News for April 2014

03.04.2014 Babruisk journalist questioned by Investigative Committee

On April 1, chief editor of the Bobruiskiy kurier independent weekly Anatol Sanatsenka was questioned at the Babruisk interdistrict department of the Investigative Committee, press-service of the Belarusian Association of Journalists reports.

Brest candidate seeks invalidation of election results

03.04.2014 Brest candidate seeks invalidation of election results

Valiantsina Maltsava, a resident of Brest who ran in the city’s constituency No. 3, has sent a complaint to the Brest Regional Election Commission. Earlier, she sent a similar statement to the City Election Commission, but the election officials refused to meet her demands.

Disabled rights NGO launches monitoring of barrier-free environment ahead of Hockey World Champ

03.04.2014 Disabled rights NGO launches monitoring of barrier-free environment ahead of Hockey World Champ

The Office of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities invites volunteers to monitor barrier-free environment of facilities constructed for the forthcoming Ice Hockey World Championship in Minsk.

Another student gets expelled for civil society activism

02.04.2014 Another student gets expelled for civil society activism

Institute of Journalism of the Belarusian State University expelled another active student, member of the Movement "For Freedom" Mikita Semianenka. As stated by the Institute leadership, he was expelled for academic failure, as Mikita did not get a credit in one of the subjects.

“Viasna” representatives take part in human rights events in Sweden

02.04.2014 “Viasna” representatives take part in human rights events in Sweden

These days in Stockholm, Days of Belarus are held by the human rights organization Östgruppen, and the second annual conference Defenders' Days - 2014 is held by Civil Rights Defenders.

Civil Rights Defenders declare Ales Bialiatski Defender of the Year 2014

02.04.2014 Civil Rights Defenders declare Ales Bialiatski Defender of the Year 2014

Ales Bialiatski , founder of the Belarusian human rights organisation Viasna, is the recipient of the 2014 Civil Rights Defender of the Year Award. For over 30 years, he has pursued a life of continuous struggle to campaign for democracy and human rights, first in the Soviet Union and then in Belarus.

02.04.2014 Belarusian Ambassador was shown the door in Brussels

The representative of official Minsk was not allowed to attend the Euronest session.

Hrodna human rights defenders are summoned to police again

02.04.2014 Hrodna human rights defenders are summoned to police again

Hrodna human rights defenders Uladzimin Khilmanovich, Raman Yurhel and Viktar Sazonau are to visit the Leninski District Police Department of Hrodna on April 3.

Alena Kavalenka to be tried for unauthorized picket

02.04.2014 Alena Kavalenka to be tried for unauthorized picket

Alena Kavalenka, activist of the Conservative-Christian Party “Belarusian Popular Front”and wife of a former political prisoner Siarhei Kavalenka, took part in an electoral picket together with another CCP BPF activist, Yan Dziarzhautsau, on March 22. They stood there with a poster “Boycott the electoral farce!”

Mahiliou journalist asks the police to find the crackers of the website «Free Format»

02.04.2014 Mahiliou journalist asks the police to find the crackers of the website «Free Format»

Journalist Ales Burakou has filed an appropriate appeal to the Mahiliou police. He asks to identify the persons who hacked passwords and deleted the content of the site and bring them to legal account.

Baranavichy: former candidate asks the court to punish Chair of the election commission

01.04.2014 Baranavichy: former candidate asks the court to punish Chair of the election commission

A former candidate for deputy Mikalai Charnavus has filed an appeal to the Brest Regional Court concerning the unlawful actions of Chairperson of the Western election constituency No. 21 Larysa Antonava.

Supreme Court supports the verdicts of the Baranavichy city and Brest regional courts in the case of the Milavidy festival

01.04.2014 Supreme Court supports the verdicts of the Baranavichy city and Brest regional courts in the case of the Milavidy festival

Civil society activist Viktar Syrytsa received an answer to his complaint from Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court V. Kalinkovich. As it is stated in the answer, the complaint against the verdict of Judge of the Baranvichy City and District Court Katsiaryna Hruda of July 31, 2013 and the verdict of Judge of the Brest Regional Court Natallia Surma of August 29, 2013 in the case of the Milavidy festival was considered with an examination of the case materials.

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