News for October 2015

Election commission unanimously votes for withdrawal of accreditation of observer

10.10.2015 Election commission unanimously votes for withdrawal of accreditation of observer

A member of the Movement "For Freedom" Leanid Haravy from Haradok (Viciebsk region) was deprived of his observer accreditation and removed from the polling station.

Mahilioŭ: Investigation Committee found no confirmation of police abuse

10.10.2015 Mahilioŭ: Investigation Committee found no confirmation of police abuse

Investigation Committee found no corpus delicti in the actions of the riot police in Mahilioŭ, who were accused of threats and humiliation of human dignity.

Report on the observation of the stage of pre-election campaigning

10.10.2015 Report on the observation of the stage of pre-election campaigning

Observation of the election of the President of Belarus is carried out by activists of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" in the framework of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections".

International solidarity is important in solving the problem of the death penalty in Belarus

10.10.2015 International solidarity is important in solving the problem of the death penalty in Belarus

October 9 in Minsk, human rights activists held a press conference dedicated to the World Day against the Death Penalty.

Report on the results of monitoring of the fourth day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015

10.10.2015 Report on the results of monitoring of the fourth day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015

The early voting started at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus started on October 6 in conformity with the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Tatsiana Bialko was going to be dismissed from work for membership in election commission

10.10.2015 Tatsiana Bialko was going to be dismissed from work for membership in election commission

Tatsiana Bialko lives in the village of Dzieraviančycy in the Slonim district and works as a cleaner at the local farm.

Students of Homieĺ Road-building College: "We were taken to vote on the first day by list”

10.10.2015 Students of Homieĺ Road-building College: "We were taken to vote on the first day by list”

Students of the Homieĺ Road-building College told on the condition of anonymity how the early voting was organized.

Human rights activists presented the book "Death Penalty in Belarus"

10.10.2015 Human rights activists presented the book "Death Penalty in Belarus"

October 9 in Minsk, the Human Rights Center "Viasna" presented the documentary book "Death penalty in Belarus" which contains information on the issue since 1998 till today.

Policeman governs electoral process at polling station in Rečyca

09.10.2015 Policeman governs electoral process at polling station in Rečyca

October 8, a policeman forbade Valery Putsitski, who observes the elections at polling station No. 20, located in secondary school No. 2 in Rečyca, to observe the process of sealing the ballot box.

Baranavičy: discrepancy in turnout keeps growing

09.10.2015 Baranavičy: discrepancy in turnout keeps growing

The independent observers disovered a yet larger discrepancy in the results of the third day of early voting at polling station No. 20 in Hayavaya Str., 59.

Babrujsk: voters can be evicted from hostel for refusing to vote early

09.10.2015 Babrujsk: voters can be evicted from hostel for refusing to vote early

The independent observers who monitor the early voting at polling station No. 69, located in secondary school No. 8, learned about new facts of forcing to early voting.

Trials of organizers and participants of rally against Russian airbase in Belarus (updated)

09.10.2015 Trials of organizers and participants of rally against Russian airbase in Belarus (updated)

Today, the Centraĺny District Court of Minsk considers the administrative case against the organizers and participants of the rally “For Free, Neutral and Peaceful Belarus”, held on October 4 on Svabody Square in Minsk. All defendants are charged under Art. 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, “violation of the order of organizing and holding mass events”.

Employees of enterprises and institutions of Salihorsk district come to vote early

09.10.2015 Employees of enterprises and institutions of Salihorsk district come to vote early

Salihorsk observers point at the forced character of early voting and register the massive turnout of workers of the enterprises and institutions of Salihorsk.

Brest: SMS-messages with calls to vote are sent even to foreign citizens

09.10.2015 Brest: SMS-messages with calls to vote are sent even to foreign citizens

In recent days, many residents have received a text message from the alleged "Central Election Commission" (that's how the SMS messages are signed).

"Pencil and Eraser" - a new look at the death penalty (video)

09.10.2015 "Pencil and Eraser" - a new look at the death penalty (video)

"Pencil and Eraser" is a new animated film, produced by volunteers of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”, which continues the series of the short and vivid clips of the human rights collection, including “Executor” and “Queue”.

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