News for January 2015

Members of Hare Krishna community are charged with use of obscene language

15.01.2015 Members of Hare Krishna community are charged with use of obscene language

Several days ago, Polatsk police detained two members of Hare Krishna community and charged them under Art. 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, “disorderly conduct".

Handicapped activist receives anonymous threats

15.01.2015 Handicapped activist receives anonymous threats

Svetlahorsk resident Yury Liashenka, handicapped civil society activist, faced with another act of psychological pressure. According to him, he has received an anonymous threat letter to his e-mail address.

Student challenges his expulsion from Belarusian State University

15.01.2015 Student challenges his expulsion from Belarusian State University

The continuation of the consideration of Uladzimir Andryienkas appeal against his expulsion from the juridical faculty of Belarusian State University continued at the Maskouski District Court of Minsk on January 14.

UN Human Rights Committee recognizes a violation of the rights of a civil society activist

15.01.2015 UN Human Rights Committee recognizes a violation of the rights of a civil society activist

United Nations Human Rights Committee issued a decision on the communication № 1987/2010, according to which the Republic of Belarus is recognized as violator of the rights of the civil society rights activist Anatol Stambrouski.

Political activist challenges actions of tax inspectorate

15.01.2015 Political activist challenges actions of tax inspectorate

Homel activist Yury Klimovich filed a lawsuit with the Tsentralny District Court of Homelagainst the decision of the district inspection of taxes and dues. He asks the court to recognize the claims to a private enterprise "Bel-Ost", which he founded and headed, unfounded and annul the decision of the tax inspectorate.

Pavel Sapelka about the "anti-drug" decree: “Such measures were to have been taken some 15 years - 20 ago”

15.01.2015 Pavel Sapelka about the "anti-drug" decree: “Such measures were to have been taken some 15 years - 20 ago”

According to the Decree of the President of №6 "On Urgent Measures to Combat Drug Trafficking" which came into effect on January 1 the government should adopt a comprehensive action plan including effective measures to combat drug trafficking, prevent the use of drugs and provide social rehabilitation of drug addicts. According to the Decree of the President of №6 "On Urgent Measures to Combat Drug Trafficking" which came into effect on January 1 the government should adopt a comprehensive action plan including effective measures to combat drug trafficking, prevent the use of drugs and provide social rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Iosif Siaredzich: Ministry of Information chooses punitive measures

15.01.2015 Iosif Siaredzich: Ministry of Information chooses punitive measures

A preliminary hearing in Narodnaya Volia's suit against the Ministry of Information was held in the Supreme Court on January 14.

Elena Tonkacheva's appeal turned down

15.01.2015 Elena Tonkacheva's appeal turned down

On January 13 at 2.30 p.m. consideration of the appeal of Elena Tonkacheva against the decision of the DCM concerning her expulsion from Belarus continued at the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk.

Chronicle of January 12 hearing on Elena Tonkacheva's appeal against expulsion from Belarus

15.01.2015 Chronicle of January 12 hearing on Elena Tonkacheva's appeal against expulsion from Belarus

The consideration of the appeal of the human rights activist Elena Tonkacheva against the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Pershamaiski District Police Department of Minsk continued at 2.30 p.m. on January 12 at the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk. The case is considered by Judge Natallia Petukh.

"Lohvinau" and Information Ministry to meet at court on January 19

14.01.2015 "Lohvinau" and Information Ministry to meet at court on January 19

January 19, the preliminary hearing on the case “Lohvinau vs. Ministry of Information” will take place at the Supreme Court.

“Civil Society Champions” Award Ceremony: Highlights

14.01.2015 “Civil Society Champions” Award Ceremony: Highlights

On 13th January, the Sixth “Civil Society Champions” Award Ceremony took place in Minsk. The Assembly of NGOs marked the most notable and important events and activities that have happened in the Belarusan civil sector in 2014.

Aleh Trusau: Eurasian Union kills Belarusian language

14.01.2015 Aleh Trusau: Eurasian Union kills Belarusian language

A special group on issues on legal equality of the Belarusian and Russian languages has been formed.

Prosecutor's office ignores appeal of independent journalist

14.01.2015 Prosecutor's office ignores appeal of independent journalist

Journalist Aliaksandr Liauchuk asked a prosecutor's office to carry out an inspection regarding the procedure of drawing up a police report against him.

Ukraine asks EU to recognize DNR and LNR terrorist organisations

14.01.2015 Ukraine asks EU to recognize DNR and LNR terrorist organisations

The Verkhovna Rada asks the EU agencies to recognize the separatist “republics” of Donbas as terrorist organizations.

Mikalai Dziadok's mother asks MIA to stop haunting her son

14.01.2015 Mikalai Dziadok's mother asks MIA to stop haunting her son

Valiantsina Dziadok, the mother of the political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok, has addressed the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an open letter in which she expresses serious concern about the fate of her son, the pressure on whom in prison has been increased drastically in the recent time. She has told human rights defenders of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" about it.

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