on independent media in Belarus

09.07.2021 FIDH and Viasna condemn new attacks on independent media in Belarus

Yesterday, law enforcement officials organised a widescale crackdown on independent media in Belarus. FIDH and Viasna condemn the ongoing attacks which threaten to destroy the last free media in Belarus and what is left of freedom of expression and association in the country.

HRDs demand immediate restatement of sentences and release of 12 political prisoners

08.07.2021 HRDs demand immediate restatement of sentences and release of 12 political prisoners

Statement by the Human Rights Community of Belarus

Access to media websites blocked, searches and detentions of journalists ongoing throughout Belarus

08.07.2021 Access to media websites blocked, searches and detentions of journalists ongoing throughout Belarus

The website of Nasha Niva newspaper was blocked on July 8. Searches were conducted in the apartment of its editor-in-chief Yahor Martsinovich and in the office of the newspaper, the accounting office and the home of the editor Andrei Skurko.

House arrest and $400 moral damages for contempt of deputy minister of internal affairs

08.07.2021 House arrest and $400 moral damages for contempt of deputy minister of internal affairs

On 8 July, Alena Novikava was sentenced by the Minsk District Court to one and a half years of restricted freedom (an equivalent of house arrest). She was accused of contempt of an official.

More political prisoners adopted by European MPs

08.07.2021 More political prisoners adopted by European MPs

Members of Parliament from Ireland, Poland and Germany take over godparenthoods of Siarhei Verashchahin, Andżelika Borys and Siarhei Volkau

Man sentenced to three years of house arrest for participating in rally

07.07.2021 Man sentenced to three years of house arrest for participating in rally

Pieršamajski district court considered the criminal case against Vadzim Marchanka who was accused of active participation in the group actions grossly violating public order (part 1 of article 342 of the Criminal Code).

Minsk resident convicted of insulting and threatening with violence officers involved in torture of Mikalai Dziadok

07.07.2021 Minsk resident convicted of insulting and threatening with violence officers involved in torture of Mikalai Dziadok

On July 7, the Saviecki District Court of Minsk sentenced 35-year-old Minsk resident Yauhen Siamionau to five years in prison.

OSCE PA condemned Belarus' authorities for countering dissent

07.07.2021 OSCE PA condemned Belarus' authorities for countering dissent

Among the issues debated at the session of the OSCE PA, a resolution on “The general approach to dissent in Belarus” was adopted.

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2021: December November October September August July June May April March February January

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2002: December November October September

