News for October 2014

Football fans harassed on the eve of match with Ukraine

09.10.2014 Football fans harassed on the eve of match with Ukraine

On October 9, Barysau will host a match between the national football teams of Ukraine and Belarus. Meanwhile, the police have reportedly started haunting football fans, some of whom have been sentenced to administrative arrests for "swearing in public".

Political prisoner Vaskovich to be transferred to penal colony soon

09.10.2014 Political prisoner Vaskovich to be transferred to penal colony soon

Yauhen Vaskovich, who is serving a seven-year prison term for hooligan actions towards the building of the Babruisk KGB office, will be transferred from the cell-type prison No.4 to the penal colony No. 15 due to the expiry of the three-year term of keeping in the high-security prison. Both corrective institutions are situated in Mahiliou.

Brest: activists of independent trade union remind about labour rights

09.10.2014 Brest: activists of independent trade union remind about labour rights

Members of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry went out to the streets of Brest and handed out several hundreds of leaflets. According to the deputy head of the national TUREI organization, Zinaida Mikhniuk, the action was dated to the International Day for Decent Work and aims to expand the circle of people who are struggling for their rights.

Human rights activist Tamara Chikunova in Homel: “Our indifference means consent to legalized murder”

09.10.2014 Human rights activist Tamara Chikunova in Homel: “Our indifference means consent to legalized murder”

On October 8, Homel human rights activists held a meeting within the framework of the Week Against the Death Penalty, which was attended by mothersof those sentenced to death: the founder of the public association "Mothers against the Death Penalty and Torture" (Uzbekistan) Tamara Chikunova, Vileika resident Tamara Sialiun and Homel resident Volha Hrunova. Pavel Sialiun has been executed, Aliaksandr Hrunou is on death row now.

Hrodna journalists address Prosecutor General

09.10.2014 Hrodna journalists address Prosecutor General

Hrodna independent journalists have filed an open letter to the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus Aliaksandr Kaniuk. Members "of the Belarusian Association of Journalists" pay attention to the systematic harassment of freelance journalists by the police and the courts.

Official has been serving a prison term for two years already, but is still “responsible for mass events” in Vitsebsk

09.10.2014 Official has been serving a prison term for two years already, but is still “responsible for mass events” in Vitsebsk

Vitsebsk activists are trying to convince the executive committee of the necessity to amend the decision on mass events. The officials respond that it is flawless and meets all legal requirements. However, the official who is mentioned in it is serving a sentence for a bribe.

Invitation to the public lecture of Tamara Chikunova

09.10.2014 Invitation to the public lecture of Tamara Chikunova

Today, October 9, a lecture of the human rights activist Tamara Chikunova, the founder and head of the Uzbek organization "Mothers against the Death Penalty and Torture", will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the gallery of "Goliaths" (Valhahradskaya Street, 4a, metro station “Maskouskaya”).

International human rights defenders: Belarusian dictator openly supports the death penalty: the only hope is for the civil society (videos)

09.10.2014 International human rights defenders: Belarusian dictator openly supports the death penalty: the only hope is for the civil society (videos)

Chairperson of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty Florence Bellivier and FIDH President Karime Lahidji video addresses on the occasion of the Week against the Death Penalty in Belarus.

"Capital punishment": intentional murder in the name of law can't be justified (photo, video)

09.10.2014 "Capital punishment": intentional murder in the name of law can't be justified (photo, video)

October 7, the presentation of the joint photo project “Capital Punishment” by the photo journalist Siarhei Balai and the campaign "Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty in Belarus" took place in Minsk.

Independent journalist from Mahiliou fined 6 million rubles

08.10.2014 Independent journalist from Mahiliou fined 6 million rubles

Aliaksandr Burakou was punished for “cooperating with the foreign media”.

Baranavichy activist applied for a picket to mark anniversary of Belarusian “Kristallnacht”

08.10.2014 Baranavichy activist applied for a picket to mark anniversary of Belarusian “Kristallnacht”

October 6, civil society activist appealed to the head of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee in order to obtain permission for holding a one-person picket in the memory of victims of Stalin's repressions.

Babruisk: three more trade union activists dismissed from Tractor Details and Aggregates Plant

08.10.2014 Babruisk: three more trade union activists dismissed from Tractor Details and Aggregates Plant

The administration of the Belarusina Tractor Details and Aggregates Plant continues getting rid of members of the Free Trade Union of Belarus. This time, Aleh Shauchenka, Aliaksandr Benasik and Mikalai Zhybul have been informed that the labour contracts with them would not be extended. Recently it has also happened to Aliaksandr Varankin and Aliaksandr Hramyka.

Siarhei Balai: I put the question to which people need to answer on their own

07.10.2014 Siarhei Balai: I put the question to which people need to answer on their own

Before the opening of the photo exhibition "Capital Punishment" depicting mothers of the executed death row convicts, its author, photographer Siarhei Balai, gave an interview to the Human Rights Centre "Viasna".

Ministry of Education answered to “Oh, Bologna!” only after three months

07.10.2014 Ministry of Education answered to “Oh, Bologna!” only after three months

As it follows from the answer, the decision concerning the accession of Belarus to the Bologna process and made has been made and will not be discussed any more. However, the essence of the decision remains unknown: the ministry advised the activists to address members of the Chamber of Representatives to find about it.

Salihorskers send solidarity postcards to political prisoners (photos)

07.10.2014 Salihorskers send solidarity postcards to political prisoners (photos)

In Salihorsk, civil society activists have again sent postcards with words of support to Belarusian political prisoners.

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